How many inches do you get?

What did you do to make it grow back? That's pretty amazing.

I'd guestimate between 5-6 inches in a year. I had a patch that was bald in Jan (skin smooth) and hadn't grown for two years. It now has 5 inches of hair. I measured my hair with a tape measure for the first time the other day. I plan to record the inches this year.
What did you do to make it grow back? That's pretty amazing.

@pinkopulence Thanks. I don't want to derail so I will try to be quick. I adopted a regimen that fortunately worked for me. I stumbled upon the Maximum Hydration Method blog by Pinke Cube, where I read about her bald spot regimen.

I had a few patches but the largest one I could see was at the front. The hair only started growing back after I'd been baggying (practically 24/7) for a few weeks, from September '14. In November '14, I noticed that small hairs were growing in. I increased my washes (using clay). I baggied like this for about 5 or 6 months. I was also consistent with head massages (at least 5mins) and inversion (at least 5mins).

I added pics; Bottom is from September '14, after 3 weeks of the new regimen and 24/7 baggying. Top side by side is a comparison from November '14 (l) vs January '15 (r). I should take a current pic for visual progress.


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What vitamins are you using dear?

From what I've calculated from the past couple of months...

Naturally I grow about 6 to 8 inches a year. I grow about 0.7 inches a month.

With vitamins...I could grow at least 9. But I just started taking them and have found my hair grew about 1.5 inches while on them.
@pinkopulence Thanks. I don't want to derail so I will try to be quick. I adopted a regimen that fortunately worked for me. I stumbled upon the Maximum Hydration Method blog by Pinke Cube, where I read about her bald spot regimen.

I had a few patches but the largest one I could see was at the front. The hair only started growing back after I'd been baggying (practically 24/7) for a few weeks, from September '14. In November '14, I noticed that small hairs were growing in. I increased my washes (using clay). I baggied like this for about 5 or 6 months. I was also consistent with head massages (at least 5mins) and inversion (at least 5mins).

I added pics; Bottom is from September '14, after 3 weeks of the new regimen and 24/7 baggying. Top side by side is a comparison from November '14 (l) vs January '15 (r). I should take a current pic for visual progress.

This is an old thread but the progress documented in your photos is amazing. Not only has the hair filled in where it was thin and sparse, your ENTIRE head of hair looks brand new! The color, shine, texture and thickness are so lush. Is there a separate thread where you talk specifically about your regimen for getting rid of bald spots in detail? (I saw Pink Cube's post in her blog and saw the process written out. I would love to know what you used and how you incorporated the process into your hair regimen. I'm have become a big fan of your hair and your wonderful progress!)
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This is an old thread but the progress documented in your photos is amazing. Not only has the hair filled in where it was thin and sparse, your ENTIRE head of hair looks brand new! The color, shine, texture and thickness are so lush. Is there a separate thread where you talk specifically about your regimen for getting rid of bald spots in detail? (I saw Pink Cube's post in her blog and saw the process written out. I would love to know what you used and how you incorporated the process into your hair regimen. I'm have become a big fan of your hair and your wonderful progress!)

@Chicoro Thank you. The colour and shine I attribute to henna and better hydration. When I had those bald spots, I was only posting in the MHM Hangout thread, created by @faithVA. That thread is massive and I stuggle to find my own posts there so I'll share here.

I began MHM in September 2014. I jumped in full throttle and decided to commit to all the 'rules' because I wanted it to work.

I abandoned my 'regimen'. Like a complete overhaul- all my products and combs. Before I started, my regimen was shampooing, conditioning, tshirt-drying, smoothing on a shea butter/castor oil/ rosemary oil mix and braiding my hair away with extentions for 4 months. Previously, I never really paid attention to ingredients, only how my hair responded.

On Pinke's site, she wrote of using Kinky Curly Knot Today diluted with water, so that's what I used- 2-3oz in an applicator bottle diluted with water to make about 8oz... this was my rinse-out/ DC. I'd mix up some up and add a tsp or two (smh) of baking soda to the bottle and use this as a kind of co-cleanser for my scalp and hair (step 1). After rinsing, I'd apply warmed diluted KCKT, smoothing and squeezing the mix into my length (step 2). After rinsing, I apply my DIY clay mix (step 3). The mix I was using at the time had cayenne pepper, and way too much ACV but you live and you learn. Current mix varies: 3 or so scoops of calcium bentonite clay + 2 or so of rhassoul + water + SAA (It's thanks to you @Chicoro that I even know about these:flowers:) + steeped hibiscus or a dash- less than a tsp- of ACV, sometimes I add milk. I smooth and squeeze it into my hair, starting at the roots and packing on until my hair hangs heavy. My hair was, and still is easiest to detangle with clay so this is where I focus on removing shed hairs.

I treated the clay like my proper DC and would sit for anywhere from 30mins to 2hrs before rinsing. I would then apply more diluted KCKT (step 4) braid my hair and put my bag on for a week or two or three. I sometimes would add gel (step 5). I bought and wore wigs for the first time ever. When I didn't wig it, I had my trusty headscarves. At home, I'd have my bag on. It was always on. I'd also massage and invert during this time.

As I talked to others more in the MHM thread, I experimented and added Trader Joes Tea Tree con. and also selected Faith in Nature conditioners to my rotation, but I always came back to KCKT, as this had the best slip. When wash day came around, I would do it all over again. I did this for about 5-6 months before I started wearing my hair out regularly and tweaking my regimen.
Oh and sometimes, I would use 1-2oz of ACV diluted with water to make 8oz as my step 1. Again, this was way to much ACV for my hair to be using regularly. Once I stopped 24/7 baggying, I was washing my hair more often and using these quantities every time and my hair suffered before the tweaking.
@Chicoro Thank you. The colour and shine I attribute to henna and better hydration. When I had those bald spots, I was only posting in the MHM Hangout thread, created by @faithVA. That thread is massive and I stuggle to find my own posts there so I'll share here.

I began MHM in September 2014. I jumped in full throttle and decided to commit to all the 'rules' because I wanted it to work.

I abandoned my 'regimen'. Like a complete overhaul- all my products and combs. Before I started, my regimen was shampooing, conditioning, tshirt-drying, smoothing on a shea butter/castor oil/ rosemary oil mix and braiding my hair away with extentions for 4 months. Previously, I never really paid attention to ingredients, only how my hair responded.

On Pinke's site, she wrote of using Kinky Curly Knot Today diluted with water, so that's what I used- 2-3oz in an applicator bottle diluted with water to make about 8oz... this was my rinse-out/ DC. I'd mix up some up and add a tsp or two (smh) of baking soda to the bottle and use this as a kind of co-cleanser for my scalp and hair (step 1). After rinsing, I'd apply warmed diluted KCKT, smoothing and squeezing the mix into my length (step 2). After rinsing, I apply my DIY clay mix (step 3). The mix I was using at the time had cayenne pepper, and way too much ACV but you live and you learn. Current mix varies: 3 or so scoops of calcium bentonite clay + 2 or so of rhassoul + water + SAA (It's thanks to you @Chicoro that I even know about these:flowers:) + steeped hibiscus or a dash- less than a tsp- of ACV, sometimes I add milk. I smooth and squeeze it into my hair, starting at the roots and packing on until my hair hangs heavy. My hair was, and still is easiest to detangle with clay so this is where I focus on removing shed hairs.

I treated the clay like my proper DC and would sit for anywhere from 30mins to 2hrs before rinsing. I would then apply more diluted KCKT (step 4) braid my hair and put my bag on for a week or two or three. I sometimes would add gel (step 5). I bought and wore wigs for the first time ever. When I didn't wig it, I had my trusty headscarves. At home, I'd have my bag on. It was always on. I'd also massage and invert during this time.

As I talked to others more in the MHM thread, I experimented and added Trader Joes Tea Tree con. and also selected Faith in Nature conditioners to my rotation, but I always came back to KCKT, as this had the best slip. When wash day came around, I would do it all over again. I did this for about 5-6 months before I started wearing my hair out regularly and tweaking my regimen.

Wow! Thank you for taking the time to write this all out for me. I appreciate it! I truly appreciate it.
I'm averaging 1/2 of growth a month for most of my head.

There are a few sparse areas that are kicking out almost an inch of growth per month. :eek: This helps me to see why I was never able to maintain blunt ends. I have all these different growth rates going on.

When I get my hair back, I'll concentrate on trimming and maintaining healthy ends instead of the blunt cut. :yep:

I'm doing the typical "growth" methods: daily vitamins, 100oz water a day, exercise 5x a week, cowashing/bunning, dc weekly.
I'm averaging 1/2 of growth a month for most of my head.

There are a few sparse areas that are kicking out almost an inch of growth per month. :eek: This helps me to see why I was never able to maintain blunt ends. I have all these different growth rates going on.

When I get my hair back, I'll concentrate on trimming and maintaining healthy ends instead of the blunt cut. :yep:

I'm doing the typical "growth" methods: daily vitamins, 100oz water a day, exercise 5x a week, cowashing/bunning, dc weekly.
Sounds like you’re doing a lot of “oldies but goodies” and I love that :yep:
About 8-9 inches a year. Last year was a really steady year with nearly 10.5 inches. This year was even better. Just about 9 inches total as of this month. Hoping to get maybe 2 or 3 more since I’ve been doing the Monistat thing on and off for some months.