What is ure post relaxer routine?


New Member
Ok so you got your hair relaxed what do you do when you get home? When you wash your hair the next (bearing in mind you are not MEANT to wash your hair for at least 3 days after getting a relaxer) time?
Also what do you do to your hair once you have rinsed the relaxer out of your hair? How do you style again considering using a flat iron on your freshly relaxed hair is a big no no?
Just curious...and gathering ideas in case I get my hair relaxed...soon

thanks girlies

*sigh* This is going to seem very boring, but I do nothing but keep it moistureized and under a satin cap for a few days. Because I schedule my relaxers for Friday mornings and take the day off from work, I have the weekend to do this. I roller set it when it's time to go back to work and use very little maipulation. Scalp massages are a must. I wait a VERY long 4-7 days to shampoo it, and I use a deep protein and a mosturizing treatment on it. Roller sets, protein, and moisturizers are my life, really. No heat at all. I use witch hazel on my hair if it looks a little dull after it's been washed. Two weeks after the relaxer, I go for a pore cleaning and get more creative with my hair styling.
Thanks for sharing...thats sort of like what i used to do barr the roller sets and witch hazel
Ive just heard so many women say they come home & wash their hair again just to make sure its been neutralised properly

ps. it wasnt boring at all

RachiQue said:
Thanks for sharing...thats sort of like what i used to do barr the roller sets and witch hazel
Ive just heard so many women say they come home & wash their hair again just to make sure its been neutralised properly

ps. it wasnt boring at all


Thanks! The only reason I don't wash my hair when I get home is because I have an excellent sylist who makes sure my hair is properly neutralized and reconstructed. Otherwise, I would do that, too!!!!! ;) :grin:
Immediately after rinsing out relaxing I do following:

1. apply *neutralizing* protein condish 10-15 minutes, no heat, rinse
2. apply neutralizing 'poo and rinse; repeat if necessary
3. apply moisturizing 'poo and rinse; towel dry.
4. apply moisturizing condish 10-30 minutes, no heat, rinse; towel dry
5. apply leave-in and rollerset; airdry OR use *cool* setting of hood dryer
6. remove rollers; fingercomb into style or bun for bed.

I wait at least 4 days before washing and then I do following:

1. pre-treat with coconut milk & honey mixture, massage throughout dry hair
2. apply moisturizing 'poo on top of pretreat mix, massage scalp/hair and rinse
3. apply ACV (4.5 pH solution) and squeeze hair dry
5. apply moisturizing condish at least 30 minutes, plastic cap, no heat, rinse
6. bun dry OR rollerset and air/cool dry.

I do not use heat to dry my hair, EVER, and carry my own rollers to the shop on relaxer days so that I can leave with rollers and airdry at home or use my hood dryer on cool. I'm 4 miles from the shop, so its not toooo long driving home with the rollers in. I try to get relaxers after work on weekdays and usually headed home in the dark with my rollers in, so not too bad for those 10 minutes or so. . .

BTW, I do a *strong* protein treament (nexxus emergencee) the 2nd wash after relaxing.
Since I'm already at home from self-relaxing, I proceed as usual, making sure I deep condition with a good moisturizing conditioner (like Humectress). I wash and deep condition every 3 days anyway. Although I use a protein reconstructor (like Keraphix) the wash day before relaxing, I don't use a protein treatment for at least 2 weeks after relaxing, as I've learned from LHCF.

I also airdry in a rollerset for a no-heat way to smooth out my hair and style as usual - in a braidout, updo, bun, etc. I haven't used heat since July, 2003 and it's worked well for me.
ayoung1981 said:
I was just seaching the board on this very topic last night!! I am getting my first relaxer in 3 years and need to brush up!

So, I don't have any tips--but here is a link I found helpful

ETA this one too http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=52361&highlight=relaxer

same thing here im three years natural and am itching to get my hair relaxed but want to make sure i have a routine in place first so i can BUY all the products i need ive already bought a few including protein cons, treatments moisturising cons and hair elasticizer...product junkie? who me??????


thanks to everyone for responding.
any others??


ps. thanks for the links
Thanks ladies. I'm just about done with my 12 week stretch and have been searching the boards for what to do after. I don't want to do what I used to before joining LHCF. That would be very baddddddd :spank:
lol i feel like the odd one out! i'm a blowdryer (every 12-14 weeks tho) :) I just get a neuralizing shampoo put on my hair, then my stylist applies the conditioner for like 5 mins, and rinses that out, then apple affirm 5 in recon (seems to turn my hair into magic) then after thats rinsed out she puts on lots of moisturizing product..she used Art effex last time and oh m ydays my hair looked like a wig...thennn out comes some silken seal. my relaxer comes out very straight (even tho she leaves it on for like 10 mins with a mild relaxer) and i look like a flat head. it always turns out fine, and my hair likes less.

ps. i used MNT like 4 days after my relaxer and my hair wasn't happy, it snapped a lilly, so next time i will defo be on the Humecto!! it was because of the reconstructer my stylist applied and it must've just unbalanced the whole set up in my hair.
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ayoung1981 said:
I was just seaching the board on this very topic last night!! I am getting my first relaxer in 3 years and need to brush up!

So, I don't have any tips--but here is a link I found helpful

ETA this one too http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=52361&highlight=relaxer

thanks for the links ayoung! I have been natural twice,the first time for 2 years and this time,since December 27th. I am going back & forth between whether to relaxer or not every day :perplexed. Congrats on your decision and HHG!