What little things does he do to make you feel appreciated?

He buys me my favorite flowers on a weekly basis...
He cooks my favorite meals when I'm too tired to do so...
He buys me little cards or cheap gifts that make me laugh...
Tells me that his future is my future so he is running all future plans past me. There are a lot of things in store for 2010.

Tellling me that he is working hard so when I am the Mrs, I won't have to worry about a thing. He always lets me know that he is working toward future security.

Telling me I am beautiful, even when I feel yucky.

Asking me does my mother need anything and if she does to let him know because he knows how important my family is to me.
He kisses me in my sleep.

He cleans up (and I mean really clean up!) when I'm too tired.

He cooked me a candlelit dinner for my birthday.

He tells me I'm beautiful everyday even I look scary ugly.

He tells me he loves me everyday.

He goes shopping with me and never loses patience even if it takes hours. Example: I tried 20 pairs of boots before settling for a pair.

I heard from his friends and co-workers that he talks about me all the time :blush:

There's more but I'll just keep it to myself...:blush: :look:

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He keeps my favorite snacks at his place

He texts and emails me all the time to tell let me know I'm on his mind

He's nice to my cat

He always opens the door for me and carries my heavy stuff

He listens to me

He holds me when we fall asleep
he comes over to nap with me even if it's for a few hours before I go to work
He kisses me with disgusting morning breath
He makes sure I'm ok,have eaten,and so forth If I haven't offers to go get whatever i want or need to cook even if he's in his bed.
he tells me i'm the best
This is a nice thread OP :)

He cooks for me

Treats me delicately

Makes me laugh

Tells me I'm beautiful

Loves to hold me

Takes me on dates to places he knows I'll like (even if he doesn't :lol:)

Listens to me, even when it's about hair :lol:

Texts or calls to see how I'm doing
He rubs my feet
Lotions my body when I'm tired
Runs my bathwater
Cooks for me when he gets off work when I'm too tired to do it
He buys my favorite sweets
He keeps my favorite snacks at his place

He texts and emails me all the time to tell let me know I'm on his mind

He's nice to my cat

He always opens the door for me and carries my heavy stuff

He listens to me

He holds me when we fall asleep

Are we sharing the same man???:lachen::lachen::lachen:
no just kidding.. my boo does these same things..minus the cat i have a dog
But for real, you not in Philly are you?? lol...

to add to the above..
he rubs my feet, caters to me, I work out of town and stay at a hotel during the week and he orders my dinners from the restuarant next to the hotel in order to make sure i eat... he tracked down the Beyonce dvd for and put it on hold at 2 different stores to make sure I will have a copy for tonight. tells me how beautiful i am all the time. lets me know he sees me in his future:drunk:
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Reading this stuff makes me realize how much I love my man.... even tho I have nothing to add! lol.. he does some of the same things
He travels 45 minutes to see me

Makes time every night to Skype with me

Buys me gifts just because

Makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world

He gets up in the middle of the night to get me something to drink when I am too tired

He waits for me to have sex because he tells me I am worth the wait and he's not going anywhere

He fits in with my family and they love him

Listens to my girl stuff
I don't know... we speak very different love languages.

He's always saying "I did this for you and you didn't even notice!" I'm like oh ok, thanks :look:

its like a running joke between us now.

But I like reading what everyone has posted. So sweet. :yep:
- He makes my favorite pumpkin pancakes on Saturday mornings
- He surprises me with fun date night events (plays, concerts, games, etc.)
- He went out of his way to make sure my mother had a great time while she was visiting for a week
- He came to the hospital with me to see my grandfather who is ill, and without me knowing he took video footage of my grandfather and I talking so I could send it to the rest of my family
- He calls me every morning to ask how I slept and see what I have going on for the day
- He put together a workout routine for me b/c I told him I wanted to shape up before our wedding (I've lost 15 lbs and toned up!!)
- He brings me breakfast in bed when I'm not feeling well
- He learned my love languages and consciously does things to make sure he's speaking my languages
1. Makes sure I have enough to eat and if I don't he drives me to the grocery store ( I just moved to the South without a car).
2. He is empathetic when I'm a crybaby about being homesick, because he understands.
3. He doesn't rush into things that I am not ready for.
4. He pays for my hair extensionsand hair supplies when a friend of ours do my hair.lol
5. He asks me about my day and send me morning text messages.
6. He reminds me that he loves me.
7. Acts like I'm the best looking girl in da world when I look bad.
-texts me early in the day and wishes me a blessed day
-when i fall asleep during late night phone convos, he prays for me ( i woke up during one of his prayers and wept like a baby...so sweet)
-tells me i'm the most beautiful woman in the world even when i have on sweats and my head wrap
-we are in a LDR and when he finds out i'm working late he will call from Florida, a restaurant in Boston and order something and have it delivered to me
-tells his family members that i'm the woman he'll marry
-offers to twist my hair and listens to me ramble on about the importance of protective styling :lachen:
-respects my decision to wait until marriage and the boundaries i want to maintain so as not to compromise my body before then
-writes me poetry... i mean GOOD poetry :)
-He calls to ask me how my day is going

-He buys flowers for me occasionally

-He brings me my meals on the tray that he bought for me at a yard sale

-He reads poetry to me

-He listens (A while ago, I mentioned that I wanted the "Waiting to Exhale" soundtrack & that I was having a hard time finding it. He tracked it down for me.)

-He brings me treats (cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies, socks [I lose socks easily])

-He is super attentive (My stomach was bubbly on Saturday night & he went out after 11:30 p.m. to get me seltzer water.)
  • He shows up with flowers....often.
  • He takes note of things I like and buys them for me.
  • He loves me when I am being a class-A royal B&TCH and tells me, "yeah, you were mean but what am I going to do? Stop loving you? I don't think so."
  • He shows appreciation for my body.
  • He acts affectionate and is attracted to me when I am dressed down and even wearing glasses just as much as he does when I am dressed up.
  • He watches Real Housewives of NY/NJ/ATL/BevHills with me even though he'd rather pull out his toenails one by one.
  • If I say, "we used to do such and such and we don't anymore..." He will make it happen again.
  • If I have gone out of my way to wear something HE requested...he takes pictures.
  • If he's pissed me off, he tells me, "I will work on it" and then he really does.
So many things... He makes me feel like I'm the most beautiful woman in the world, he cooks when I need him to, he is a great dad, he makes me laugh, he does things with me that he doesn't want to do, he makes sure I'm always taken care of....
He kisses me in my sleep.

He goes shopping with me and never loses patience even if it takes hours. Example: I tried 20 pairs of boots before settling for a pair.

Love these!

I always know when I'm talking in my sleep because I am awakened by SO saying, "awwww, baby!" and chuckling. :lol:

I once tried on a good 20 dresses for an event we were going to and SO just sat there patiently without a word of complaint. :luv2:

I LOVE :love: this thread! Beautiful!
What a sweet thread! Here's what my dh does for me:

*He keeps my car filled with gas - I only pump gas maybe once or twice a year.

*He buys me little things at the exact time I need them - anything from candy, a cold bottled water, a new outfit, a laptop, anything.

*When I've had a particularly exhausting day at work, he'll automatically go pick up something for dinner without me saying a word.

*Loading the dishwasher while I'm in the shower and walk in the kitchen to find out that he did this without me asking.

*When I was into watching "Ghost Whisperer" every Friday, he watched it with me without complaining.

*I love sci-fi movies (even the goofy ones), and he doesn't make fun of me for that.

So many other things.......
-He never calls me by my real name...he only refers to me as "luv" and "beautiful"
-He keeps his refrigerator stocked with Cokes for me, even though he doesn't drink soft drinks at all. He also keeps my favorite snacks in his pantry.
-He texts me every morning to wish me a great day at work, give me a weather update, and to tell me he loves me...every morning.
-He texts me at least once half way through the day to see how my day is going

-We have date night every Wednesday night and no matter what the weather is like outside, he's always at my place on Wednesdays for it.
-I wear contacts during the day and glasses at home sometimes. However, I never go out in my glasses because they are soooo thick. I refused to let anyone see me in them. He insisted that seeing me in my glasses would have no effect on his feelings for me. So after being sick during Thanksgiving break, I couldn't wear my contacts and he saw me in the glasses..and had no issues at all. He loved me more..thick glasses and all.
-He spent 5 consecutive days taking care of me during Thanksgiving when I had bronchitis. He was with me the whole time and never left the house.
-Whenever he visits me, he plays with my son and keeps him occupied when I don't have the energy to do it myself

and the list goes on.....