Is it something in the water?! Let's all say something positive about our hair!

Since joining LHCF and using the tips that I've learned here, my hair looks better and is healthier than when I used to pay $$$ to get it done.

I have:

1) retained more growth
2) experienced less breakage
3) gained the confidence to do my hair at home and feel good about it!
I love my hair. I have made significant progress since I found this site. My relaxer experience in July was the best hair straightening experience of my life, and we're talking 20+ years of relaxing. My hair is growing well, yet I feel no great need to relax it again as I now know how to take care of the new growth - gone are the days of relaxing every 4-6 weeks. I'll see how I feel about it next month; I probably won't relax until late late September or early October. My ends are NOT breaking - this is such a tremendous accomplishment for mem and it means that I will be able to retain the length. I am straight, strong, and shiny - I have wonderful hair. I love im'ing with my big sis giving my hair report, and getting kudos, suggestions, and tips.

I love my hair - thank you ladies of LHCF!