Mixing protein treatments


Well-Known Member
I mixed a henna and placenta treatment w/Nexxus emergencee. It worked well. I used egg yolk as my pretreatment. Does anyone mix protein treatments together? Does it make the protein treatment stronger/ more powerful? For example, what would happen if u mixed Aphogee and Dudley's reconstructor?
Huggette said:
aphoghee and elasta qp breakage serum

Hi Huggette,
I was thinking of mixing my aphogee and elasta qp breakage serum this weekend but i wasn't sure what the outcome would be. How was your hair after using this combo? Do you think that the elasta qp breakage serum could be mixed with other deep conditioners? I want to cut down on so many steps. Thanks!!!
I also mix EQP serum w/ aphoghee and it turned out well I love both the products alone so i figure it would be even better if they worked together. It also just depends on what work best for u'r hair the least u can do is try it out and let us know how it turns out.
I mix EQP serum w/ aphogee treatment also and I received great results. I guess it really depends on what works best for u'r hair but I guess u won't know if u don't try:cool: . Let us know how it turn out!!
Last weekend I mixed Elasta QP serum with some Motions CPR and I loved the results. I had some bad shedding.