So on Sunday- I reposted a status on my Facebook from a guy name Nick Cooper. Nick wrote something like “Men, if you require your woman to work, then she will not respect you.” I agreed with it. Too many times I see women shacking up with men that don’t understand their role as the provider. Hell I did it before. The women would work 2-3 jobs to make sure the bills are paid while her “partner” worked half of one if not a whole one. THEN when the woman came home, she still was expected to cook, clean, do laundry, take care of the kids, and be his porn star at night.... then get up to work again the next day. Again, I did this so speaking from experience. I know better now.
Well a lot of men on my page didn’t like this meme and went as far as to say that is gold diggerish, she is looking for a sponsor, etc. And some where even getting down right disrespectful that I even had to delete some folks from my page.
What exactly happened to men as to why they don’t want to be the providers any more? I am not saying the woman should stay home all day and watch Jerry Springer, but it should be her option to work. If he picks a good one, she will have an income flow- whether through investing, working or some other way but I don’t think a woman should be REQUIRED to work and then come home to a second “job”.
Men now a days want the 50/50 financial arrangement with the traditional wife- cutting her life shorter and shorter in the process. I rather be alone than with a man who thinks I should do it all.
What say you?
Well, I'm not as conservative and traditional as many of the women who post here, so my views are quite different.
Well, for starters, I would never stay at home, even if I did have kids. I may stay at home the first few months after the child is born, but after that, it's back to work. I have put in time and effort into obtaining education and work experience and with the income that I'm earning now, it would be a slap in the face for me to give it all up. I just feel as though you only need to stay at home if you have small children to take care of, or if you and the husband agree that it's more financially beneficial for you to stay home instead of work and pay for childcare. If you don't have children, then I question, what's the point of staying at home? I do require that my husband work and pay bills just like me, because that's what responsible adults do. I enjoy being able to earn my own money and my worst fear is that I'd quit working to be a SAM and my husband would develop a power trip and ego and become controlling or worse physically or emotionally abusive and I'd have no way to escape. Or my spouse would get hurt/disabled or laid off then we both would be sitting up looking crazy with no income.
However, in a fantasy world, if I had a man who was not abusive and very financially stable, to convince me to give up my career, he'd have to be VERY well off and be able to provide me the lifestyle that I was accustomed to providing myself as a single career woman. He'd need to make a minimum of $230K annually, continue the payments on the property that I already owned before meeting him and continue to make monthly deposits into my investment and savings accounts which would remain in my name after marriage, should he decide to leave me later on.
I don't believe in shacking before marriage, so me living with some man prior to marriage is totally out of the question. So I would not even entertain the idea of doing all this cooking/cleaning and paying bills for some negro who didn't even bother to marry me. Next, If I was married, I want a partnership, not a dictatorship. My current job sometimes requires me to work 50-60 hours a week, I can't imagine working 10-12 hours then coming home to a husband getting off work before I do, so he's sitting on the couch waiting on me to cook dinner because I have an X chromosome. Got me F***ed up. If I get married I will make it known that we both will be responsible for household stuff such as cooking and cleaning. If we both have to work then we both will cook and clean. I'm not doing double work. I'm not religious so I don't even follow that submissive wife and playing your role mess, so all that's out the window for me as well. I'm about partnership. Paying bills is not an issue for me, but on the flip side, he WILL be cooking and cleaning right along side me since I'm working too. I think this is why women are so stressed out. If you have to leave that house and work too, then there's absolutely no reason why that man should not be helping you cook and clean when he gets home too. Don't do extra work if you don't have to, because I won't. And if he is requiring you to cook, clean and take care of children without much help, then he needs to be making the kind of money to allow you to stay at home permanently, but the average BM does not earn this type of money, so unless he's in a position to do this then he needs to STFU and pick up that broom and them pots and pans and get it poppin.