What is your Protein treatment of choice?

This is the one I use, too. LOVE! it being natural is an added bonus. i use it every two weeks and follow with a moisturizing dc - lately been using the olive mask from the same line


komaza care would be a hardcore treatment (you use a dryer to let it harden). mill creek keratin is pretty heavy duty as well most people i know don't use mill creek at every wash. here's the ingredients for komaza:

komaza protein strengthener:

hydrolyzed keratin, hydrolyzed silk protein, hydrolyzed collagen, jojoba protein, wheat protein, Soy quat protein.
Queen Helene and one egg works best for my hair ... I tried Aphogee and it wasn't the business. It was probably my own fault for thinking I could use the protein treatment without their line of moisturizing conditioner. Too much $$ so I will stick to the QH/egg mix ...
Aphogee 2 step is the best!!

I also started using the 2 min reconstructer and I like to use it when my ends are feeling limp but not mushy enough for a super strong treatment.

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Nexus emergencee (small bottle), Fekkai protein Rx, and a dominican one I can't remember now, will get back to you on that one
I forgot about:

Cathy Howse UBH (I like this one too)
Redken Deep Fuel
Redken CAT
Redken Extreme Rescue Force
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for light protein i love Aubrey Organics GPB. Jason Naturals Tall Grass High Protein is also a nice light protein

for medium protein i love henna

for med-heavy i love Mill Creek Keratin, Mill Creek Biotin, Vitale Corrective Conditioner,

for reconstructors i like Deity America Deep Penetrating Conditioner for Damaged Hair, Giovanni Nutrafix Reconstructor (original formula)
l use AO GPB every week. I also like Aphogee 2 min reconstructor.

Once a month or every two months depending on need, I use Vitale Reconstructor or ORS Mayo conditioner.
Light: AO GPB (milk protein)
Medium: Burt's Bees More Moisture (hydrolyzed vegetable and wheat protein)
Heavy: Apoghee 2 minute (hydrolyzed keratin)
I normally make my own protein treatment because my hair is very sensitive to commercial protein treatments. I have several variations depending on how my hair feels.
My basic recipe is : 1 cup greek / plain yogurt; 1 egg; 1/4 cup honey, 1 tablespoon Japanese camillia oil; 2 tablespoon EVOO; 1 tablespoon castor oil and 2 tablespoons Rhassoul Clay.
It makes my hair feel very strong, moisturised and soft. My coils and curls are also more defined with less frizz and tangles for many days afterwards. It's definitely stopped breakage in its tracks and helped me to retain. I have noticed that my individual hair strands have thickened immensely since I began using it. :)
What is the difference (if any) between a reconstructor and a protein treatment????

Please mention me if you answer. Thanks!!
@Diva_Esq, @Nonie can answer this question well. If she doesn't, then I'll link a post where she answered before.

:giggle: @virtuenow. That's how I do. Find my old post and quote it.

Basically @Diva_Esq, a reconstructor had both moisture and protein in it so strengthens while also moisturizing. So AO GBP is a reconstructor and it could be used w/o following up with a moisturizing conditioner and all would be well. You can't do that with a pure protein. Your hair would get hard and break if you didn't condition with a moisturizing conditioner after the treatment.

Here's one post where I shared a quote on this: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showpost.php?p=2145521&postcount=5

Link to thread
:giggle: @virtuenow. That's how I do. Find my old post and quote it.

Basically @Diva_Esq, a reconstructor had both moisture and protein in it so strengthens while also moisturizing. So AO GBP is a reconstructor and it could be used w/o following up with a moisturizing conditioner and all would be well. You can't do that with a pure protein. Your hair would get hard and break if you didn't condition with a moisturizing conditioner after the treatment.

Here's one post where I shared a quote on this: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showpost.php?p=2145521&postcount=5

Link to thread

Thanks Nonie, your explanation of AO GPB as a reconstructor w/moisture-protein balance is the reason I tried it in the first place. This stuff is saving my hair.
THANK YOU @Nonie & @virtuenow!!!!!! :)

Another good reply: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=527779
Really? I actually use it because I don't consider it a hardcore protein. Not like Aphogee anyway which I won't even go near. I consider Emergencee a reconstructor which to me is a product that isn't pure protein but contains moisturizing properties as well. I use reconstructors once a week and alternate between Emergencee and AO GPB. Been doing this since I learned about protein treatments way back in 2003.
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Thanks for the Tag. Until the tag I really didnt think much a out protein for my hair. Lately my hair, which is Sisterlocked, has been excessively dry. Tonight I've decided to use egg yolks; I had to stretch my only egg so I added the following to it: olive oil, grapeseed oil, and Honey.

I started the application from the ends & added conditioner when I got near the scalp & was running out. I'll sleep with this in tonight and remove in the morning.


/\. A source for info. I'm hoping for softer & stronger hair. A lil'bling would be nice too