What quirky things do you like most about your SO or hubby?


Well-Known Member
Things besides his looks and him being a good man... just silly things that really draw you to him that he prob wouldn't expect.

I really like to hear my SO talk, he has a really heavy untainted straight up BKLYN American accent :lol:. I realize he tempers it a bit when he's talking to me, but when I hear him on the phone w/ his friends you hear all BK slang :lachen:. I love it, fits his voice perfectly. His voice was the first thing that I noticed when I met him :lick:. On the flip side, he knows how to articulate himself very well, but that Brooklyn American slang/way of speaking is embedded in him :lol: It's all up an through his voice alone.
He would probably look at me like :huh: if he knew I loved this about him. I'm fussy like that, there are certain quirks that can either make or break a man for me, and this is one of them.
I Like that my hubby always compliments me and tells me how much he appreciates me. and i like how he makes the pouty face whenever he's hungry and wants me to cook for him :)..he can be such a baby.
When he tries to swear which he rarely does but it is so funny when he tries in English because all the words get jumbled.
How his facial hair grows about 1/2 inch per day. seriously

How he pretends to attempt to help me in the kitchen even though he is waiting on the moment I tell him to "go sit down, I got this"... he makes a cute face when he thinks he outsmarted me.

How he wakes up in the middle of the night just to kiss and cuddle me.

How he makes up all these silly names for me. "squishy" "pishy" "pushy" "boobie" etc etc

How he texts me "I love you" in the middle of the day... every day
When he does this voice I can't desribe it or when he calls his mom or sister in that voice LOL its jus soo funny.

Ahh...this makes me wanna call him:)
The look on his face when he is concentrating... It reminds me of a kid. How he interacts with my 6 y/o bro. My little brother likes to IM my friends on AIM (he calls it texting) and my bay always obliges. Even though my bro is the slowest typer ever. Also his big nerd glasses. He can be a bit of a nerd so it's cute to me :)
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When he gets mad and irritated with me and says with his fists in the air...ooooh if you weren't so beautiful and know how to kiss... I then laugh and give him some sugar lips. That is his cute way of saying shut the hell up and kiss me. LOL
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This thread is too cute :)

His bowlegs complete turn on for me :grin:

When I call him and he answers "Hey Gorgeous"

When he lays his head in my lap so I can rub his head and he completely falls asleep when I do that

His scent.........I can nuzzle his neck and inhale his scent all day
Awww, this is an adorable thread.

DH does voices. He's a really good mimic, and he can have me in tears with the right phrase in the right voice at the right time - tears!! :lol: :infatuated:
I love how if I make a point of asking him to clean up something (say the kitchen) he does a better job at it than I do

When he gets up before me for work he'll always turn the tv on the weather channel for me before he leaves because he knows its the first thing I check in the morning.

The way his eyes light up when he talks about his mom, younger brother and son.
He randomly kisses me in the middle of the night.

He can be such a geek - science and space stuff.

He can kill a man with his pinky -- not really, but he can kick someone's *** pretty good.
When he falls asleep on my shoulder, or sleeping in general, he looks SO angelic!

How he pronouces "Monster" like "Munster" and swears thats the correct way to say it.

The way he laughs, it's nothing short of cute.
I love it when I lay down and he says "come here mama" or "come here babygirl"

I like when he winks at me when he's saying something, it's not a sexual wink, more of a cocky one :lol:
When we were first married, he would not close the door when sitting on the THRONE. I would sit in the living room and look at him like he was crazy!!! Then he would start play-mad yelling about how it was normal!!! Shoot! I"m Episcopal!

That was cute/funny, then one time the cat ran in, jumped up and kicked him in the nuts and he stopped. :giggle:
When we were first married, he would not close the door when sitting on the THRONE. I would sit in the living room and look at him like he was crazy!!! Then he would start play-mad yelling about how it was normal!!! Shoot! I"m Episcopal!

That was cute/funny, then one time the cat ran in, jumped up and kicked him in the nuts and he stopped. :giggle:

That cat is gangsta:lachen:

Kitties just can't resist dangling things. LMAO!
How he raises his eyebrow....

How he winks at me...

How he bursts out laughing and taps on his leg or any nearby flat surface...

Those are a a few of the things that make him cute.
There are so many things I like about my husband but one of the funniest things about him is how intently he watches movies. He's like a little kid! He sits there all quiet and in a trance. Just this evening I told him that from now on when he's getting on my nerves I'm going to pop in a DVD!:lachen:I imagine that when we have children he'll be right on the floor with them watching cartoons and eating cereal on Saturday mornings while mama sleeps in :grin:
He smacks his food when he is eating. Usually I hate it when people do that but when he does it it's too cute.
I also thinks it's sweet when he doesn't take no for an answer (No, baby I have an headache) and he does whatever he wants to "Baby, I can't help myself"...and I always thank him for being so persistent...lol
^^^^^^I love it when my boo does both of these as well, lol

And like today, just out of the blue, he brought home a bouquet of my favorite flowers for me.

I just like watching him walk. His swagger is just...whoa, and he's bowlegged too!
He irons his jeans
I think he might be a socialist... deep down inside
he's such a picky eater...all he eats is chicken breast
When he text me everyday "I love the way ur eyes shine in the light. Missing you all days babe"

When he calls me everyday & says"have I told you how beautiful you are today?"

When he brings me fresh picked flowers for no reason

The way he can't sleep unless he right up under me

When he pulls over the car when our songs come on & we dance like no1 is watching

Thanks for this post. Cuz my S.O really ticked me off this past weekend & I really needed 2 realize just how good he is to me.
I like when he wears a new scent & waves it in my direction to be sure I notice

When he wiggles his nonexistent eyebrows and smiles his naughty smile @ me

When he teases me

When he calls me some silly nickname, like peanut butter & jelly (they always change)

When I catch him looking @ me when he thinks I'm not looking

The cocky way he drives

When he snores....it's normally soft and SO cute
When he tries to sing and since he has no singing skills and can't seem to get the melody together, I have to listen really hard to the words to know what song he is singing.:lachen:

When he tells a joke that's not funny and I laugh because he really thought it was a good joke and he gets excited and has to tell another one.:rolleyes:

He speaks very proper but when he's playing with my kids and tries to talk slang (to get them to laugh), he just sounds like a hot mess.:nono: