what happened to the no heat straight plates thread ckw and launch?

See I don't even know if "sizes" are relevant anymore since they're snapping together. If that's the case, just make one pack with all the various sizes. Whole thing is giving me a headache.
thanks, i am very confused myself:perplexed

.....comes out of lurkmode :curtain:

If you look closely on her kick starter at the still video image, you can see that the bottom of the original straight plate left two rectangular dents/waves in the girls hair, right above the ends that were left out. So I think her new design that doesn't have the rectangular slots will indeed make the hair sleeker/straighter. Also with the snapping plates, the way I see it is that it's the same as if they didn't snap together. Meaning people can still get however many plates they wanted, the only difference is you can snap several together and apply them like one huge plate rather than having to add one single plate at a time while going down the length of your hair. So for instance, say if you had the $10 pack..... You would still get one large, one medium, and one small plate, the only difference is that you can now snap together that large medium and small plate and apply all three to your hair at one time, if you want. But you still only have those three plates. So people can still order whatever amount they want for their whole head. .....Atleast that's how I see it :lachen:
.....comes out of lurkmode :curtain:

If you look closely on her kick starter at the still video image, you can see that the bottom of the original straight plate left two rectangular dents/waves in the girls hair, right above the ends that were left out. So I think her new design that doesn't have the rectangular slots will indeed make the hair sleeker/straighter. Also with the snapping plates, the way I see it is that it's the same as if they didn't snap together. Meaning people can still get however many plates they wanted, the only difference is you can snap several together and apply them like one huge plate rather than having to add one single plate at a time while going down the length of your hair. So for instance, say if you had the $10 pack..... You would still get one large, one medium, and one small plate, the only difference is that you can now snap together that large medium and small plate and apply all three to your hair at one time, if you want. But you still only have those three plates. So people can still order whatever amount they want for their whole head. .....Atleast that's how I see it :lachen:

Well, that's all she had to say! People just want to hear from her directly. Thanks for coming out of lurkdom. Chelz :yep:
This thread is allllllll over the place. I pledged. I'm sure she was not expecting the response & level of interest that she has gotten. She asked for 8k and has almost 2.5 times that amount. I still want my plates by August/September, so I'm not gonna slow up the process by demanding that she answer every.single.question on a message board.

The woman is probably working her butt off to make sure she can deliver on her original promise & folks are in here lighting torches & sharpening pitch forks.......sheesh.

ETA: And isn't that the risk that you take funding a kickstarter campaign? I thought that was the whole point. It's a new & UNTESTED idea, there are bound to be some changes along the way.
I pledged just $25 so I'm not terribly concerned about losing it if it came to that but I would really like this to work our and be able to use the product. I hope it comes to fruition and most of all that it works well. That would be epic.
This thread is allllllll over the place. I pledged. I'm sure she was not expecting the response & level of interest that she has gotten. She asked for 8k and has almost 2.5 times that amount. I still want my plates by August/September, so I'm not gonna slow up the process by demanding that she answer every.single.question on a message board.

The woman is probably working her butt off to make sure she can deliver on her original promise & folks are in here lighting torches & sharpening pitch forks.......sheesh.

ETA: And isn't that the risk that you take funding a kickstarter campaign? I thought that was the whole point. It's a new & UNTESTED idea, there are bound to be some changes along the way.

No. Kickstarter minimizes risks and takes your ss# for a reason in case of fraud. What if you say sold X item and then said never mind you're not making X because you ran into problems.

I don't think she's fraudulent btw. I just think that one major question ,if you have changed something, should be answered as the poster did a couple posts up. If that poster is right, that's all she had to say. And yes she does owe it to customers. I have a lot of successful kickstarter campaigns (not to mention indiegogo) and also consulted for many others. I'm actually considered by some in my industry, in addition to marketing/producing, a crowd funding expert lol and am contacted constantly as a consultant. My time is shorter now for this as I focus more on production in film, etc but I still market and do whatever to help projects including some fundraising. In reference to the projects I worked, each of which delivered all of their promises (and more with bonuses added). YOu have to and you owe it to your customers. Yes you may have delays, but then you owe it to your customers to inform them of why because they donated to your campaign. It's just common courtesy.

In this case most people had the same question. What's up with changing your design which of course is the product period. A simple: This is why and I hope you understand and of course please know you can always change your bid (and also updating your kickstater) ....is required and necessary so that people can make the best decision possible.

The way you handle things matters. Customers and donors are very understanding...but you have to give them the benefit of the doubt. Oh and you owe it to answer your pledge customer's questions. I don't doubt that a ton of donors have hit and questioned her via the "contact me" button. Simply informing them and coming here to lhcf where her primary audience (who helped to spread the word is) is just common courtesy.

So that's how I feel about that.
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There is a question because the plates are different lengths. I think the long plate is 10" and the medium plate is 6". I may be wrong about that but I think I read it on here somewhere. That's a significant difference. People are choosing their packages based on the fact that they get x amount of 10" and y amount of 6" and they have z amount of hair, etc... If they snap together, the length of the plate becomes less of an issue and the quantity of plates you're purchasing becomes more of an issue. No? If I have 12" of hair, then I'd rather have 4 of 6" plates than 2 of 10" plates. Plus it appears that there is now a "connector" plate (of unknown length) to facilitate the snapping that will add at least an inch or two. How many connectors are included per package? All of these things are factors you will need to consider when pledging to ensure you've purchased enough to do your whole head. It isn't as if you will be able to run out to Sally's and buy more. You won't have the opportunity to get anymore for a minute. Whereas, if all of the plates were just a standard say 7" (just guessing) since they now snap together, you'd have a better idea of what you were doing. Can't change it now though with all of those pledges already in but things get confusing when you make alterations mid-stream. That's one issue. Here is another:

The section with the hearts. What is the purpose of the hearts section? In the original design, there is a hearts section and then a long section with horizontal vents. If the hearts were not doing something different than the rest of the plate, there would be just one long plate with horizontal venting. Even though the horizontal venting is altered, there is now an additional section on the bottom of the plate with the hearts on the newest design which I imagine will do SOMETHING or adds some benefit. What is it? If there is no benefit to the additional hearts section, it adds an additional SNAP for no reason.

I am no expert but I have some limited experience in manufacturing plastic products. Every SNAP is an area of potential product FAILURE -- some place on the product that can potentially break. We had 3 of those on the original design. Now there are 8 (in addition to the seam where the product folds). I know some consider it "minor" but only time will tell.

The change in the design and placement of the ventilation holes. The original design had holes in the back of the plate that were staggered. In the final design the holes are lined up. With the long horizontal bar vents on the front of the plates, not so much of an issue but now that that type of ventilation is gone, and has been replaced by a circular more restrictive design, how does this affect drying time? Does it straighten the hair better? And if the design of the ventilation on the front of the plate has any effect on the straightening process, with the 4c kinky model, the plates used on her hair seem to be the design that was NOT chosen for production. Would her hair have been straighter if the final design was used or is the design of the face ventilation strictly cosmetic?

Lastly, I love my hair poofy. I did not get any of these for myself but my daughter insisted that her life would change if I purchased them for her so I did. :lol: The inventor has no obligation whatsoever to answer ANY of these questions. I "invested" the ginormous sum of $25 which is less than I spent on the lotto yesterday. I simply typed them out because they've all crossed my mind and to point out that I am neither a moron or a pain in the arse for having them, they're legitimate questions. We've had like 6 threads running on these for over a month now cluttering up the forum and now that everyone has skin in the game...the flow of information has slowed to a trickle. That ain't cool. :nono: But having participated in ENDLESS threads about seams in combs and ouchless bands or whatever covered rubber bands are called and the best brushes and low manipulation, etc... I'm really inclined to pay attention to something with holes and snaps and seams before I try it (and I'm sure I will before I let her try them). Nothing wrong with that either. :look: At any rate, I think they'll probably be fab and I was confident of such when I made my pledge but the constant changes sow the seed of doubt in my mind that the design was well-thought prior to hitting the market. I don't mind a hit on my pocket. My pocket can take a setback. The hair though...that's a different story.
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I pledged just $25 so I'm not terribly concerned about losing it if it came to that but I would really like this to work our and be able to use the product. I hope it comes to fruition and most of all that it works well. That would be epic.

I hope so too. My concern was pledging $150 for two sets. Now it will move down to say the $45 dollar long hair pack because I see this as a risk. I hope it pays off...but I definitely see it as a risk now because the are things to factor including dead silence. I also told my mother and now she wants to change her pack amount too to the smallest one of $25 for long hair. Le shrug.

But again, I want her to succeed. The thread isn't turning negative, it's turning critical because it has to because the rules have changed and we have to decide whether we want to risk it, how much, and also which package will work for us. I even mentioned holding off to give her a chance for a reason. I realize she's new at this, but she is going to have to have a quick learning curve for sure to keep up and keep customer's happy.
There is a question because the plates are different lengths. I think the long plate is 10" and the medium plate is 6". I may be wrong about that but I think I read it on here somewhere. That's a significant difference. People are choosing their packages based on the fact that they get x amount of 10" and y amount of 6" and they have z amount of hair, etc... If they snap together, the length of the plate becomes less of an issue and the quantity of plates you're purchasing becomes more of an issue. No? If I have 12" of hair, then I'd rather have 4 of 6" plates than 2 of 10" plates. Plus it appears that there is now a "connector" plate (of unknown length) to facilitate the snapping that will add at least an inch or two. How many connectors are included per package? All of these things are factors you will need to consider when pledging to ensure you've purchased enough to do your whole head. It isn't as if you will be able to run out to Sally's and buy more. You won't have the opportunity to get anymore for a minute. Whereas, if all of the plates were just a standard say 7" (just guessing) since they now snap together, you'd have a better idea of what you were doing. Can't change it now though with all of those pledges already in but things get confusing when you make alterations mid-stream. That's one issue. Here is another:

The section with the hearts. What is the purpose of the hearts section? In the original design, there is a hearts section and then a long section with horizontal vents. If the hearts were not doing something different than the rest of the plate, there would be just one long plate with horizontal venting. Even though the horizontal venting is altered, there is now an additional section on the bottom of the plate with the hearts on the newest design which I imagine will do SOMETHING or adds some benefit. What is it? If there is no benefit to the additional hearts section, it adds an additional SNAP for no reason.

I am no expert but I have some limited experience in manufacturing plastic products. Every SNAP is an area of potential product FAILURE -- some place on the product that can potentially break. We had 3 of those on the original design. Now there are 8 (in addition to the seam where the product folds). I know some consider it "minor" but only time will tell.

The change in the design and placement of the ventilation holes. The original design had holes in the back of the plate that were staggered. In the final design the holes are lined up. With the long horizontal bar vents on the front of the plates, not so much of an issue but now that that type of ventilation is gone, and has been replaced by a circular more restrictive design, how does this affect drying time? Does it straighten the hair better? And if the design of the ventilation on the front of the plate has any effect on the straightening process, with the 4c kinky model, the plates used on her hair seem to be the design that was NOT chosen for production. Would her hair have been straighter if the final design was used or is the design of the face ventilation strictly cosmetic?

Lastly, I love my hair poofy. I did not get any of these for myself but my daughter insisted that her life would change if I purchased them for her so I did. :lol: The inventor has no obligation whatsoever to answer ANY of these questions. I "invested" the ginormous sum of $25 which is less than I spent on the lotto yesterday. I simply typed them out because they've all crossed my mind and to point out that I am neither a moron or a pain in the arse for having them, they're legitimate questions. We've had like 6 threads running on these for over a month now cluttering up the forum and now that everyone has skin in the game...the flow of information has slowed to a trickle. That ain't cool. :nono: But having participated in ENDLESS threads about seams in combs and ouchless bands or whatever covered rubber bands are called and the best brushes and low manipulation, etc... I'm really inclined to pay attention to something with holes and snaps and seams before I try it (and I'm sure I will before I let her try them). Nothing wrong with that either. :look: At any rate, I think they'll probably be fab and I was confident of such when I made my pledge but the constant changes sow the seed of doubt in my mind that the design was well-thought prior to hitting the market. I don't mind a hit on my pocket. My pocket can take a setback. The hair though...that's a different story.

I agree with all of these except the no obligation part. If we donated, she has an obligation. It's in kickstarter's rules. Especially when changing things mid game. But either way thanks for explaining all the "potential" issues and why some are like...hold up wait a minute.
GoldenRule I can answer your question about the additional hearts at the bottom of each plate. Apparently it allows for right and left hand users to both use it now. In other words, when there were only hearts at the top, you could only use the plates in the upright position, i.e., the right hand position. Now you can flip the plates and use them as left hand plates now that there are hearts on the top & bottom. I don't know how important this is since lefty's should have adpated to our world by now, but I digress. There may be some additional benefit, I'm not sure (maybe the hair lays flatter, no?).

My issue w/the new connector plate design is they do not appear to lay flat anymore. There is a big dip in the plate now. Is this dip on the front (where hair is laid down) or on the back. If its on the back, that's not a big deal. Will this new design mean it takes forever to dry?
curlycrocheter said:
This thread is allllllll over the place. I pledged. I'm sure she was not expecting the response & level of interest that she has gotten. She asked for 8k and has almost 2.5 times that amount. I still want my plates by August/September, so I'm not gonna slow up the process by demanding that she answer every.single.question on a message board.

The woman is probably working her butt off to make sure she can deliver on her original promise & folks are in here lighting torches & sharpening pitch forks.......sheesh.

ETA: And isn't that the risk that you take funding a kickstarter campaign? I thought that was the whole point. It's a new & UNTESTED idea, there are bound to be some changes along the way.

I have been kickstarting projects for a long time. The rules are you must have a prototype and it cannot change from that. You get what you pledged for. Exceeding the amount they need may mean that you get something extra.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
@GoldenRule I can answer your question about the additional hearts at the bottom of each plate. Apparently it allows for right and left hand users to both use it now. In other words, when there were only hearts at the top, you could only use the plates in the upright position, i.e., the right hand position. Now you can flip the plates and use them as left hand plates now that there are hearts on the top & bottom. I don't know how important this is since lefty's should have adpated to our world by now, but I digress. There may be some additional benefit, I'm not sure (maybe the hair lays flatter, no?).

My issue w/the new connector plate design is they do not appear to lay flat anymore. There is a big dip in the plate now. Is this dip on the front (where hair is laid down) or on the back. If its on the back, that's not a big deal. Will this new design mean it takes forever to dry?

A HA!! That makes perfect sense! Glad I asked.

(Cut the poor leftys a break. They need one...lol) :lol:
@GoldenRule I can answer your question about the additional hearts at the bottom of each plate. Apparently it allows for right and left hand users to both use it now. In other words, when there were only hearts at the top, you could only use the plates in the upright position, i.e., the right hand position. Now you can flip the plates and use them as left hand plates now that there are hearts on the top & bottom. I don't know how important this is since lefty's should have adpated to our world by now, but I digress. There may be some additional benefit, I'm not sure (maybe the hair lays flatter, no?).

My issue w/the new connector plate design is they do not appear to lay flat anymore. There is a big dip in the plate now. Is this dip on the front (where hair is laid down) or on the back. If its on the back, that's not a big deal. Will this new design mean it takes forever to dry?

As for the dip, that dip is on the back of the plate. It looks like the front is flat as flat can be. I think the plate was flipped over so we could clearly see the "snapping action".


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Maybe, she should get a Grad student from TSU or Rice to help her with public relations. They'll get hands on experience to add to their CV. She'll only have to pay them via a nice evaluation, so they get an A for the course work.
Also here's where her problem lies. On the kickstarter it states:

"I have developed several different prototypes and after doing a lot of testing... The deign is complete! I have been working closely with a mold injection manufacturer and we are ready to move forward with the first run. We hope to purchase three different size molds and purchase atleast 5000 units of each for the first run."

This means the prototype is complete after testing a bunch of designs. But now she's saying it isn't and now there's another one coming out. That's false advertising....

@HanaKuroi @curlycrocheter, as luckiestdestiny quoted Kelichi above, when she started the project, she said the design was already complete. She also said it was ready for production. How much more clear can it get than that. Kickstarter rules require forthcoming[ness] and truthfulness concerning the project from the beginning. You can't start a project saying its done and ready to ship...Then when you get pledges, bait & switch, and say, "now we're working on new prototypes & designs". We are simply encouraging her to hold true to her word from the beginning. No disrespect meant. I am actually still supporting the project as are most of the rest of the pledgers (have you seen the numbers change? No.)

I have been kickstarting projects for a long time. The rules are you must have a prototype and it cannot change from that. You get what you pledged for. Exceeding the amount they need may mean that you get something extra.

It also means you may get the product three months late. I know, I'm being cynical.
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As for the dip, that dip is on the back of the plate. It looks like the front is flat as flat can be. I think the plate was flipped over so we could clearly see the "snapping action".

Ha! That dip was really bothering me, thanks. Where's the other side of the plate, though? :look: Will it also be a snap piece?
I am still supporting but I've dropped my donation down to $25 due to the risk. I haven't seen a thorough picture or video demonstration of the final plate so at this point it is a faith purchase.
Ha! That dip was really bothering me, thanks. Where's the other side of the plate, though? :look: Will it also be a snap piece?

I think it has to have a face on it too. There is a snap on the side to accommodate a face plate so I imagine there will be one. Can't just have the hair loose there (I hope). It actually looks just like the "small" size plates only with the male and female pieces at the top and bottom to facilitate snapping.

That brings up another question though. On the main plates there is a female end and a male end. There are hearts on both ends because some people are going to end up using the plates upside down as you pointed out. For some people that means the part up by their roots will have random loose male poky parts. Seems like it would be easier to have all of the main plates female on both ends and the connector pieces male on both ends. It isn't like you can sleep in them though so other than snagging, I doubt it would be uncomfortable.
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I think it has to have a face on it too. There is a snap on the side to accommodate a face plate so I imagine there will be one. Can't just have the hair loose there (I hope). It actually looks just like the "small" size plates only with the male and female pieces at the top and bottom to facilitate snapping.

That brings up another question though. On the main plates there is a female end and a male end. There are hearts on both ends because some people are going to end up using the plates upside down as you pointed out. For some people that means the part up by their roots will have a random loose male poky parts. Seems like it would be easier to have all of the main plates female on both ends and the connector pieces male on both ends. It isn't like you can sleep in them though so other than snagging, I doubt it would be uncomfortable.

She said she does sleep in them. She just pineapples them to the top of head & put on a scarf. People sleep w/hard plastic rollers in their head, so I guess its possible.
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:lachen: Okay now I just had a good laugh in the midst of this crazy week. No one should be scared. The LHCFBI is on it so we know that either she will give us an update, or we will withdraw from the campaign later in the week (or adjust in whatever way we see fit). Just keep monitoring this thread and make a decision by Wed. All is well! Kickstarter now asks for ss# and everything. No one is running away with anything and you will not get anything you don't want (as you can easily change your donation if need be). It will BE okay:grin:.

We're just intense cause we want those plates exactly the way they were promised. I really think she's excited and carried awayand needs to focus on just delivering as promised. Once she sees this thread she'll know that. And if not, we know what to do. But no matter what do not panic. It's going to be alright:lol:.

wait, what happens on Wed? Is that the last day to withdraw?
GoldenRule I found the answer. Yes, now the side of the plate also appears to be a snap on attachment. The whole thing is now a Lego piece!


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I tend to dislike all those snapping and parts because with time my hair loosens the grip. I have like 15 Goody jumbo banana clips that snap/unsnap at the top and bottom, and none hold my hair anymore because the pressure after time unsnaps it. They last me about 2-3 months without unsnapping. OT but I'm in states for now and WILL be restocking up! :lol:

I didn't realize that side with all the dips and grooves was the backside, I thought that's where the hair would lie. As that's the back, then at least where the hair lies is flat and it's less of a concern for me at least. I don't get why these things weren't shown more clearly, the photos are a bit confusing without the top plate showing where the hair would lie flat.

When someone pressed her about the changes on Kickstarter, she said she'll look into making a video "soon". (https://www.kickstarter.com/project...-plates-straighten-hair-without-heat/comments) She's silent here but at least she's responding there.
Seriously, I hope she is okay... This is so strange that she hasn't responded to any of these questions knowing that she is losing donations. I am rooting for her so I'll leave my donations the way they are.
She actually has logged in though, the same day after the first 'complaints' had been posted ... and today :look:

Without saying too much more, I think I'm going to leave this for now but would love to support the next round.
knbradley & Ladies,

I kind of like the lego idea as long as it still does the same job. I have different lengths in my hair and worry that I would put a large plate on, but have a small piece of hair left at the end. Which would force me to have to put another plate on that would be entirely too large for that piece. Not sure if that make since but…I kind of like the lego idea.

I would still like to see the video of the kinky hair model and possibly a lego plate video as well.
Hello ladies, I just happen to check the thread this morning and YIKES I was soooooo surprise with the number of comments. I didn't realize these conversations were happening bc I do not get notification when someone comments. With that being said I would like to start off by apologizing for not responding sooner, I promise I am not ignoring you, I just had not looked at the thread in a few days.

I did not know that my post about the plates snapping was causing such a debate ..... Whew. I do apologize for causing some of you to doubt the product. Please understand that my goal is to produce the most efficient product for you. The purpose for adding the snapping feature was to improve the functionality of the plates. I am going to do my best to explain the reasoning behind the snapping feature.

The plates work VERY well now, but when the plates are connected, the hair lays in one straight angle (think about a downhill slope) Depending on the length and thickness of hair, when you apply two plates that are not connected... You may get a small little crease in the hair where the two plates connect (think two slopes, but different angles) The hair will be straight whether you use one clip or a few clips, but if the clips are connected you will not see any creases AT ALL. It is hard for me to explain it.... I hope it makes sense.

The plates will not snag the hair because the plates should be connected by the user before they are applied to the hair.

We have not created the molds yet, so if enough people feel that strongly about the original design I can switch it back, but I REALLY feel like you as users will appreciate the snapping feature when you get your plates. If we decide to go ahead with the snapping feature and you don't want the plates to snap, you can can always flip the plates so that the flat sides connect (connect the the two female parts instead of snapping together the male and the female parts......:-/)

I know this post is long, but I am really trying my best to explain in details :)

I will go through this thread and answer other questions that you had very soon. This post was to address the concern about the snapping feature that was added.

Thanks ladies for your support and please remember that I am on your team!! I am team natural and my focus is to produce the most efficient product for all CWK girls out there. Have a wonderful day!!!

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis
Hello ladies, I just happen to check the thread this morning and YIKES I was soooooo surprise with the number of comments. I didn't realize these conversations were happening bc I do not get notification when someone comments. With that being said I would like to start off by apologizing for not responding sooner, I promise I am not ignoring you, I just had not looked at the thread in a few days.

I did not know that my post about the plates snapping was causing such a debate ..... Whew. I do apologize for causing some of you to doubt the product. Please understand that my goal is to produce the most efficient product for you. The purpose for adding the snapping feature was to improve the functionality of the plates. I am going to do my best to explain the reasoning behind the snapping feature.

The plates work VERY well now, but when the plates are connected, the hair lays in one straight angle (think about a downhill slope) Depending on the length and thickness of hair, when you apply two plates that are not connected... You may get a small little crease in the hair where the two plates connect (think two slopes, but different angles) The hair will be straight whether you use one clip or a few clips, but if the clips are connected you will not see any creases AT ALL. It is hard for me to explain it.... I hope it makes sense.

The plates will not snag the hair because the plates should be connected by the user before they are applied to the hair.

We have not created the molds yet, so if enough people feel that strongly about the original design I can switch it back, but I REALLY feel like you as users will appreciate the snapping feature when you get your plates. If we decide to go ahead with the snapping feature and you don't want the plates to snap, you can can always flip the plates so that the flat sides connect (connect the the two female parts instead of snapping together the male and the female parts......:-/)

I know this post is long, but I am really trying my best to explain in details :)

I will go through this thread and answer other questions that you had very soon. This post was to address the concern about the snapping feature that was added.

Thanks ladies for your support and please remember that I am on your team!! I am team natural and my focus is to produce the most efficient product for all CWK girls out there. Have a wonderful day!!!

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis
Is it possible to give those with snaps and those without? I dont mind the snaps it sounds great but is there a possibility of making that an option for those who dont want them? Also how much plates do you use for one head? Ik it varies but can you give an avg of what you usually use for your or another's head?
A picture or a video is worth a thousand words.

Please make a video that shows the old plates on a 4abc head and the new plates.

Please show it being installed and the end result on a whole head.

I am unable to calculate how many plates would be needed by a description.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
A picture or a video is worth a thousand words.

Please make a video that shows the old plates on a 4abc head and the new plates.

Please show it being installed and the end result on a whole head.

I am unable to calculate how many plates would be needed by a description.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y

I'm with you on this request. Honestly, I don't care about any of the other minor issues with the product until I see this video.