What is happiness, in the context of a relationship?


All natural!
We were discussing, in an off topic thread, why people divorce, and what were acceptable reasons.

Many said that simply being "not happy" was in fact a good enough reason....but I don't necessarily agree.

Here's what I (and anatomicallycorrect) wrote about why:

Originally Posted by anatomicallycorrect
I don't think "not happy anymore" is a valid reason to get a divorce. JMO, but I think you need to be willing to work hard to make a marriage work, and no you're not always going to be happy. I recently ended a relationship w/a guy who talked the talk when things were good, but is always AWOL when things were bad. Good riddance. This is the man who would probably divorce me for the reason above. Things aren't going to be rosy all the time. People need to learn that.

This is my thinking. I want to marry a man that understands this...the elated feeling of "happiness" isn't going to be there all the time, and as someone else said, marriage can be boring and repetitive sometimes. Shoot, that is a safe and secure relationship, lol. Having a good man will not have all those emotional ups and downs that some women seem to get addicted to.

Anyway, I want my future husband to be able to work through when he is feeling unhappy, or when I am feeling unhappy. My parents have been married for 35 years. I clearly remember a period in their marriage where they were not friends at all. But, it got better. They stuck it through. I'm glad they did; they are best friends and I don't think could really survive w/o each other. Plus I really see what it's like to see a relationship THROUGH.

What is happiness, anyway? I heard/read somewhere that it is an emotion that isn't meant to be felt continuously, somewhat like anger...but you can feel safe and content. Is this what people mean by "happiness?" Contentment?

ETA: @ Jfemme, Ella, and Nikkivale: those examples to me are not people just lacking happiness, they are living a true MISERABLE life, probably in abuse (emotional, verbal). Those are just abusive relationships, pure and simple. To me this is different than someone who up and says, "My man isn't exciting anymore. I am bored; I'm not happy. We should divorce". Huh? :nono:

So really, what is happiness, in the context of a serious, long term relationship like marriage?
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I found this article interesting....especially its repeated references to the 'husbands emotional engagement':yep:

Commitment to marriage, emotional engagement key to wives' happiness
A study by University of Virginia sociologists W. Bradford Wilcox and Steven L. Nock finds that the single most important factor in women's marital happiness is the level of their husbands' emotional engagement -- not money, the division of household chores or other factors.
The study also finds that women whose husbands earn the lion's share of income, who don't work outside the home, or who share a strong commitment to lifelong marriage with their husbands report the highest levels of marital happiness -- in sharp contrast to academic conventional wisdom, according to the authors. In addition, perceptions of fairness matter for married women. Women who report that the division of housework is fair are happier in their marriages than women who think that their husbands don't do their fair share.

"Regardless of what married women say they believe about gender, they tend to have happier marriages when their husband is a good provider -- provided that he is also emotionally engaged," Wilcox said. "I was very surprised to find that even egalitarian-minded women are happier when their marriages are organized along more gendered lines."

The study, "What's Love Got to do With It? Equality, Equity, Commitment and Women's Marital Quality," appears in the March issue of Social Forces, one of the country's most highly regarded journals of sociology. It draws on the National Survey of Families and Households, which sampled more than 5,000 couples around the United States.

The most important determinant of women's marital happiness is the emotional engagement of their husbands. Most research on American marriages has focused on the division of housework and paid work -- who does what inside and outside the home. The new study, by contrast, shows wives care most about how affectionate and understanding their husbands are, and how much quality time they spend with their husbands.

Wilcox and Nock found that women are happiest in their marriages when their husbands earn 68 percent or more of the couple's income. Likewise, women who do not work outside the home report happier marriages, and spend more quality time with their husbands. Finally, women who have more traditional attitudes -- who believe, for instance, that women should take the lead in taking care of the home and family, and that men should take the lead in earning -- are happier in their marriages, report more affection and understanding from their husbands, and spend more quality time with their husbands.

Commitment also matters. Women who share with their husbands a strong commitment to lifelong marriage -- who, for instance, think that marriage is a "lifetime relationship and should never be ended except under extreme circumstances" -- are much more likely to report that they are happy in their marriages, and that they are happy with the affection and understanding they receive from their husbands, compared to women who do not have such a commitment to marriage. Shared commitment seems to generate mutual trust and higher levels of emotional investment on the part of husbands -- both factors which promote marital happiness among women.

Fairness does matter in shaping the quality and character of women's marriages. Married women are happier in their marriages when they think housework is divided fairly and they perceive their marriage to be equitable. They also spend more quality time with their husbands when they think housework is divided fairly. But their perceptions of fairness in this area are not consistently related to a 50-50 division of housework. Almost two-thirds of married women report that they are happy with the division of housework; but most of these women also do the majority of chores around the home. Either because they have a traditional mindset or because they think their husband is making important contributions as a provider or as a father, they view an unequal division of chores around the home as fair.

"Conventional and academic wisdom now suggests that the 'best' marriages are unions of equals," Nock said. "Our work suggests that the reality is more complicated. Wives are surely sensitive to imbalances in routine tasks and efforts, as almost all research shows. However, we find that they are more concerned with their husband's investments in the emotional content of the marriage. We interpret our results to suggest that partners need to pay more attention to how their partners feel about their relationship and about marriage generally because equality does not necessarily produce equity."

Source: University of Virginia

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happiness in marriage is when our basic human needs are being met and some: phyiscal, sexual, emotional, spiritual, psychological, security and safety. the more these needs are met the more satisfied a spouse, the more 'happier'.
The study also finds that women whose husbands earn the lion's share of income, who don't work outside the home, or who share a strong commitment to lifelong marriage with their husbands report the highest levels of marital happiness -- in sharp contrast to academic conventional wisdom, according to the authors.

very interesting! Could this also partly explain the high divorce rate? Women working outside the home, the rise in females earning more (often better educated) than their husbands, plus the overall change in values...?
JFemme thanks for posting, that was an interesting study. The part about shared level and perceptions of commitment really resonated with me.
very interesting! Could this also partly explain the high divorce rate? Women working outside the home, the rise in females earning more (often better educated) than their husbands, plus the overall change in values...?
I was interested by that too.

I wonder if women who have more traditional roles in the marriage, and are HAPPY to have them, also tend to have more trust in their mate...if he is making that much, then you might sort of feel like you HAVE to lean on him, have to have that trust. And he would respond to that, positively, as his need to "be the man" has been realized.

And when it doesn't happen like this, even if both partners 'say' it's fine, nobody is really actually satisfied. Just my theory.
I was interested by that too.

I wonder if women who have more traditional roles in the marriage, and are HAPPY to have them, also tend to have more trust in their mate...if he is making that much, then you might sort of feel like you HAVE to lean on him, have to have that trust. And he would respond to that, positively, as his need to "be the man" has been realized.

i agree with you. i somehow resent the revolution that has brought us to the state of affairs.

personally i would very to have a hubby who earned enough to be the sole breadwinner. I would still want to work part time or operate a business from home though, purely for my own sanity:drunk:. I have a good education but as a female, raising the next generation and training them is more important to me:yep:
In our counseling we learned a saying : People treat marriage like chewing gum. Once all the sweetness is gone, they throw it away and look for another peice.
And I think that's so true. People expect marriage to be a lifetime of their courtship days. And like anything else (I imagine) it's going to change as situations change (kids, job changes, moves, changes in eachother, etc)... I think contintment has a lot to do with it. But I strongly believe that it will be what you make of it, like anything else in life.
I have not yet been married, so I am not talking from a marriage standpoint, even though I hope what I say will carryon into my marriage.

For me happiness in a relationship is the ability to be your complete self with the person you love and still be loved for it. I believe happiness is the ability to grow with one another as well as support each other as individuals. I would never want to lose my identity or sense of self because of someone else. Happiness for me also means responsiblity. First, I ask am I responsibily and can I take responsibilty for what I do? It can go from everyday chores, paying bills, children, to trust, honesty, and playing my part in a two-sided relationship.

Ultimately, If i can't be happy with myself then I cannot expect someone else to be happy with me and vice versa.

This is something that would always have to be prayed about. Seek Happiness in God, In yourself, and I believe that it will play out into a marriage as when married it is said that two become one.