What Happened

People online tend to be a lot more opinionated, and bold, and real quiet in person.

The comments they make online to people are comments they would only share with their family members...

The same goes for the negative comments on celebrities.... just a bunch of typing!!!

For the most part I think that's true.

I personally am the same person you see here at lhcf... in real life when something bothers me and I speak out on it, people look at me as if I'm totally spazzing out :lol:

Now, I'm not a mean person, I'm not gangsta (lol) but I can't shut my mouth to save my life. That's just me. I have lost more than one job because of it (not bragging, lol... that's a shame) and I might get kicked off this site one day if someone really manages to upset me :lol:

I don't think that's the norm. People don't go around saying these sorts of things in the open.

Why heffas gotta be acting like that? :nono: Just because you're at home safe and sound on your computer?

Yeah, you a straight ***** :Cow: if you're one of the members that can't allow people to do what they want to do with their own body/hair, leave nasty comments about people's physical features or participate in any other ***** like behavior.

:sigh: I think I need to go to bed now, lol.

I was trying to be diplomatic.

Can you imagine? You're just minding your bizness - scanning the bottles of discount Redken at your local Tar-jay when you hear behind from behind you:

"BALD *****!"

and you turn around just in time to see a "fan" ponytail disappear around the far corner as a bottle of Pink Lotion hits the floor.


Wow 19 pages! I was up past midnite reading this thread and LMAO I was worried it would be locked by breakfast. I guess I'll subscribe now.
Wow 19 pages! I was up past midnite reading this thread and LMAO I was worried it would be locked by breakfast. I guess I'll subscribe now.

LOL- I think it was 3 or 4 pages when I went to bed last night and I woke up like Whoa, it thought it would be locked down too.


You ladies are hilarious! I really needed those laughs!
No one should be censored for simply sharing their unpopular regimens.

For harrassment or something serious of that nature, sure.

For saying you like to blowdry your hair with vaseline or whatever... who the heck is anyone to tell anybody what they can do with their own hair? Why should anyone be afraid to post about such things?

It really is a shame to me and it kind of makes me think differently about lhcf.

i'm not an expert on thread shut downs but it seems that its not the people that say they blow dry their hair with vaseline or flat iron wet hair that is the problem. i think the problem comes with someone starts attacking that person or calling their routine stupid and then the back and forth starts from there.
People online tend to be a lot more opinionated, and bold, and real quiet in person.

The comments they make online to people are comments they would only share with their family members...

I actually feel that I'm more subdued and make an effort to be civil online and the opposite in person..

in person,

if a situation where it's friendly, happy - think I'm cool.

still waiting to meet folks where the situation is not that...
so everything that was ever popped to me can be popped to me in my face...

so I can say, please touch me, so we both can find our way to the precinct together or I'll let that person be the fool and touch me so I can press charges and go back home while they're in lock up with Bertha.

I actually have genuine anger management issues. Not trying to let it get to the point where my primary physician offers a referral for counseling. He suggested a healthy outlet instead first.
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i'm not an expert on thread shut downs but it seems that its not the people that say they blow dry their hair with vaseline or flat iron wet hair that is the problem. i think the problem comes with someone starts attacking that person or calling their routine stupid and then the back and forth starts from there.

Yeah, that's the big problem imo too.

WTH is wrong with people who do that? :nono:

(wasn't talking only about the mods in that post... was talking about the overall vibe here)
Gee, I didn't think this thread would get this long. I usually don't start threads b/c I don't get many replies.

Before i went to bed that night, I was the last one to post but I was waiting for someone to post but I got tired and went to bed and then the next morning.........it was gone. I'm not sure if things got heated after that. I really don't think it did since the thread is not here anymore. I was actually having fun in that thread:)
People online tend to be a lot more opinionated, and bold, and real quiet in person.

The comments they make online to people are comments they would only share with their family members...

The same goes for the negative comments on celebrities.... just a bunch of typing!!!

Girl some of those post can be so harsh:nono: Especially when there's a thread on a celebrity's baby/child. I don't even post b/c I don't want to start anything.
We should have a.. whats that word.. convention? Get together? And all join eHands and hum Kumbaya

We do. After every few heated threads that get locked, there's another thread that's a "let's squash this" thread. There is at least one kumbaya in each of those threads. Probably find them all if you search "kumbaya".
Yeah. Where the *** is my thread??? The point I was personally trying to make is everything don't work for everybody
We do. After every few heated threads that get locked, there's another thread that's a "let's squash this" thread. There is at least one kumbaya in each of those threads. Probably find them all if you search "kumbaya".

I've seen one of them! Had no idea this is a cycle.

I guess when you hit a year, that's when you experience the cycle in it's entirety :lol:
I was wondering about this too. Gorgeous and I were confused,lol. It was fine before i went to sleep, then poof!!!! into thin air.
Yeah. Where the *** is my thread??? The point I was personally trying to make is everything don't work for everybody

Girl that was your thread? I kept trying to figure out who started it so I could pm them to see what happened.......I see you don't know either:ohwell:
Im new and i was also a little confused about some of the negativity here, but i was a little scared to voice it for fear of being shut DOWN lol:look: