What made your hair GROW??


New Member
Hey Ladies,

Im trying so hard to get my hair growing. I need your advice. My hair has been stuck on shoulder length for about EVER.lol...well like what is your favorite hair line? Which provides the most moisture and strength? WHat hair types makes yourn hair grow. I dont know what to ask...Ladies juss lemme know everything...:ohwell::drunk:
My hair would not do a thing for me before I took this challenge last year....nothing!!!
I can't believe my progress.
My hubby couldn't even believe it. :look:
I'm not SL, but that's okay for now.
You should have seen me a few days ago :drunk::spinning:
...dancing around the house like I lost my marbles. :spinning::yep:
IF you didn't know me you'd think I lost my ever loving mind! :look:
So that's my story in brief. :yep:
Hope that helps!

Oh, for moisture I use BB Hair lotion and various oils.
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Your question is too broad. :ohwell:
What are your hair stats that way the people that have similar hair goals can give you a more focused response. My philosophy is health before length.

I find that keeping my hair moist causes the most growth and protecting my ends(shea butter for now) helps me retain growth. I am liking the strength form using Ayurvedic Products and that a deep conditioner- every time you wash your hair is the best thing you can do for our dry hair.
Well what are you doing now? What's your regimen and which products do you use?

If you're SL, it's crucial that you do protective styles. SL is the most vulnerable to breakage, so you need to keep those ends tucked away!

When I first joined, I was above SL, now (almost a year later) I'm almost APL. I was very diligent and dedicated to my hair and regimen. I washed and dc'ed once a week, moisturized and protective styled during the day, and baggied my ends at night. I also used Lenzi's Request mixed with Capzacin. I did this without fail, and that got me past SL.

You have to be patient and consistant. Baby those ends, moisturize daily, dc AT LEAST once a week, and you WILL see results :yep: HTH!
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If you are getting touch-ups, then your hair is growing. If it is not getting longer, you are not retaining it all. You may want to reexamine how you handle you hair while shampooing and how often you are combing it. You may want to start wearing your hair up more often, as well. Also, check your moisture level! Your need to be moist and ALL times! The list goes on and on, but I am am going to bet that you are not retaining length. Even if you use growth aids to make your hair grow faster, it will be pointless if you are still doing the same things to prevent retention of it.
I agree with honey dew, your hair is growing... now you have to maintain and keep that growth (or as much as possible).

Three things helped me get past the SL slump.... Protective styling, moisterizing, and stretching... That was it. I didn't do any drastic things (although I played with MTG for a minute) like conitioner washes, shampooing every day, special pills, etc... (works for some, but didn't work for me) What worked for me was simplicity. And those 3 things got me from SL to APL. Now, I stick with moisterizing and stretching. I'm not a huge "real" protective styler anymore. I mean, I only wrap & roller set (semi protective styling). But after I grew out a bit, I grew tired of buns and love wearing my hair down. It's healthier than ever now :)

Good luck to you!

ETA: I forgot no (low) direct heat. I didn't use direct heat much pre-LHCF. But I certainly don't now. I have heat on my head max 2 times a month... And that's ONLY when I'm going to the salon for a blow-out or flat iron press. I don't use direct heat on my hair at home.
My hair grew thanks to a combination of scalp massages with jojoba+peppermint oil, DC once a week (Keracare Humecto), gently detangling with a wide tooth comb and moisturizing my ends on a daily basis with a mixture of water and a light conditioner (baggy if necessary once a week). I also do two strand twists on my hair every week as a protective style
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Low heat, and minimal manipulation, but honestly, The AAA Experiment took my hair to a whole 'nutha level! :grin:

ETA: For me, the AAA experiment consisted of a combo of indian oils and powders (there's a thread). Also, I use the entire Gro-Aut regimen and will continue to do so FO LIFE! :yep: (www.myfasthairgrowth.com)
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Frequent washes (the massaging of the scalp and removing any dirt which allows my hair to grow)
Low manipulation (wearing twists and box braids a lot, and only detangling/combing my hair every 2-3wks(finger combing while washing if my hair is loose)).
DEEP TREATMENTS!!!! (These are key to the strength of any regimen)
Only clipping my ends during the new moon in Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio. (only a smidgen gets cut)
Wearing silk/satin scarves around collar of wool coats to protect the hair. (wool eats AA hair)

Coneless products as rule, only adding products with cones when you feel you need it, as the build up will break any hair off, if hair is not clarified.

All hair grows. Just keeping what you have is the key, and what I mentioned has helped me alot.

Good Luck!!!
I wash my hair once a week or once every two weeks. I wear it down and sometimes I wear it up. I think good hair habits helped me grow my hair out. I learn so much from the members here.
Assuming that you hair is healthy, keeping it up off your shoulders until it grows past shoulder length really helps. That was one of the best pieces of information I learned from LHCF.