Same here so I'm using my elbows because it's more concrete for me. I'm really going for elbow length. lol

Well I'm an orangutan (according to someone here...wont name any names lol) so elbows wont exactly help me since my arms are so long....I'm just gonna keep growing til I get tired of my hair I guess. I think that time is near lol
ahhhhh there should've been a poll in here!! But it seems that SL to APL is the winner by a landslide. I think I'll go hide my head in the sand now.
from bsl to mbl, to me. ive been at this for almost 2 years and i got to bsl within a few months but now its so hard to get to mbl. i feel stuck.
SL to APL was definitely a journey for me...APL to BSL was so easy (for me) I did it twice this year. A little...ok, a lotta PSing for 2-3 months and I was there.

I am hoping MBL to WL will be easy.
for me SL - APL and still aint there yet (but fingers crossed for year end)

What I;ve noticed was when i took the tape, 2 mirrors and contortionist moves, my measurements are SL-APL 7 inches and APL-BSL is only 3inches
NL to full SL was easy for me but i think bsl to wl will be the worst (not that i know, im only scrappin apl)
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Nice post :)
SL to APL seems to be the hardest point for many. @nikkiQ i dont want to steal your post but is it possible that, it is seems to be the hardest given that most of us started our HHJ from this point?
Nice post :)
SL to APL seems to be the hardest point for many. @nikkiQ i dont want to steal your post but is it possible that, it is seems to be the hardest given that most of us started our HHJ from this point?

Hmmm...really makes you think. Well SL to APL was hard for me even before my HHJ began. I guess now that I'm actually paying attention to what I'm doing to my hair, I just notice it more. I'm still gonna PS my butt off to get to APL in 6 months.
I *think* it's APL. From what I've seen on the board, that's the biggest one I see people struggling with.
I think for most people SL to APL can be very trying like others have mentioned because your hair is susceptible to rubbing on your clothes. My hair pretty much stayed at or just below SL since forever, I could never understand why my hair seemed to not grow passed this length. But now, I know to just keep my hair protected, and definitely moisturized at all times. :)
i don't have a clue. i've never been past bsl, but getting to that length and every length before it was effortless. ♥
Now that I am trying to grow beyond BSL...I'm interested to see how long and how easy/difficult it's going to be to go from BSL to MBL and MBL to WL...I've heard some sad stories about these lengths as well!
All of them! Getting to full APL was a challenge but it was pretty quick. It took about a 11-12 months from ear to chin length (and 2-3 inches in the back where I mini BC) . Getting my hair to BSL was a beast because I kept getting setbacks due to split ends every time I would hover over BSL. I should have been there a loooonnngg time ago. I'm BSL/MBL now and it seems to be going pretty smoothly from here. I hope WL & HL doesn't take as much effort :perplexed
SL to APL. I have been full shoulder length for over a year. I need 2 full inches to be APL. I document my progress and have no choice but to be patient. It will come no doubt and yes, I have been PSing all throughout my journey. I will go hard on PSing in June, but now, I am going to enjoy my hair and the progress that I made.
I think getting to the floor may take me the longest...but when I get there, I'll be able to return to this thread to let you know if I noticed one of the other lengths taking forever and which was easiest. I don't have enough experience to know. For all I know MBL to WL may take 6 months. *shrug*

TBH, I never time anything so I don't know if I will ever be able to tell what took the longest. A watched pot never boils...so I never watch.
Has to be CL - Ceiling Length!

Seriously, I think it was probably SL to APL. It's a longer distance on most people than, say, BSL to MBL to WL.

Beverly Ann Properties

You'll get there soon, girl! You have made great progress already :yep:
For me personally, it was APL to BSL. When I started my HHJ, I PS'ed everyday with a phony bun and was able to go from SL to APL in 6 months. But once I hit APL, I stopped wearing my phony buns and started to wear my hair out more. So it ended up taking me 9 months to reach BSL :ohwell:. I'm really hoping getting to MBL and WL are easier.
Shoulder length but I didn't have a good regimen then.
After that everything progressed ata good pace until MBL to WL that seemed to take a while but thats cause a stylist cut me back to bsl.
When youve nailed your regimen and good ps all you need is patience and yor hair will just grow and grow.
APL to BSL is taking a while for me. I did BC in Feb and I'd like to think if I hadn't cut those last few strands off, I would be there already. One thing I have noticed though is that, while it doesn't seem like my hair is growing, I can see the top layers have grown and filled out. Its almost like the back is waiting for them to catch up. Idk.