What positive things have people said about your hair?


Well-Known Member
I know we have a lot of threads where people say you can't grow hair, and all that. They have their place but sometimes I want to hear some good news, optimist that I am. What are some of the positive things that people have said about your hair recently. I hope there are some positive responses out there!

I'll go first. I was told that my hair was so thick, long and beautiful the other day (albeit reluctantly like pulling teeth for her to say it but at least she did!:look:) by my aunt.

Also I have a hair rinse that I've been leaving on my hair for faster growth, and my boyfriend's hair line has a tiny "recession" so tiny that I didn't notice until he pointed it out. Sad as he's nearing his 30's. So I started putting my rinse on it, and I took a picture of the start (he was visiting for the Holidays as he's out of medical school for three weeks and came to visit my parents and I...his deal w/ his parents is a long story). So anyways my dad laughed and said that I couldn't do anything about it, but I thought what the hey! I might as well do it everyday to him, as I normally spritz my scalp.

To make a long story short three weeks later I was astonished and so was my dad. The before and after pics shut him up, and he started examining his head himself marveling saying how I should give some of my product to my uncle who is balding.

This is my DAD who never gives ANYONE props.

So even though that story isn't about me, it did make me feel good to know that the stuff I've been researching on lhcf and online works! I worked hard to put stuff together and see what works and what doesn't, and to sift through the hype, so it's good to hear what I've been thinking all along come into fruition.

What's your positive happy story, or stories?
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HA, my parents used to always tell me my hair was long! Even though my mom screamed about difficulties in styling.

My cousins and the kids in school used to all say that I have long hair.

In school that used to say that my hair was long and pretty, and there was one other girl in the school who had real long (relaxed) hair and they used to say that we were twins or something.

boys used to play in my hair in school (all races)

girls as well.

One little girl came up to me not to long ago, in our place of worship and would not stop playing with the braid I had put my hair back into. she told me it was pretty and asked me could she braid my hair sometime (you gotta love children) MY BRAID could use some thickness work, but it is waaay thicker than it was last summer! LOL!
Yay! It's good to hear good stories. We all have things we can work on, but sometimes it just feels good to acknowledge and give thanks for what we have and all the good things that we've accomplished.

Anyone else out there? Come on Bump!

Don't tell me there aren't any more optimists out there...or good stories.
My mom always tells me that my hair is very healthy and that it has never broken off. (It has actually, but never anything serious)

Some other black girls at work said my hair was looking really healthy, they asked what I was doing? I answered that I no longer relaxed my hair.

I also got alot of compliments from my co-workers when I first started doing two strand twists.

Alot of people like my thick hair.
i always get compliments on my hair now that i no longer wear braids. people are shocked at how long my hair is because i guess people assume that if one wears braids, they must not have any hair! anyway, i am told while the braids were cool, my hair makes me look more sophisticated and feminine than the braids.
I know it has to be more Hair Compliments than this!

I haven't gotten any, Negative or Postive LOL!!

That's what I was thinking. That negative thread is getting huge. So I thought, why not do the opposite? It's good to feel good too.

I hope others chime in soon.

BTW I'm sure you're in for some compliments, and at least, there wasn't anything negative said!!!
there is one lady at work that constantly tells me it seems my hair grows overnight

this other lady said "look at that hair, its beautiful"
WELL, I started the negative thread. And of course it got a lot of comments...there is a lot of passion, involved with black women and their hair.

AND LETS ALL BE HONEST....we see a LOT MORE negative hair messages from friends/family/media than there are positive messages. That's why I felt like the board was a haven where I could post that experience and get replies from a site where there are like minded people who have had the same struggles/issues.

Hair is a serious issue for black women, and like it or not, we have been so affected by a eurocentric view of beauty, that many of us have been victim of "hair discrimination" in some form or another.

So in some ways, it's easy to think of all the negative messages you have received about your hair, particularly if they come from friends and family, than the positive ones.

YES, MY MOTHER WAS FRUSTRATED WITH STYLING MY WILD AND CURLY HAIR....AND YES, SHE TOLD ME MY HAIR WAS KNOTTY lol...but after it was finished she would lovingly touch it and also tell me that my hair was long and beautiful.

Once, when my husband was just my boyfriend and she'd just styled it, she said, he's going to think you are some kind of indian chick with all that long hair swinging in the wind.

Then there were all the boys and girls of all races that would play in my hair.

BUT STILL, it's easier, when you are seven years old and shivering with fear that your edges would be pressed, to remember THAT, then say, some cute 11th grader, white, black or whatever telling you that your hair was pretty, ORRRRRR that comment mom made regarding my silky hair.


even with the compliments..


I love where I live now.

i can just slap my bsl hair back in a pretty braid, let it air dry and still get compliments...


Anyway, i think this is why the positive thread is not flourishing like the negative thread, but i really appreciate your sentiment as well, as it feels good to talk about the positive!
It's wierd but when I'm due for a relaxer and my natural curlies are coming through, people always say "Gee, I didn't know you had 'good hair' or ""Oh my goodness, you have 'good hair':look:." Should I be excited about that or what? I think they're shocked because I'm all black and not a mixed chick. Anyhoo, IDK:ohwell:. I have really pretty curlies when my hair is natural but I still like my hair relaxed.
It's wierd but when I'm due for a relaxer and my natural curlies are coming through, people always say "Gee, I didn't know you had 'good hair' or ""Oh my goodness, you have 'good hair':look:." Should I be excited about that or what? I think they're shocked because I'm all black and not a mixed chick. Anyhoo, IDK:ohwell:. I have really pretty curlies when my hair is natural but I still like my hair relaxed.

BWHAHAHAH I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. An older white woman said this to me. Your hair is so shiny and curly....and SHE TOUCHED IT.. That felt weird. I know her, she goes to my place of worship....i had my hair pulled back in a bun and the front of my hair is really curly. I know exactly what you mean!
Here are some I've received:
-"Ooo, looks like you just got your hair done! Pretty!" (I then tell them I do it myself and get more oohs and aahs, LOL. )
-"Your joint is like Pocahontas'" (I don't think my hair is long by LHCF standards, but IRL people think it's on the long-ish side. My SO's roommate said that to me.)
-"Your hair is getting longer? It looks so nice." (My mom)
-"I like your hair." (My classmates, when I wear a new style, like a braidout, or a bun with a side braid in front, or some up, some down).

I get more positive comments instead of negative. My SO told me "Ya, I've noticed that your hair isn't all over the place any more" (meaning he doesn't see broken hairs any more in the bathroom after I comb my hair).
Oh, and lets not forget the other day in Wal-mart when some ghetto chick came up to me and said... "ooowee is dat all yo hurr?" :lachen:I'm guessing/hoping it was a compliment!
A couple of my mom's friends tell me they love my hair no matter how I wear it. One day not too long ago I wore a WnG w/no product and while it was full of movement, it got SO big and I thought it was so ugly but this lady walked up to me, put her hands on my shoulders and was like I love your hair! I wish mine looked like that!

Two girls walking by my cube:
Girl 1: Hi, E!
Me: Hey!
Girl 1: great hair today
Girl 2: oh her hair is always pretty
Me: thanks girls!
As they were walking away #1 was like isn't her hair great? I love it!

I think the ultimate compliment is when people are willing to listen to the advice you lend.
I visit my hometown every 2 months or so. Last time I went my sister commented that my hair has gotten really long. :yep:

BTW.... what's in that rinse girlie? :lachen:
:evillaugh: to bolden

No seriously I am a cook like my mom, I eye ball stuff and know what's right so I couldn't give you the exact proportions but it really is an easy rinse that I just use in a squirt bottle everyday as a growth aid. I do think the proportions matter cause when I change it it doesn't work as well. It consists of nettle, rosemary (don't use if you are pregnant or have high blood pressure), distilled water, (if you have them) peach pits (bashed and strained), sage (I'm talking about the herbs chopped up and boiled down and then strained). Sadly that's the last time I've been able to find peaches. I knew that it was going to be scarce so I bought like four, cut them up for their peach pits (I looked insane to my relatives) and stored them in zip lock bags for future usage). I put it in a bottle with some all natural stuff that I found online so it doesn't spoil or get bacteria and that's it. Or you can just use it for only a week and refridgerate. I also had him drinking nettle tea, but I've noticed the internal benefits of nettle tea takes at least a few weeks before it's in your system enough to show up in the hair, and he wasn't here that long. If you can find nettle tea it really helps with hair growth, just drink it like black tea everyday (it tastes pretty much the same). HTH

I use it when I wash, and daily on the scalp even though I'm natural. As I'm braided, I just squirt it on the scalp. When not I put it in two oils that really work.

For him I just used it in water form so it could seep in best.
WELL, I started the negative thread. And of course it got a lot of comments...there is a lot of passion, involved with black women and their hair.

AND LETS ALL BE HONEST....we see a LOT MORE negative hair messages from friends/family/media than there are positive messages. That's why I felt like the board was a haven where I could post that experience and get replies from a site where there are like minded people who have had the same struggles/issues.

Hair is a serious issue for black women, and like it or not, we have been so affected by a eurocentric view of beauty, that many of us have been victim of "hair discrimination" in some form or another.

So in some ways, it's easy to think of all the negative messages you have received about your hair, particularly if they come from friends and family, than the positive ones.

YES, MY MOTHER WAS FRUSTRATED WITH STYLING MY WILD AND CURLY HAIR....AND YES, SHE TOLD ME MY HAIR WAS KNOTTY lol...but after it was finished she would lovingly touch it and also tell me that my hair was long and beautiful.

Once, when my husband was just my boyfriend and she'd just styled it, she said, he's going to think you are some kind of indian chick with all that long hair swinging in the wind.

Then there were all the boys and girls of all races that would play in my hair.

BUT STILL, it's easier, when you are seven years old and shivering with fear that your edges would be pressed, to remember THAT, then say, some cute 11th grader, white, black or whatever telling you that your hair was pretty, ORRRRRR that comment mom made regarding my silky hair.


even with the compliments..


I love where I live now.

i can just slap my bsl hair back in a pretty braid, let it air dry and still get compliments...


Anyway, i think this is why the positive thread is not flourishing like the negative thread, but i really appreciate your sentiment as well, as it feels good to talk about the positive!

Yeah there's more negative,which is why I was trying to see some light in the dark so to speak. Thanks for appreciating my sentiment!

BTW I forgot to add, I think pin straight is valued some places, but not all.

When I lived in Germany (I spent my childhood there as my dad was in the army) , people always told me how beautiful I was, and that my hair was so beautiful (all Germans).

Also I think people are starting to appreciate the diversity that is out there. I do think you're right about the negative being larger, but I think if more of us are sporting healthy versions of hair whether curly or straight, then that helps.

I know my mouth drops in marvel at dreads (in top condition of course!) as well as a gorgeous relaxed head.
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BWHAHAHAH I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. An older white woman said this to me. Your hair is so shiny and curly....and SHE TOUCHED IT.. That felt weird. I know her, she goes to my place of worship....i had my hair pulled back in a bun and the front of my hair is really curly. I know exactly what you mean!

I'm definitely getting feelitis all the time now!
Lately I've been moisturizing, sealing, and bunning my hair. So today I took my hair out of the bun to let it 'breathe'. DH pulls my hair and runs his fingers through it. He said 'Your hair has gotten ridiculously long and beautiful.' Y'all its only shoulder length (2 inches from BSL). I appreciated that from him. Cause when I used to put my hair in a ponytail, he'd say it was a 'crackhead ponytail' :perplexed:. At least I don't hear that anymore.
the best complements for me, are from men.

one guy just loves my hair. he loves it maybe more than i do. he said its so thick that he could sleep in it and would help me DC and do protein treatments. i loved to hear that.
My guy friend LOVES my twistouts. He just kept playing with it saying "this hair is so cute" and that I should go natural. Then I told him I'd have to cut it, and he was not "NO DON'T! Just .. keep letting it grow. No cuts."

Last time I straightened it, someone told me it was flawless.

Alot of people said it was pretty.

My BFF just told me on the phone that it was beautiful.
:evillaugh: to bolden

No seriously I am a cook like my mom, I eye ball stuff and know what's right so I couldn't give you the exact proportions but it really is an easy rinse that I just use in a squirt bottle everyday as a growth aid. I do think the proportions matter cause when I change it it doesn't work as well. It consists of nettle, rosemary (don't use if you are pregnant or have high blood pressure), distilled water, (if you have them) peach pits (bashed and strained), sage (I'm talking about the herbs chopped up and boiled down and then strained). Sadly that's the last time I've been able to find peaches. I knew that it was going to be scarce so I bought like four, cut them up for their peach pits (I looked insane to my relatives) and stored them in zip lock bags for future usage). I put it in a bottle with some all natural stuff that I found online so it doesn't spoil or get bacteria and that's it. Or you can just use it for only a week and refridgerate. I also had him drinking nettle tea, but I've noticed the internal benefits of nettle tea takes at least a few weeks before it's in your system enough to show up in the hair, and he wasn't here that long. If you can find nettle tea it really helps with hair growth, just drink it like black tea everyday (it tastes pretty much the same). HTH

I use it when I wash, and daily on the scalp even though I'm natural. As I'm braided, I just squirt it on the scalp. When not I put it in two oils that really work.

For him I just used it in water form so it could seep in best.

Lord have mercy!! I would NEVER be able to duplicate that! :lachen: Can't you just make me some..... PWEEEEESE?! :prettyplease:
Great thread. I love hearing positive things said about our hair. I actually had three separate hair compliment incidents that happened last week alone. Observe:

Monday: I was at the gym about to take a class. A woman came up to me and said, "Your hair is absolutely stunning! I couldn't stop staring at it!" I was like :blush: and thanked her. Then she said she could tell I was natural and started asking me about how I care for my hair. She made my whole night.

Wednesday: I was in downtown Atlanta for a meeting. Upon leaving the parking lot, I was looking down in my purse to get out my money. When I lifted my head up, the attendant said, "Ooooh ... your hair so pretty!" Again, I was like :blush: and thanked her.

Thursday: I was at a fast food drive thru window :sekret: when again, I bent my head down to get my money, lifted it up and the fast food girl said, "You have beautiful hair. How'd you get those waves? Are those natural?" Again ... I was flattered. I had to quickly tell her about my natural hair regimen before all the cars behind me started honking.

Don't really know why so many people noticed my hair last week (I was only wearing it in a boring bun), but it sure made me feel great!
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A little OT but I get more comments from white men/women...

I'm sure there are a lot reasons why this could be but I've always wondered why
Maybe cuz it's gorgeous, Taradyan!!!

There's a guy in SO's bike club that constantly compliments me on the way my hair smells. I don't think SO likes it very much :giggle:

A lady stopped me in the store and told me my hair was so healthy and pretty then asked where I got my hair done. When I told her I did it myself she was like :blush: She then told me she was a stylist and was looking for more stylists to fill a couple chairs in her salon and wanted whoever it was that had my hair looking so good. She told me I did a great job and should think about getting licensed. I told her I like to do hair, but not everybody's :laugh: