what happened to the no heat straight plates thread ckw and launch?

I was planning to order more...but I think I will hold off until you can definitively tell us which plates we are getting.
I'm a little hesitant now with the plate redesign plus the snapping together addition. I'm not so sure about my pledge anymore. I feel like my hair won't lay as smooth in the plate plus I don't want those extra pieces stick out on the ends to snag my hair...

That's a great point. If you snap them together your fly away hair/shorter hairs/baby hair may not lay smoothly. I wonder if you can forgo the snapping. Do we HAVE to snap the plates as we use them? I'm unsure about my pledge too. I was immediately on board but too much is going on. I never got an explanation why they needed to snap together. Nor was there a demonstration on how to place your hair on a snapped together plate.
I see others feel like I do about the snapping plates. I hope the snaps can made an option. I was very excited about the first model, I'm not so excited about the change.
It looks like there is no extra piece on the ends of the plates...there's are holes there. If you want to snap together you have to use one of those short little plates that have edges that jut out and snap into the holes, then you attach another plate to that. If you're not "snapping" I can't see where the holes on the ends would increase the risk of snagging.

My question is if the small "connector plates" are included...if so, how many? Seems like an unneccessary expense to have plates in different sizes to accommodate length AND snapping plates which require a whole separate piece.
She's probably trying to accommodate ladies with longer hair. However, I'd prefer simply having longer plates. I'm willing to wait for the second round in Dec 2014 to get the longer plates.
Now that I look at it closer, the connector plate has one side with holes (FEMALE) and one side with a jutting edge (MALE). That means the main straight plate will definitely have a jutting edge (MALE) on either the top or bottom. That's a potential problem. Maybe not though if it's nice and seamless.
I never got an explanation why they needed to snap together. Nor was there a demonstration on how to place your hair on a snapped together plate.

I agree. I'd like to see a demo of the snapping. Do we have a choice between snapping and non snappnig plates?
I think maybe there should be a default plate size and that size should be pretty long? Like as long as the size large plates?
I wonder if the original plate design would have gotten the Kinky hair demo model a little more stretched/straighter? I'd like to see a comparison.
knbradley it's time to get in here and explain everyone's valid concerns. We are pledging based on your demonstration not alterations. They may or may not be ideal so there should either be an option to snap or not, or leave them as is for now until you perfect your changes. Those pledging did so based on a promise of delivering goods as mentioned via the kickstarter (and that's also a part of kickstarter rules as you have an obligation to send what is promised to those pledging). Better to send the original then to have a problem with pledgers contacting kickstarter and amazon to refund their money and complain.
Hey Kelechi I would strongly advise you stick to the original design, in as much as the additions are potentially helpful, it is best to have a solid foundation with what we originally saw. Plates that are durable and heat resistant are more important to me. Any additional ideas can be done later. You are in the launch stage of the product cycle it is crucial that you get the financial backing first and jara can be added later biko.

Once it it works well for" 4b/c" natural haired ladies like me, the rest will follow.

Look at Tangle Teezer when it came out we all loved the idea and for some it is still great, for the rest it led to splitsville. Ensure that no snagging is possible with the plates and that with continued use it still works well and the customers will not only be gained but retained. Rentention and meeting customers needs and wants is key.

Why is this turning into something I'm not so sure of! I just want what was first advertised. That product I'm sure of. Adaptations I'm just so so on unless i can see them too used.
Hi @knbradley I'm getting some concerned pm's. As I started this thread to support you (with no investment other than to see you succeed), I feel responsible for some of the hype that was given to your campaign and to those voicing concerns to me via pm.

I know that I'm not on your business team, but I am one of your biggest supporters along with everyone else rooting for you in this campaign. I've even gone to various bloggers to pm and present them with your kickstarter (again without wanting anything in return and just helping with my marketing background).

Please address the issues placed in this thread. There are people who pm'd me stating (and I'm giving you a heads up) that they will pull out of donating and I asked them to pause until Tues/Wed before doing so to give you time to answer in case you have technical difficulties or have to filter through too many emails. However, I'd say their concerns (and mine) are valid and just because your campaign is successful does not mean it can't go the opposite. The campaign is not over. That means that people can withdraw their pledge amounts, or lower donations and they would be well within their right if you are changing what you initially promised. It's best to straighten out these concerns and address them right away (especially the snap on which has people concerned with damage to their hair from the grooves) so that it doesn't snowball into a prior success becoming a quick reversal. The ladies here are patient and understanding but you have to talk to us and let us know what is going on and hopefully honor your original design.

I will monitor the thread though I'm traveling next week in hopes that you will address and solve concerns. Otherwise by Wed I will recommend to those in limbo to protect their money (as I'm sure you can understand) or at least realize the possibility of receiving a product that is not as promised. I realize you may not be able to do everything (video after video, etc) but I do know that things such as promising the original design (and keeping it consistent without changing it) can be promised.
It would definitely be better idea if she introduced the changes along with a video for us to see. Pictures would work too but good pictures, full length showing all the hair, not just one plate-sized section. It doesn't seem very difficult to ask a friend to wash her hair and lend the friend the plates, while knbradley goes about her business. It'd be nice if someone else installed it themselves on their hair actually, as they're supposed to be easy to use.
Actually, the enhancements could be the second and third versions ("New & Improved CWK Plates). For example, when the original Tangle Teaser came out they got everybody's :dollar::dollar::dollar:. Then nine months later they came out with the "New & Improved" Tangle Teaser with a handle. Then they started having different colors etc.

Guess what? They got everybody that was into that craze :dollar: all over again, multiple times.

I would focus on fulfilling the original backers, so you have a great business reputation.

ETA: I'm trying to think of another example besides the Tangle Teaser, because that thing shredded a lot of afro-textured hair.

ETA2: I'm happy you're thinking of ways to enhance your product, but it's premature to do them now IMHO.

Wishing you continued success with your project!
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Eh, I scaled back. Instead of one $500 set of 3, I just went with two $80 international packages and that way it'll arrive at my doorstep instead of at my parents' place in the states. I used DH's account to order the extra so I have enough plates for my big ol' head.
Actually, the enhancements could be the second and third versions ("New & Improved CWK Plates). For example, when the original Tangle Teaser came out they got everybody's :dollar::dollar::dollar:. Then nine months later they came out with the "New & Improved" Tangle Teaser with a handle. Then they started having different colors etc.

Guess what? They got everybody that was into that craze :dollar: all over again, multiple times.

I would focus on fulfilling the original backers, so you have a great business reputation.

ETA: I'm trying to think of another example besides the Tangle Teaser, because that thing shredded a lot of afro-textured hair.

ETA2: I'm happy you're thinking of ways to enhance your product, but it's premature to do them now IMHO.

Wishing you continued success with your project!

Like I said before knbradley, you are doing too much. It is confusing your donors and would be donors. Too much is going on. It is becoming a turn off. I encourge you, again, just focus on getting the original plates out. Isn't that enough work??? Do not overextend yourself. You never told us you were still working on the plates. That is something Kickstarter requires from the beginning (if the product is, in fact, not complete). You have to notify donors from the BEGINNING of your project that you PLAN TO CHANGE THE DESIGN. They were presented as if they were ready to go. So, in other words, we did not need to know about these additions-- unless the original plates were not ready. You can save all of these new additions/options for your next rounds of production like MileHighDiva indicates above. And above all that, get in here & let us know what's going on!
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Like I said before knbradley, you are doing too much. It is confusing your donors and would be donors. Too much is going on. It is becoming a turn off.

This is exactly how I feel. I understand knbradley getting excited about her kickstarter success, but all the new ideas are confusing me and I have no idea what exactly I will be getting when my product ships.

Don't get me wrong, I believe that the new ideas are good ones and could work well for her product in the future. But, I worry that this recent brainstorming will lead to a rush job on the first orders and leave us with an inferior product in August.
luckiestdestiny, Perhaps you could compile a list of FAQ? The thread is becoming longer day by day. I know that everyone has valid concerns, however we don't know what's going on in her daily life. She may be dealing with some stuff that we don't know about.

Since you are her biggest supporter maybe you can through to her.
Yeah i think people need to stop reiterating the snapping plates warnings and attacking her and just wait for her to come back :lol:
@luckiestdestiny, Perhaps you could compile a list of FAQ? The thread is becoming longer day by day. I know that everyone has valid concerns, however we don't know what's going on in her daily life. She may be dealing with some stuff that we don't know about.

Since you are her biggest supporter maybe you can through to her.

Great idea but with one snafu Mahogony7
I am one of her supporters. I'm a fan but nothing more as I don't work for her lol. Yes I'm excited about the possibility of her first design so I told the others, and even emailed a couple bloggers but the responsibility of handling her campaign is in her hands. She didn't hire me as a campaign manager :lol: so le shrug. What I can do for her is only in a quick capacity. I made a notation here, I emailed her to let her know what's up and the ball is now in her court (which is why I propose a deadline if she doesn't respond).

If I had time I'd compile a list but I don't. I'm traveling for work on a film, I'm marketing for another film and fundraising, and I am going to a wedding, and then I have a surgery by next Friday:blush: (fibroids) all in the next week so my time is stretched thin right now.

With that said please Mahogony7 or anyone else who wants to please feel free to post the questions here or pm them to me and I'll add them to the beginning of the thread and also re pm her just as everyone else has done. I think it's an excellent idea. If you can also post the FAQ in this thread and add knbradley in the post somewhere when she logs in she will see them and log in and click on the link to see all the questions in one post.
If I am not mistaken I think she said a few days ago her computer needed repairing or something and she was trying to get her hubster to fix it.

So that might be the reason why she hasn't been in here to reply to messages. Idk...
Yeah i think people need to stop reiterating the snapping plates warnings and attacking her and just wait for her to come back :lol:
Agreed. I think we need to wait until Tues and just possibly do the FAQ list (as a courtesy) for her if someone is willing to do it and that's it. Or else she will see all the questions and have to comb through the thread (either way her responsibility). And then if there is no response, make a move from there to protect ourselves by removing our donation completely or make a lower donation if necessary to remove the risk. But I think we should definitely give her time to respond.

I don't think anyone is attacking her. I think they are just concerned. But repeated over and over it does appear that way. So we should just take a break for a while with the repeat questions:lachen:
Eh, I scaled back. Instead of one $500 set of 3, I just went with two $80 international packages and that way it'll arrive at my doorstep instead of at my parents' place in the states. I used DH's account to order the extra so I have enough plates for my big ol' head.

I saw that :yep: I noticed her donations were going down but her "donors" were the same. I kinda felt that would happen if she doesn't resolve this. She could easily go from almost $20,000 to less than her goal if she avoids people and I was hoping to avoid that by giving her a deadline in which to address the concerns. You can always go back up if ou like what she says...or not...all until the last day.

The last day kickstarter locks in your donation amount (that doesn't mean you can't still request a refund through amazon but it does mean you can no longer change it). That's why I wanted to give her till Tues/wed before changing mine. That gives 4 days...enough time for her to answer, but also enough for me to be able to change if necessary without having to request a refund via amazon. I'm more than willing to give her a chance....but again just that, a chance. Countdown till Tues, holding strong and still not abandoning ship. I'm hoping she has a good reason and will come back and respond.
If I am not mistaken I think she said a few days ago her computer needed repairing or something and she was trying to get her hubster to fix it.

So that might be the reason why she hasn't been in here to reply to messages. Idk...

I read that as well....:drunk:
On Instagram there's a recent update posted, the little hearts stuff to length check. So if we can update Instagram, we can also give a word or two on a forum...I really don't mean to be B, just being honest. I'm still going to support her through and through if the product works well, but for now that's not 100%.

The last day kickstarter locks in your donation amount (that doesn't mean you can't still request a refund through amazon but it does mean you can no longer change it). That's why I wanted to give her till Tues/wed before changing mine. That gives 4 days...enough time for her to answer, but also enough for me to be able to change if necessary without having to request a refund via amazon. I'm more than willing to give her a chance....but again just that, a chance. Countdown till Tues, holding strong and still not abandoning ship. I'm hoping she has a good reason and will come back and respond.
luckiestdestiny so we have until the very last day to change our pledges? That's good to know! Good luck with all of your projects and surgery! From everyone here I'd definitely vote for you and virtuenow to be in her team. Very good and frank, sound advice from you ladies.
On Instagram there's a recent update posted, the little hearts stuff to length check. So if we can update Instagram, we can also give a word or two on a forum...I really don't mean to be B, just being honest. I'm still going to support her through and through if the product works well, but for now that's not 100%.

@luckiestdestiny so we have until the very last day to change our pledges? That's good to know! Good luck with all of your projects and surgery! From everyone here I'd definitely vote for you and @virtuenow to be in her team. Very good and frank, sound advice from you ladies.

Thanks for the well wishes I need it :grin: especially the surgery as I want to preserve my uterus and still be able to have children so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and of course have a good doctor. I've held out but I was becoming severly anemic and in too much pain from the fibroids so I have to do something about them..

As for the kickstarter: Yes until the last day you can change your bid. And I don't think anyone is being a B. We're all honest, and we're all rooting for her. We just need her to step in and let us know what's going on. If she is fixing her computer I'm sure she'll be in for a shock when she checks. But hopefully she'll also see we mean well, are being honest, are reasonable (we haven't all pulled out and changed our donations) so we are waiting but we do need some type of response eventually. But again I hope she knows we're rooting for her and want her to succeed but have to be honest in our response.:yep:
Great idea but with one snafu Mahogony7
I am one of her supporters. I'm a fan but nothing more as I don't work for her lol. Yes I'm excited about the possibility of her first design so I told the others, and even emailed a couple bloggers but the responsibility of handling her campaign is in her hands. She didn't hire me as a campaign manager :lol: so le shrug. What I can do for her is only in a quick capacity. I made a notation here, I emailed her to let her know what's up and the ball is now in her court (which is why I propose a deadline if she doesn't respond).

If I had time I'd compile a list but I don't. I'm traveling for work on a film, I'm marketing for another film and fundraising, and I am going to a wedding, and then I have a surgery by next Friday:blush: (fibroids) all in the next week so my time is stretched thin right now.

With that said please Mahogony7 or anyone else who wants to please feel free to post the questions here or pm them to me and I'll add them to the beginning of the thread and also re pm her just as everyone else has done. I think it's an excellent idea. If you can also post the FAQ in this thread and add knbradley in the post somewhere when she logs in she will see them and log in and click on the link to see all the questions in one post.

Over everything, good luck and Godspeed with your surgery. You are a very busy girl!

I think people will just have to be patient until Tuesday, but we'll see what happens. Hopefully everything is ok and it's just a problem with her computer.
luckiestdestiny I pray everything goes well with your surgery and that you will be strengthened. Amarilles I think both luckiestdestiny and myself both have business backgrounds so we are showing our support w/various tips.
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