What Happened

Damn I miss in living color!

And you gonna have gym bald next time she get a cut looking at the Hydrogen peroxide like... " Well SistaSlick said it was ok....":rolleyes:

Girl Sista Jenkins had me rollin!

But umm, when did I ever endorse hydrogen peroxide? Those words have never been typed from these fingertips until this very post :sekret: :giggle:
No she really did it.:look:

Huh, I'm lost now. Were you being sarcastic about taking the notes?

SMH! SistaSlick you better clarify this subject before some poor newbie have a post saying

" SistaSlick told me to use peroxide and now I went from BSL to TWA"

Im just saying:lachen:

I know right. I'm a little nervous.

This thread is about to go down because of SistaSlicks "unpopular opinion"
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Girl Sista Jenkins had me rollin!

But umm, when did I ever endorse hydrogen peroxide? Those words have never been typed from these fingertips until this very post :sekret: :giggle:

I know... when she used to make that face right after the people walked away! Lol... I think I make that face too!

Oh so now its my fault... I forgot we was being "incognegro"

Now but are you serious... is the product thats is not to be named really good for that... cause i want some color for my birthday in Jan!

Im just saying:look:
Its nearly 2am, I have had some rum to drink with my rum cake, and I am fighting sleep, what did you expect :lachen::lachen:

I want some black cake! Next week is thanksgiving for us so hopefully I'll have some then :lick: Can't wait.. right now there is some saltfish in water in the fridge right now... Ackee and Saltfish and Fried Dumpling tomorrow! Yay Yayy! lol
SMH! SistaSlick you better clarify this subject before some poor newbie have a post saying

" SistaSlick told me to use peroxide and now I went from BSL to TWA"

Im just saying:lachen:


You are right SoOony... Ladies rather than the previously mentioned, well unmentioned solution, Dark N Lovely is another great permanent coloring option (among others) that will fry and dry your hair out excellently. :yep: There are tons of other hair ravaging options!

Also I am not responsible for said damages to tresses incurred as a result of following this non-advice. Should damage occur, though, I'll help ya in pm land. Please note that response time is anywhere from 1-3 weeks. So . . . :lachen:
Y'all cracking me up... I would also like to know if the product that is not to be named is endorsed by you Sistaslick.

You are right SoOony... Ladies rather than the previously mentioned, well unmentioned solution, Dark N Lovely is another great permanent coloring option (among others) that will fry and dry your hair out excellently. :yep: There are tons of other hair ravaging options!

Also I am not responsible for said damages to tresses incurred as a result of following this non-advice. Should damage occur, though, I'll help ya in pm land. Please note that response time is anywhere from 1-3 weeks. So . . . :lachen:

Oh, alright then :lol:

You are right SoOony... Ladies rather than the previously mentioned, well unmentioned solution, Dark N Lovely is another great permanent coloring option (among others) that will fry and dry your hair out excellently. :yep:

Also I am not responsible for said damages to tresses incurred as a result of following this non-advice. Should damage occur, though, I'll help ya in pm land. Please note that response time is anywhere from 1-3 weeks. So . . . :lachen:


you better put that disclaimer in you siggy...

Oh and Dark and Lovely aint ish!
I want some black cake! Next week is thanksgiving for us so hopefully I'll have some then :lick: Can't wait.. right now there is some saltfish in water in the fridge right now... Ackee and Saltfish and Fried Dumpling tomorrow! Yay Yayy! lol

No more food mentioning! and I am west Indian too so thats hitting home for me.... MMMMMMM
I want some black cake! Next week is thanksgiving for us so hopefully I'll have some then :lick: Can't wait.. right now there is some saltfish in water in the fridge right now... Ackee and Saltfish and Fried Dumpling tomorrow! Yay Yayy! lol

No you didn't go there with the black cake. I had that for the first time in my life this year. Good God it was good. Now I want some oxtail :lol: Let me take my hungry behind to bed :lol:
Oh and SistaSlick... I am having some trouble getting a uniform color...

So if you wanna help me that Marketing degree is still on the table :sekret:
No you didn't go there with the black cake. I had that for the first time in my life this year. Good God it was good. Now I want some oxtail :lol: Let me take my hungry behind to bed :lol:

Ahh Oxtail! No I must resist... I have a BIG pot of Oxtail soup in my fridge right now.:look: Here's me trying to lose weight.. and get down to that Mandatory 135lbs in order to post pics of my hair grown and my rib cage.

No more food mentioning! and I am west Indian too so thats hitting home for me.... MMMMMMM

:grin: Heehee.. Yah I'm here digging the hole for myself.:drunk:
Y'all cracking me up... I would also like to know if the product that is not to be named is endorsed by you Sistaslick.

I'm gonna have to pull the "do as I say, not as I do" card on this one. :lachen:

The solution is evil. Pure EVIL.

But I use it. :look: *hangs head (with awesome, chocolate-ty brown hair) in shame* :lachen:
I'm gonna have to pull the "do as I say, not as I do" card on this one. :lachen:

The solution is evil. Pure EVIL.

But I use it. :look: *hangs head (with awesome, chocolate-ty brown hair) in shame* :lachen:

No need to hang your head:lachen: Your hair is gorgeous, just like you said.
I'm gonna have to pull the "do as I say, not as I do" card on this one. :lachen:

The solution is evil. Pure EVIL.

But I use it. :look: *hangs head (with awesome, chocolate-ty brown hair) in shame* :lachen:

I might try it anyways (in a little section somewhere in the back of my head that I can hide easily lol).

Don't worry about my hair... it's literally made of steel. I won't blame you in the off chance something goes wrong :)
I was trying to be diplomatic.

Can you imagine? You're just minding your bizness - scanning the bottles of discount Redken at your local Tar-jay when you hear behind from behind you:

"BALD *****!"

and you turn around just in time to see a "fan" ponytail disappear around the far corner as a bottle of Pink Lotion hits the floor.


:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Too damn funny!!!
People online tend to be a lot more opinionated, and bold, and real quiet in person.

The comments they make online to people are comments they would only share with their family members...

The same goes for the negative comments on celebrities.... just a bunch of typing!!!