what is your 2013 hair goal

What was your hair goal for 2012? Originally it was APL, then I got excited & made a new goal of BSL for the year.
Did you make your goal? Naw, should've quit while I was ahead. LOL- still lil past APL.
What is your 2013 goal? MBL December 2013. Slight miracle needed.
What are you planning to do to reach your goal? Get back on regular exercise & vitamin reggie. Oh, & going back to basics.
What was your hair goal for 2012?
My goal was to get to waist length.

Did you make your goal?
Most certainly did, I was grazing. If I didn't cut my hair, I would've had my hair more even and been on my way to hip length for sure.

What is your 2013 goal?
HEALTHIER waist length hair with my edges and nape grown out longer.

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
Just keeping my hair clean, keeping it tangle free, covering it at night, and trying to take my vitamins. Currently I'm taking, 1 Viviscal tablet, 1 GNC HSN Formula tablet, 2 MSM pills, 1 Omega-3 pill, and a tablespoon of liquid silica. This will definitely change in the future, as my hair grows I'll probably reduce the amount of supplements I'm taking to just a REALLY good multi-vitamin or something.
What was your hair goal for 2012? BSL/BSB
Did you make your goal? Yes!!
What is your 2013 goal? WL *fingers crossed
What are you planning to do to reach your goal? I'm really enjoying twisting during the week and wearing twist outs on the weekends. I'm still trying to work my way up to wearing my twists out. They look pretty messed up during the week but I tend not to care.

My profile pic is from before I went natural.
What was your hair goal for 2012?
My goal was to get to hip length hair whilst transitioning.

Did you make your goal?
Yep, twice! Initially in May then I trimmed an inch and grew back by start of August! I then did my transition chop (got me around BSL-MBL in my longest layers).

What is your 2013 goal?
Waist length natural hair (stretched)

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
Protective styling in between enjoying and getting to know my natural hair!
Have you tried flat twists or rollersets for the the front? And since you only need it for the front, you can try out a couple of curlformers as that really grips and stretches my curls more than regular rollersetting ever did.

Flat twists sound like a good idea. I think I'll have to try it. And I might have to get some curlformers too. Thanks for the suggestions!
What was your hair goal for 2012? My goal was TBL
Did you make your goal? Yes, a few strands made it so I'm calling it. But I trimmed back about three inches in total, so I should be back to TBL by the end of December, hopefully more fully.
What is your 2013 goal? Thick ends and to grow out heat damage.
What are you planning to do to reach your goal? Keep taking care of it and trimming every few months until it's all off. I can't wait. I also want to find more no heat required styles so I can up my versatility but maintain max health.

ETA: Made TBL again. Ya!
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What was your hair goal for 2012?
Did you make your goal?
What is your 2013 goal?
What are you planning to do to reach your goal?

My goal for 2012 was to finally make APL (I've been lurking hair boards since 2008). It didn't happen.

I'm currently shoulder length, and would like to make APL by the end of 2013.

To reach my goal I am doing the following:

Consistent vitamin intake (multi, iron, b12, biotin)
Njoy's sulphur concoction challenge
Protective styling
Mixing a dime sized amount of shampoo with water in a bottle with a pointy nozzle to cleanse my scalp
Washing my hair in twists
(Attempting to) Eat healthy
Drinking lots of water
Exercise, yoga, and well being for less stress, and therefore, less shedding
Drinking lots of tea (green tea leaves or matcha powder, bamboo tea)
Daily moisturizing
Can't remember if I posted in this thread already but I know my goal was for increasing the health of my hair. I just took off a few inches so I guess I can't get healthier than new ends but I'm back to apl.

For 2013 I would like to be full Mbl stretched, but I would also like to I prove my flat ironing techniques so that I can wear it out. I'm thinking of getting a kinky straight wig and PSing through the winter months to help with retention.
My initial goal was apl hair by July 2013, but since joining lhcf I've modified it. I'm still shooting for that goal by July but if I don't make it, i'm fine with December 2013. Most important for me now is healthy thick hair and reducing the amount of hair I lose daily.
What was your hair goal for 2012? I wanted to reach APL. Ended up BCing instead. Whoops!
Did you make your goal? Nope!
What is your 2013 goal? I hope to get to the end of 2013 with 9 inches of hair and two strand twists I can actually wear in public lol
What are you planning to do to reach your goal? I am currently staying on top of my moisture protein balance. I massage my scalp multiple times a week. I'm keeping my scalp free of build up and dirt. And I hope to get serious about following the Curly Girl method sometime soon. I also plan to make or buy a sulfur scalp oil
What was your hair goal for 2012?: APL

Did you make your goal? APL in front, very close in back and I think I'll make it by Dec

What is your 2013 goal? BSL

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?

Braids, Buns, occasional weave ( not going as hard with the weaves like this year), long stretch with my relaxers, manipulating hair just once a week, keeping up with my DC's and moisture treatments.
I didn't have a set goal for 2012. I was just starting out and not really thinking about it.

Goal for 2013: APL.

To get there: I'm going to protective style, keep up w/ dusting to prevent major trims, & try to comb my hair once per week (it's working out really well so far).
What was your hair goal for 2012? APL
Did you make your goal? Don't know yet. Hair is currently braided until Christmas
What is your 2013 goal? BSL
What are you planning to do to reach your goal? Keeping things simple. DCing every time I shampoo, using heat every 3-4 weeks at the salon only, hard protein every 6 weeks and trims every 4-6 months
What was your hair goal for 2012?
MBL stretched for the longer layer
APL stretched for the shorter layer

Did you make your goal?
I'm grazing MBL and my shorter layer is APL

What is your 2013 goal?
WL by June and grazing WHIP by December for the longer layer
BSB by June and BSL by December for the shorter layer

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
Continuing my regimen
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What was your hair goal for 2012?
I didn't really have a goal as such, I think it was mainly to get back on my HHJ

Did you make your goal?
Yes, I'm back on point with taking care of my hair

What is your 2013 goal?
Full MBL with thicker healthy ends

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
Up my water intake
Start taking Priveta (maybe some cod liver oil and evening primose oil)
Moisturise and seal my ends regularly
Stretch my relaxers
What was your hair goal for 2012?
Didn't have one

Did you make your goal?

What is your 2013 goal?
full bsl!

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
Daily m&s
low manipulation styling
weekly DC
cut down on heat (once a quarter)
What was your hair goal for 2012?

Did you make your goal?

What is your 2013 goal?
To reach APL (Jun '13) then BSL (Dec '13).

What are you planning to do to reach your goal?
Hair: M&S daily, DC every wash, dust when needed, and protective styles. I'm considering using no heat until I reach my hair goal.
Body: Vitamins daily, regular exercise, up my water intake, more fruits, vegetables, and green smoothies.
What was your hair goal for 2012?
Did you make your goal?
What is your 2013 goal?
What are you planning to do to reach your goal?

  • My hair goal was to make BSL
  • I'll find out when i relax on the 28th
  • My 2013 goal is to reach MBL by Dec
  • My plan is to continue to wear 3/4 wigs and stretch my relaxers to every 6 months again
I didnt have a goal for 2012.
My current length is Mid back.
2013 goal is to reach the small of my back (right above my butt).
I plan on doing this by continuing my vitamins, and by cutting down on how much I flat iron, which right now is twice a week.
What was your hair goal for 2012?
BSL by the end of December

Did you make your goal?
Not sure will find out by my next relaxer on the 22nd. :-) something tells me I won't be bsl tho.. Although I should be grazing BSB. :-/

What is your 2013 goal?
MBL by mid year and hopefully waist length by Dec 2013.

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? Kind of slacked on my regimen, so I'm going to get back on it. Planning on protective styling fiercely along with excersize 5 days/wk, upping my water intake and (attempting) to take my vitamins daily. We'll see what happens!! :spinning:
No direct heat for the whole year and
protective styling all the way,
Trim every 6 months and search and destroy,
try and enjoy more styles,
continue to DC every week (no more than 2 weeks),
incorporate Ayurvedic again,
use up products all in prep for 2014 reveal!
What was your hair goal for 2012?
I did not have a goal. I never thought my hair could grow this long and now that it has...I'm happy with it! I reached past BSL and I'm inching toward Mid-back length but I want all my hair to reach that length, not just the middle. My hair grows in a V shape.

What is your 2013 goal? Not to texlax

What are you planning to do to reach your goal? I haven't relaxed in 6 months. So far it's not a problem straightening, but my 2013 goal is to learn to twist my hair and wear it curly. To reach my goal I will have to always deep condition when I wash my hair, that helps me straighten or work with my hair.

I will have to learn to love curly hair on myself because I prefer to feel fabulous, when I do it myself.
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I did not have any hair goals for 2012.

My hair goal for 2013 is to grow at least 6 inches of hair. Correction, let me rephrase that, to RETAIN at least 6 inches of hair.

To do that I intend to LEAVE THE SCISSORS ALONE. I intend to stop trimming monthly. Maybe trim once per year, twice at most. This sounds simple but for me it's like an addict giving up crack. Yes, it IS that serious!
Hmm, I didn't have a hair goal for 2012 but I BCed.

Goal for 2013: BSL stretched by Dec, 31.

I plan to get there by retaining every inch, I grow at 1/2 inch a month steadily. So by keeping my hair heavily moisturised and in a PS.
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