What is considered alot of gowth when you use growth aids?

The Savvy Sistah

New Member
What is considered alot of growth when you use growth aids?

I guess I want to know because although I am considering it, I have only been "wowed" by a few people using them.

I know people are using them for more than just growth, but they are "growth aids" so I would imagine that's one of the main goals.

On this board some people get an average of an 1/2 inch and some more each month just doing the basics. (eating healthy, exercising, healthy haircare etc). So I guess I was expecting to see more people getting about 3/4 inch or more with the growth aids (consistently).

Some of these products are expensive and you have 100's of people on the band wagon (which is great) but I only see a handful posting actual results. ( I do understand that many may want to give it time to work). For example the challenge started 2/27 and we're at the end of July so one can expect an average of about 2 1/2 inches without the growth aids and maybe some may get about an extra 1/2 inch with a summer growth spurt. So if you already have the 3 inches, would these growth aids maybe give you an extra 1 1/2 - 2 inches if you used it 5 months, if not, are they worth it. (For achieving straight growth not if it makes hair thick, less shedding etc)

I just want to get an idea of the kind of growth one could expect from growth aids like OCT/MT if you're already getting a 1/2 or more a month without them.
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I've been wondering this myself. I did my own MN challenge and saw growth. But that was at the beginning of my hair journey so I didn't know if that was the average growth for a month or an extra boost. :perplexed
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I think the 1/2 inchers are about doubling. I'm a 1/4 incher, and I've gone up to 1/2 to 3/4 regularly....
I think the 1/2 inchers are about doubling. I'm a 1/4 incher, and I've gone up to 1/2 to 3/4 regularly....

That's great Kiya! You and a few other ladies have really inspired me to try OCT/MT.

But I would love to see someone who started that challenge 5 months ago do a before and after of about 4-5 inches.

Boy, I'm ready to be amazed!!!
That's great Kiya! You and a few other ladies have really inspired me to try OCT/MT.

But I would love to see someone who started that challenge 5 months ago do a before and after of about 4-5 inches.

Boy, I'm ready to be amazed!!!

Girl, that would be FABULOUS.

I think Nice&Wavy is REALLY close to that, actually. She got at least 3-4 inches. :yep:
I was wondering this same thing as I read through hundreds of "growth-aid challenge" posts and saw very few postings about results. Personally, I think the daily scalp massages are doing more for people than the products. I decided to go old school and use sulphur/ dax for $4 each. They may smell bad, but they make my hair grow faster.

*But I'm just a Newbie!* :spinning: