What should I cook for him?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so POF guy #5 (or 4 Ionno but guy 5 sounds cool) and I have been getting along really well. We see each other maybe 2-3 times a week and talk everyday. So, I've decided to finally cook a real dinner for him. But, I'm having trouble deciding what to cook! I don't know whether southern comfort foods are a good first dinner or if I should go ethnic with Indian or Mexican? Or should I keep it simple with a steak? What about dessert? He likes sweets but I know men don't like sweets like we do so should I just do cheesecake or would icecream be to kiddie?

I'll probably cook for him next Tuesday since Monday is Halloween and we'll be up and down answering the door to much to enjoy dinner.

I need y'all's help!!


Update: He had to go out of town for work so we had dinner last night.

I took y'alls advice and kept it simple with no candles or anything elaborate for food. I cooked a mexican dish that easy for me. It was shrimp, with rice, peppers, onions and tomatoes sauteed in olive oil then topped with monterey jack cheese and black pepper. I had brownies for dessert with vanilla icecream and toppings. The toppings really made it kinda fun! (not that kind of fun!LOL!) Thank y'all because I didn't think of brownies.
We had Coronas and later made magaritas in keeping with the latin theme. (yeah I know brownies aren't mexican but meh...lol)

He really liked the food and had fun with the icecream and toppings. (keep ya mind out tha gutta!:lachen:) I'll do it again soon but he says he will return the favor and cook for me.

Thanks for all the help ladies!
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Don't cook that ninja sh-it. :lol:

But no for real, ask him what he likes and go from there.

I did ask him what his favorites were and he just said that he would eat anything. I pressed him on it saying he had to like somethings better than others...he just said he likes to eat. No help at all. But I did find out that he doesn't have any food allergies. LOL!
^^What are ya'll going to be doing? If you're going to be watching a football game, I'd cook those types of foods. I'd do a variety of homemade chicken wings (lemon pepper, honey bbq, hot, plain, etc) , queso, meatballs, some type of dip or something. But, if you all are just going to be chilling watching a movie or just chilling period, I'd do a real plated meal. Cook what you like to cook and out of your top meals, I'd cook him #5 or #6 on the list. Wait a lil' longer to give him the #10.

So, it really depends on the circumstances. I still have exe's who call me every now & then on game day feenin' for some of my football food. Guys remember stuff like that.
How about some salmon, asparagus and wild rice?
Or steak, potato-au-gratin, and some steamed veggies?
Fried chicken, corn (not on the cob cuz you're teeth will look crazy, LOL), and whatever sides you have in mind.

For dessert you can't miss with a chocolate cake. You can make brownies a la mode. :)

Dang, now I'm hungry. :(
^^What are ya'll going to be doing? If you're going to be watching a football game, I'd cook those types of foods. I'd do a variety of homemade chicken wings (lemon pepper, honey bbq, hot, plain, etc) , queso, meatballs, some type of dip or something. But, if you all are just going to be chilling watching a movie or just chilling period, I'd do a real plated meal. Cook what you like to cook and out of your top meals, I'd cook him #5 or #6 on the list. Wait a lil' longer to give him the #10.

So, it really depends on the circumstances. I still have exe's who call me every now & then on game day feenin' for some of my football food. Guys remember stuff like that.

Dang girl you on it! I didn't even consider what we will be doing. Probably watching a movie or playing Wii or Uno. And I also didn't consider holding back on my best stuff! :lachen: Hmmm....now I have to figure out what movie. Do I need candles for the table or is that too much for the first meal?
more meal ideas:

grilled chicken stir fry, side salad
steak, mashed potatoes, green beans
pasta - chicken broccoli alfredo, side salad, breadsticks
fried chicken, sweet potatos/yams, broccoli w/cheese
grilled fish, rice pilaf & veggie of choice
How about some salmon, asparagus and wild rice?
Or steak, potato-au-gratin, and some steamed veggies?
Fried chicken, corn (not on the cob cuz you're teeth will look crazy, LOL), and whatever sides you have in mind.

For dessert you can't miss with a chocolate cake. You can make brownies a la mode. :)

Dang, now I'm hungry. :(

I only know how to make salmon cakes not the steaks. But they are easy and tasty and I do have some salmon in the pantry. Brownies and ice cream!! That sounds great! Easy too!
Dang girl you on it! I didn't even consider what we will be doing. Probably watching a movie or playing Wii or Uno. And I also didn't consider holding back on my best stuff! :lachen: Hmmm....now I have to figure out what movie. Do I need candles for the table or is that too much for the first meal?

Me personally? I'd save the candles for a romantic meal when I knew for sure we were exclusive.

But, then again - depending on how you play it, it could add to the ambiance.


eta:Oh, and don't forget to check out the divascancook website. Her recipes have never failed me.
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My go to recipe is crawfish Monica it's a seafood pasta. There's bunches of recipes online for it. My go to dessert is chocolate chip cookies from scratch. Fairly easy and quickies.

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I would go with a pasta dish, side salad and rolls. Along with a dessert. But I wouldn't bake the dessert, I would just pick up an apple pie and some ice cream.
I say keep it simple. If start off with your best Paula Dean, you are going to kill yourself trying to top yourself.

I say grilled ck and rice. He supplies the white wine.
Red velvet cake or cupcakes for dessert. :lick: I'm biased cause I just made one. Yum!

If you decide to fry what about the fry smell in the house? Lucie suggestions sounded delish too.
Thanks everyone! You all have given me some great options and things to consider. I will leave out the candles...not there yet. I won't cook anything that will smell up the house. Great advice ladies! I forgot about stinking up the house! LOL!!
How much time prep time do you need? I ask because I tried a recipe where you cover chicken breasts with salsa and cook them (on low) in a crock pot for 6 to 8 hours. Once they're finished cooking, you shred the meat and make SUPER tasty tacos with it. :lick: It's easy, tasty, and portable (which is good if you'll be watching movie or playing Wii). :drunk: As for desserts, I second @Lucie's suggestion for brownies a la mode. :yep:
First thing I cooked for my POF guy was pecan crusted salmon. He actually requested that when I asked him what he likes.
How much time prep time do you need? I ask because I tried a recipe where you cover chicken breasts with salsa and cook them (on low) in a crock pot for 6 to 8 hours. Once they're finished cooking, you shred the meat and make SUPER tasty tacos with it. :lick: It's easy, tasty, and portable (which is good if you'll be watching movie or playing Wii). :drunk: As for desserts, I second @Lucie's suggestion for brownies a la mode. :yep:

That sounds easy! I have all day to prepare the food. Or at least make it seem like I worked all day on it because for sure I'm gonna be like "Man, I been slaving away over a hot stove all day....blah blah blah".:lachen:
I had not cooked it before but I had the dish before. I love experimenting in the kitchen so I pretty much tweaked the recipe to my taste.

I actually posted the recipe on my site and when he saw it his eyes lit up and he said "hey I had that!" :lol: that was cute
tarheelgurl Your Mexican dish you made sounds so good and simple, especially since I love vegetables. I know you explained what you cooked in the original post but I'm new to cooking, can you provide a recipe please? Or at least help walk me through the cooking steps so I don't make a disaster in the kitchen?

Glad your date went well!
@tarheelgurl Your Mexican dish you made sounds so good and simple, especially since I love vegetables. I know you explained what you cooked in the original post but I'm new to cooking, can you provide a recipe please? Or at least help walk me through the cooking steps so I don't make a disaster in the kitchen?

Glad your date went well!
[USER]ellebelle88[/USER] I don't have a recipe because I tried to copy a dish I had at a restaurant but I will tell you how I made it.

I chop up an onion (2 when I'm cooking for 2 people) long ways to make strands and start cooking them in about 2 tablespoons of olive oil. I start them first because I like them carmalized. Once they start to visually cook I add the peppers. Then once the onions are starting to turn brownish I add the tomatoes.

Each time I add an ingredient I season with cumin. I also add garlic powder and Mrs. Dash and black pepper but not as much as the cumin and only after I add the tomatoes. When I add the tomatoes I add raw shrimp and cook the entire thing until the shrimp are done.
Side note: I have also done this before where I grilled the shrimp separately from the veggies and then put the veggie mix over the top. I think I like that way better because I think the grilled shrimp taste better and they have a better bite to them. But when I'm pressed for time I just put them all in the same pan.

When the shrimp are just about done I add the cheese and black pepper. Just a sprinkle of pepper is needed. Usually, I don't stir the cheese in, I just turn the heat down a little and let the cheese melt on top like a sauce. Its prettier that way. When I grill the shrimp, I put the shrimp on top of the rice then the veggies then the cheese in a pyrex dish then put it in the oven until the cheese melts.

I usually put my rice on before the veggies or at least start the water.

Its really easy and I think you can add whatever other spices you like. You can even make it italian by just changing the spices. Its fairly quick but tasty! HTH!
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I have nothing to add but just curious. How long have you been dating?

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