SL to APL definitely. I spent years at SL and I really thought my hair was just not going to grow. However once I got an effective regimen in place, getting over that hump hasn't been that hard, only 1 setback and I'm on my way to BSL!:grin: But that could change lol.
For me SL to APL was a cake walk compared to APL to BSL. :(.

This. I can cut my hair and it will be back to APL in no time. I've only GRAZED BSL once or twice and have yet to make full BSL. I am hoping (fingers crossed) that protective styling will get me o full BSL by the end of this year.
I think for me it's the length between Full APL and BSL lord sometimes I feel like just stopping my journey at full BSL, but eh...*in pdiddy voice* I can't stop, I won't stop!! :pulpdance:
MBL to WL. It's about 5-6 inches for me. I always get too impatient and bored to fully make it. It takes forever.
i have never grown my hair past apl so now that I'm on my hair journey it seems like from apl to bsl is taking forever. Minus 2 trims I think I'll be there this June. I"m keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
I can't really say since my hair isn't long. But it took me forever and a day just to get to healthy SL. I honestly think all the other lengths will be easy. I have a regimen now that works and just have to stay consistent. Plus I'm short and all of the next milestones are only like 3 inches apart from each other. I had to grow almost 6 inches of hair to get to SL from my short cut.
So far, for me it was neck length to shoulder length. It took me almost three years to figure out a decent regimen and this resulted in two major trims.

It's always been NL or SL, once I reach that length my hair takes off on it's own--I think I'm more aware of my hair and "watching" for growth when it's shorter--as I gain length I don't think about it anymore and then it seems as though it grows effortlessly.

Exactly. With NL it's hard to find a regimen and PS that are condusive to growth. I figure once I get to SL, I'll be able to put my hair in a real bun and coast on through. Also, w/ Ear-length to neck-length, I was always cutting my hair since it grows in layers. So the back would always get cut down to the nape. But now in my HHJ I'm just letting it grow and will address the layers later.
ugh getting over this SL hump is the worst...any advice to get to APL would be GREAT

Moisturize length and ends then baggie them up or ps Keep your hair up and off your shoulders clothes until you make your goal even if you have to ps every day. make sure you keep the protein balance with a light to medium protein treatment so your hair stays strong and not mushy. Check the protein thread hth
I think from an objective view, SL would be easiest and the further down the body, the harder it is the achieve that length.

But, I'd say that for me, APL is the hardest length because it's the longest journey from SL. I say this because I know that if I hit APL, I'll only be a couple of inches from BSL, then a couple of inches from MBL, and so on, until I reach the desired HL. But APL for me is like a foot of hair for me! :spinning:
For me it MBL...going from NL to SL to APL was a breeze. I mostly wore wash n gos and didnt focus on length just health. Every time I cut my hair I can get back to APL easily. It's this MBL that seems to be taking forever!!! :fistshake: :pullhair:
MBL was the hardest! I felt like I was hovering at BSL forever. I had 2 trims in the time from BSL to MBL so that didn't really help :ohwell: lol.
Sl to APL.

I'm APL on the right mid APL on the Left....

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Right now ...SL to APL.... I have a few strands touchin APL :ohwell: hopefully I will make it by the end of the year .....
I'm going to say NL straight through to APL since everything in between is a completely awkward stage for me. So far the easiest has been bsl to wl.
I threw on a weave and went from SL to APL in like, 3 monthes last year...
But I have been struggling SO hard to get to BSL....

It's so hard to get to BSL from APL....So hard..Im like, RIGHT there...:ohwell:
I think I'm like an inch away, maybe even less than an inch. but I keep having set backs. And I'm trying to prove to myself that I can grow my hair without a weave. But it's coming up on a year that I would of been trying and I am STILL at APL, which means that I've missed out on an entire year of growth.:lachen::nono:
When I was relaxed it took me about 6 months to get from Apl...which was my starting length in my HHJ...to BSL. From then on each length took about a year for me to reach. Which to me isn't too bad bc im 5'8.

Now that I'm natural my hair seems to be growing like a weed! It stretches a little bit past my collarbone in the back and the sides stretch a little bit past NL. But I am in LOVE my shrinkage bc everything shrinks above my neck and ears right now so I've been wearing wash n go's as my low mani and protective style as I have successfully achieved 2nd and 3rd day hair! :lol: And my hair doesn't touch my clothes at all!

I'm guessing once I get into the BSL and up range I'll have to worry about keeping my hair off my clothes :yep:
brownbean96 Congrats on making APL!!

I think my story will be similar to yours. I just straigthened for a trim so that my hair can be in tip top condition when I install individual braids in the next few weeks. Sad to say I am still on this journey to APL 8 months after having made SL. Le sigh!! I'm happy where I am and the progress I have made, BUT by my ORIGINAL calculations I thought I would be headed toward BSL by now.

Even with every day bunning SL to APL took forever, to be exact 1 year and 3 months.
We shall see about BSL.

IDK I think that's some good timing. I'm pretty much giving myself a year for each milestone.

I'm going to say NL straight through to APL since everything in between is a completely awkward stage for me. So far the easiest has been bsl to wl.

Exactly! This random NL/SL/CL stage is awkward for me because I really can't wear my hair down. So I just have random updos until I can get a real bun.
SL to APL was the worst for me. Its when the SSKs, splits and whatever other factor want to come into play. I've only reached it once, but gone from neck to shoulder, or just above shoulder to SL many times.