What if someone you were considering dating was deathly allergic to your pet?


Well-Known Member
What if you met a really nice person who you could see yourself getting serious with but they were deathly allergic to your pet that you've had for years. When I say deathly allergic I mean they can't even be in the same room as the animal (severe breathing problems, hives, etc...) Would you no longer consider them as a datable option or would you take fluffy on a one-way trip to the pound? :look:
As much as I love my cat..finding a suitable life-partner is more important to me :look::grin: So I'd definitely continue the courtship, and if marriage is in order, fluffy stays with the parents:yep:

I mean, I love my kitty..but I want a family someday<soon>, so.. :look:
There are work-arounds for that such as making sure my living room and bedroom is de-furred and de-flea'd before they come over. Or go to his place, etc.

But if it was marriage...Do I want to sleep with my dog at night or my man?

I am sure I can find him a nice home that will adopt him or something.
I love dogs. If I already owned one that I'd had for years I would not date a man who was deathly allergic to my pet.
Then that's just too gotdamn bad :yep:
Aren't there shots you can get for that? Or surgery or something? :look: If he really loved me, he'd get himself corrected somehow :lol:

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No way would I get rid of my cat.....he would have to compromise - meaning that he would need to take medication until my kitty (.....and it better be of natural causes) died.
i would never get rid of my dog bc things MAY get serious with some guy. first off there's no certainty things would even get serious with this guy. second my dog is incredibly loyal. you can just take a look through the threads on this site and see how loyal men are half the time.

no way.. my dog is ride or die for me so i'll be the same for her.
I love dogs. If I already owned one that I'd had for years I would not date a man who was deathly allergic to my pet.

I agree.

Just like my students loans become "OURS."

Just like my car note and credit card become "OURS."

Tiger (my kitty) become "OURS." If he's allergic, I'm sure they got an app (whoops) PILL for that!! LOL!
Brooklyn isn't going anywhere, and everybody knows that. I wouldn't get rid of her for my momma so a man aint gonna do it.
I love my dog like he is my son, so he comes first because he got here first. Sorry bruh, you need to take pills or get shots. My neighbor is deathly allergic to her dogs, but she won't get rid of them. She gets her monthly shots and calls it a day. As long as they don't scratch her, she won't welt.
It's on to the next one. I can't even date someone who doesn't like cats. I've dated guys who don't mind my cat or are scared of her, even that is a turn off. It's a damn cat, why are people scared of a 4 lb animal. Anyway, if you don't get along with Kay, you don't get along with me.

My bff's boss is in that situation. He's allergic to cats and his partner has two of them. They just bought a house together and the partner planned to get rid of his cats. I'm heartbroken for him...but even though he said he would I keep hearing that he hasn't gotten around to it. :lol:

Liking animals is a big deal to me. I don't get how people don't care for other living things...it speaks something about their humanity in general, IMO.
Huh, sorry but the relationship would not work. I love my dog.

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I had to give up 2 cats because I became so allergic that I was nearly passing out THROUGHOUT the day...everyday. I had so much pressure in my head that It felt like it would explode. I was dizzy and had pressure in my chest.....and other symptoms that I cant remember. All because I was allergic to my cats.

So I'm sure that if a guy was allergic to y'all's animals, y'all wouldn't have to choose...he'd probably LEAVE.:look:

H*ll to the h*ll no...I'm only "considering" dating him? Like, we aren't even married or anything? Nope...like all of the other ladies said, there are pills for that and if we are only hypothetically dating, is there a particular reason he is all in my house already? That wouldn't be a factor for me this early in the game...jmho