What kind of approach do you like a guy to come at you with?


Well-Known Member
Do you like the brazen guys "Hey Ma, lemme holla at you!!!" from across the street?

The guy who starts off with a compliment, introduces himself, then quickly gets your phone number?

Pick-up lines? (:perplexed Do those ever actually work?)

The guys who acts like he is talking to you for some other reason (such as asking you where the bathroom is) then immediately tries to ask for your name? That actually happened to me today. :rolleyes:

Do you like being introduced through friends?

Are you like "bump this, I do the approaching!?"

I'm sure there other ways, but that's all I could think of. What kind of approach works with you? I personally like when I meet a guy organically (like at an event or in my class), we talk for a little bit and before we go our separate ways, he's like "Oh, can I have your phone number, contact info, etc." :nono: I'm really, really turned off by brazen guys and guys who come off swinging with compliments.
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I personally like approaching...it started out with a challenge to myself...I would come across seemingly great guys who would wink, wave or smile...and I thought to myself...nope not another one...So I dared myself for like 3 months straight that I would initiate the initial contact with men...So I went to grown and sexy spots and positioned myself and went from there...I became so comfortable with it I haven't looked back since...I feel that my confidence comes across very positively and it allows me to not only control whom I date but also enhances my networking skills...plus its nothing like the feeling that you get when your ask for a number and you get not only the cell but the house number as well...its sort of a high...and I love it...its how I met my FH!
Do you like the brazen guys "Hey Ma, lemme holla at you!!!" from across the street?

Definitely not THAT!!! :lol:
NONE. I have to somewhat know you or have a mutual friend. Introduce yourself without trying to get at me, dont ask me out asap, dont eye me up and down, DONT BE OLD. Im so tired of old men trying to talk to me even after I tell them Im much younger than them. I like when I meet a guy in class, school or work and he asks for my facebook or email and we continue from then.

I had a man (attractive, surprisingly) follow me out of the book store and introduced himself and told me he liked my "ambience". MY A$%! I told him I was 15 and he still tried to get at me, that strung me the wrong way. I know 15 is a stretch but at least back off or second guess me. Nope, he was like "ok cool anyway...". Pedophile. I cant STAND when men chase me down in malls and places Im just trying to go on with my business. Im cool with school, Im really not going to give you my number or contact info I dont know you and wont possibly see you often again. Sorry.

Maybe thats why Im single, but Im fine with that.
I personally like approaching...it started out with a challenge to myself...I would come across seemingly great guys who would wink, wave or smile...and I thought to myself...nope not another one...So I dared myself for like 3 months straight that I would initiate the initial contact with men...So I went to grown and sexy spots and positioned myself and went from there...I became so comfortable with it I haven't looked back since...I feel that my confidence comes across very positively and it allows me to not only control whom I date but also enhances my networking skills...plus its nothing like the feeling that you get when your ask for a number and you get not only the cell but the house number as well...its sort of a high...and I love it...its how I met my FH!

That is a really nice philosophy. I'm very old school and I always wait for a male to instigate, but maybe I should at least try a few times be the approacher.

Do you like the brazen guys "Hey Ma, lemme holla at you!!!" from across the street?

Definitely not THAT!!! :lol:

For all the guys I see do this, I really wonder who goes for this.

NONE. I have to somewhat know you or have a mutual friend. Introduce yourself without trying to get at me, dont ask me out asap, dont eye me up and down, DONT BE OLD. Im so tired of old men trying to talk to me even after I tell them Im much younger than them. I like when I meet a guy in class, school or work and he asks for my facebook or email and we continue from then.

Maybe thats why Im single, but Im fine with that.

You and I are very similar. Except for the FB thing. I like exchanging digits. I'm definitely a get to know you type of girl.
That is a really nice philosophy. I'm very old school and I always wait for a male to instigate, but maybe I should at least try a few times be the approacher.

I don't believe in being the approacher. Maybe it's shyness, I don't know.

For all the guys I see do this, I really wonder who goes for this.

Desperate chicks.

Riverrock said:
I'm definitely a get to know you type of girl.

Ideally....if he were to ask me a question about something. Say we are at a department store and he asks my opinion on a top or something. If that leads into a conversation, he could then ask for my contact info. I prefer email first to get some of the dealbreaker questions out of the way. Plus, I don't want anyone to have the option to text me.
I personally like approaching...it started out with a challenge to myself...I would come across seemingly great guys who would wink, wave or smile...and I thought to myself...nope not another one...So I dared myself for like 3 months straight that I would initiate the initial contact with men...So I went to grown and sexy spots and positioned myself and went from there...I became so comfortable with it I haven't looked back since...I feel that my confidence comes across very positively and it allows me to not only control whom I date but also enhances my networking skills...plus its nothing like the feeling that you get when your ask for a number and you get not only the cell but the house number as well...its sort of a high...and I love it...its how I met my FH!

Hmmmm....I'm thinking this is a GREAT idea. If only I knew of some grown & sexy spots to check out - alone - in Chicago...lol....Anyone have any suggestions?!
At work a few days ago, two of my co-workers were trading really corny pick-up lines back and forth. They were pretty funny. :lol: Normally, if a guy were to approach with a pick-up line, I'd roll my eyes :rolleyes: But some of them were pretty clever and if a guy had the courage to come at me with them... maybe he deserves a chance :lol:
Hmmmm....I'm thinking this is a GREAT idea. If only I knew of some grown & sexy spots to check out - alone - in Chicago...lol....Anyone have any suggestions?!

Here is a link to some clubs out in Chicago...I have a homegurl who uses this as her what to do guide out in Chicago and she loves it... http://www.onixlink.com/chicago/

Dallas has their own sites...keep in mind...I started off at the grown and sexy spots but like if I would be in a gas station/grocery store/shopping...etc, I'm going for it...even if it were the beer man...*cause they are some fine ones down here*...they passed me by I would wave, smile get their attention and let them know I thought they were handsome and wondered if they were single or not?...since it puts them on the spot...to me they are more apt to tell the truth...:yep:...plus I love using pick up lines as ice breakers...it makes them smile and laugh and I love a man with an...oh so sexy smile! Try it out...be bold...if he's not single...NEXT! but you will start feeling that confidence...

Just to make sure I still have my touch...*I know I know...I have a FH* but hell...I still try it out...like I did the other day...I was in the wine aisle looking at some wines and I said to this fine guy...

Me: Hey I have a ?...
Him: whats up?
Me: Do you have an GF or SO to share that sexy smile with?
Him: *Laughing* No, but how bout I share it with you over dinner?
Me: *Smiling*...Well I have a fiance...however, if you let me have your number...I have plenty of single friends that you may be able to share that gorgeous smile with...

He gave me his number which I saved b/c I had a female friend in mine and gave it to her later!...
Lol I like it when guys come up to you will silly questions... like there was this time when I was in the grocery store and this guy asked me "How much do you know about plums? Can you help me pick out some good plums for my aunt?" :lol:

Ridiculous, I know, but its endearing!

But yeah I like it when people just come talk to you and ask you questions and stuff. Its so obvious, but its cute.

Also, as far as places to meet guys, my friend and I recently stumbled on the swanky hotel lounge. We went lounge hopping and met so many guys and had a lot of fun! If you live in a major city, the really nice hotels probably have lots of different people staying there from all over the country.

Good times.

Me: Hey I have a ?...
Him: whats up?
Me: Do you have an GF or SO to share that sexy smile with?
Him: *Laughing* No, but how bout I share it with you over dinner?
Me: *Smiling*...Well I have a fiance...however, if you let me have your number...I have plenty of single friends that you may be able to share that gorgeous smile with...

Oh , wow. You are bold with it. I think it might take me a few years to muster up that kind of courage.
Here is a link to some clubs out in Chicago...I have a homegurl who uses this as her what to do guide out in Chicago and she loves it... http://www.onixlink.com/chicago/

Dallas has their own sites...keep in mind...I started off at the grown and sexy spots but like if I would be in a gas station/grocery store/shopping...etc, I'm going for it...even if it were the beer man...*cause they are some fine ones down here*...they passed me by I would wave, smile get their attention and let them know I thought they were handsome and wondered if they were single or not?...since it puts them on the spot...to me they are more apt to tell the truth...:yep:...plus I love using pick up lines as ice breakers...it makes them smile and laugh and I love a man with an...oh so sexy smile! Try it out...be bold...if he's not single...NEXT! but you will start feeling that confidence...

Just to make sure I still have my touch...*I know I know...I have a FH* but hell...I still try it out...like I did the other day...I was in the wine aisle looking at some wines and I said to this fine guy...

Me: Hey I have a ?...
Him: whats up?
Me: Do you have an GF or SO to share that sexy smile with?
Him: *Laughing* No, but how bout I share it with you over dinner?
Me: *Smiling*...Well I have a fiance...however, if you let me have your number...I have plenty of single friends that you may be able to share that gorgeous smile with...

He gave me his number which I saved b/c I had a female friend in mine and gave it to her later!...

Oh wow, very bold. LOL. Thanks for the website. I'll def check it out!