What Ingredients Do You Avoid?


Well-Known Member
When buying or using a product on your hair, what ingredients make you put the product down and say "NO WAY JOSE"? I've read somewhere, i dont know if it was this hair site or not, that ingredients like mineral oil, panthenol, Petroleumor lanolin oil were bad for the hair and scalp. I dont remeber why these are bad, but i avoid it anyway.

My husband often tells me jokenly that if i paid attention to my diet, and counted calories and fat like i pay attntion to the vits i take, and the ingredients of my hair products, i'd be a size zero by now!!! :grin: The sad thing is, i think he's telling the truth!

So ladies, what do you avoid, and why?
I tend to avoid:
-mineral oil
-proplyene glychol (if it's high on the ingredient list)
-beeswax (high on the list)
-lanolin (high on the list)
Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfates (makes my scalp really itchy)
Isopropyl Alcohol (too drying)
SD Alcohol (too drying)
some cones, but they're often hard to avoid....
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I try to stay away from most cones and parabens, though I bend the rule for one limited/occasional use product because I absolutely cannot find a replacement.
I stay away from drying alcohols, but that's pretty much it. I also don't use anything that comes in an aerosol can.
My hair does not seem to like products that list Glycerin as one of the main ingredients.

I don't avoid mineral oil and petroleum, but I don't like them in my base moisturizing products. Basically, my moisture has to be on point if I decide to use a product with those ingredients.
I avoid products with extra proteins, drying alcohol and silicones (with the exception of Aveda serum). Most of my products lean towards the natural ingredients.
I won't purchase anything with any form of petroluem (if I wanted to put Vaseline in my hair, I'd buy it from the DollarStore), or cones. OCCASSIONALLY I'll break the rule with cones - if it isn't in the top five ingredients, and I know that I'll be using it VERY infrequently - and it's gotta be an amazing product!

I've noticed that avoiding those two products limits my hair product options SO much, that if I avoided anything else, there would be nothing for me to buy. Unless it was from online, of course.

No Sulfates.
No Peroxides.
I try to stay away from heavy fragrances - I'm the weird girl in the BSS opening the bottles and smelling things.
HoneyDew said:
nelli!! :love:

OT but I love that style in your siggie. Is that a braid out?

(sorry for the Hijack)

mineral oil - this is a hard one to avoid for me but I do try

Nelli, I love the siggie too.:love: :love: :love:
I am so jealous girl, I've always wanna do the braid out thing but it always a big mess:mad: . I think that's why I wanna be natural, I love curls:perplexed :(
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cones(except flat ironing periods), paraben, mineral oil (except my staple le kair cholesterol), petroleum, alcohol denat., hair grease(except sulfur 8....rarely used)!
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I firstly started off avoiding products such as:

Mineral Oil
Propylene Glycol
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

But I now only use 100% natural products for my hair and skincare.
I stay away from alcohol denat and waxes (if they are high up in the list).
Other than that, I pretty much use anything that works for my hair.
HoneyDew said:
My hair does not seem to like products that list Glycerin as one of the main ingredients.

I don't avoid mineral oil and petroleum, but I don't like them in my base moisturizing products. Basically, my moisture has to be on point if I decide to use a product with those ingredients.

My hair responds horrible to products w/glycerin high on the list too. Do you know why this is? I thought glycerin was supposed to be great moisturizer but if it's in the top 4 or 5 my hair hates it. My hair doesn't mind mineral oil but I stay away from petroleum because it bothers my scalp and leaves my hair feeling heavy. If petro. is near the bottom of the ingredient list I'll use the product.
awesomely_nappy said:
When buying or using a product on your hair, what ingredients make you put the product down and say "NO WAY JOSE"? I've read somewhere, i dont know if it was this hair site or not, that ingredients like mineral oil, panthenol, Petroleumor lanolin oil were bad for the hair and scalp. I dont remeber why these are bad, but i avoid it anyway.

My husband often tells me jokenly that if i paid attention to my diet, and counted calories and fat like i pay attntion to the vits i take, and the ingredients of my hair products, i'd be a size zero by now!!! :grin: The sad thing is, i think he's telling the truth!

So ladies, what do you avoid, and why?
Good thread...and oooh so true to the bolded for me as well
I try to use all natural products with no paraben & fragrance..I try to use natural oils and limit my relaxers to 4-6 times a year
HoneyDew said:
My hair does not seem to like products that list Glycerin as one of the main ingredients.

Same here, I can't deal with too much glycerin either. If a conditioner has too much in it, like the 2nd ingriedient right after water, it leaves me with gooky, coated, overconditioned, mushy hair. :down:

The big ingriedient that I avoid like the plaque is alcohol denat.