What I received today


Well-Known Member
My wonderful hubby sent me 2 dozen red roses today, just because. He's always doing little things for me, but I was a tad suprised to receive them. Normally he'll bring me flowers home from the store. Everyday I thank God for this wonderful man in my life!!
awww thats so cute how long have you guys been married? Its lovely to see wonderful people in positive healthy relationships! yay!

im jealous...*sigh*
Thanks ladies! We've been together 11 years and married 8. He still opens the car door for me and makes coffee for me every morning even though he doesn't drink it. When I lost my only child, he was there for me 24/7, took time off from work to be with me. He is truly a wonderful blessing in my life.
WOW! This is such a wonderful thing, Love that is...
You are blessed, trust and believe...

Now, is he available to give classes to the "clueless?" :lachen:
Actually we both give relationship talks and classes to singles and couples, especially before they get married. He is a Pastor which is why we dated 3 years before getting married. I had seen too many times how Pastor's wives were treated and I didn't want any part of that. I got married to him when I was 49, he is 7 years younger than I am. He has always said for me to be me, and that he was called to Pastor, not me! I had been me a lot longer than I was going to be a Pastor's wife, so changing wasn't going to work for me! I am a down to earth sister, and don't want to be put on anybody's pedestal :lachen::lachen::lachen:.
That explains it! :yep:
Good for you and him! Such an inspiration! Go Lady, Go!
Best wishes to continued love and appreciation! I LOVE to see stories like this!
january noir, just curious but what were you referring to when you said "That explains it!" :perplexed