what happened to the no heat straight plates thread ckw and launch?

Wheeeew.... It's been quite a week ladies!!! I have been so busy working with the manufacturers, my attorney and trying my best to answer questions (along with being mommy, wifey and a employee). It has been too long since I have talked to my original supporter, my LHCF sisters, so I am just trying to touch base and check in!

Week One-
-The project reached and surpassed the goal!! Whooopeeee! Right now the campaign is over $14k and growing !

- I have been trying to get bloggers to post a pic and mention me on Instagram. If you know any bloggers, please ask them to help a sister out. Lol!

- I designed to logo that will be used for the brand. CWK Girls- No Heat Solutions To Healthier Hair

- One of my good friends came up with a slogan for CWK Straight Plate-"Straight or Sassy, My Do Is So Classy"

- i have already had one phone call to license this product!!! Yikes... I am clueless on all of this, I just wanted to get the plates to other girl like me. I called an attorney, I will keep you posted :-)

Here is the plan for Week Two-

Continue to come up with ideas to spread the word about the CWK Plates. My goal is to get the plates in the hands of as many CWK Girls as I can on the first run. I am starting a contest for supporters to WIN A FREE DIVA SET. I will send details in the next message. If you have any other ideas on how I can spread the word.... Please let me know. This is not my area of expertise :-(

Finalize the design with the manufacturer. I am testing three similar but slightly different prototypes. I am trying to test "ventilation" ... I am testing which plates allows the hair to dry the fastest.

Finalize t-shirt design for prizes

Ladies again, this group is my foundation and support. I really appreciate all comment, suggestions and concerns.

I am also doing a video update today as well....coming soon!!! Take care!!!

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis
WIN A FREE DIVA SET of the CWK Straight Plates

Hello CWK Sisters, I am hosting a friendly competition for my top ten supporters to win a FREE DIVA SET of plates! The supporter that tags the most people to this pic on Facebook and Instagram will win a free set of plates.

You must email me if you are interested in joining in on this friendly completion: knbradley[USER=320439]yahoo[/USER].com (include you Facebook name and Instagram handle)

-Instagram Rules: upload this pic...mention me on and include your CWK friends' handle in comments.

-Facebook Rules: upload this pic....tag all of your CWK family and friends through my GROUP PAGE ONLY- "CWK Girls Group"

Contest ends on Saturday, May 31st at 10pm. The top ten ladies with the most tags on Facebook and Instagram will win a FREE DIVA SET of plates!!!! Good luck!

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis
knbradley, I think the contest is a great idea after the product has launched to the public, to generate interest. How about focusing on making another video showcasing the results of coarser hair textures and the Cwk Plates. I believe a video showcasing air dried results is needed to truly market this as a no heat straightening tool. This will give your donors an accurate demonstration of the CWK plates and there effectiveness
knbradley, I think the contest is a great idea after the product has launched to the public, to generate interest. How about focusing on making another video showcasing the results of coarser hair textures and the Cwk Plates. I believe a video showcasing air dried results is needed to truly market this as a no heat straightening tool. This will give your donors an accurate demonstration of the CWK plates and there effectiveness

I agree product demonstrations speak for their self. I would like to see the whole type 4 hair done not just a section. The videos don't lie. I'm still confused about how this would work for my hair. The same goes for longer hair ladies.

I agree with some of the other ladies: I think broadcasting this product to the public with this contest in its beginning stages may not be a good idea ... I think that now that you have exceeded your kickstarter goal, you should focus on finalizing things and making any changes you need to make and focusing on suggestions from the small group of ladies that funded it. You technically don't "need" any more exposure to garner enough funds in order to start production for the 1st round. If the public becomes aware of it along with all the back & forth that is bound to happen before the finalized product comes to market, that may make a bad impression. :nono:

Think about it, the other "hair stretching" product like Curlformers came out as a finalized product, already accessible on store shelves & then the news spread and sooo many bloggers & vloggers reviewed it, and many people ran out & bought it, making it very successful.

What if there are some concerns or complaints or suggestions for improvement from this first round once the ladies get their plates? I wouldn't want the larger natural hair community knowing about that. I would keep it small right now and then once you get positive feedback & the green light from the ladies who will be the first ones to use it, then I would shout to the mountain tops and spread the word on every form of social media I could find!! :yep:
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You are completely right. I spent most of today working on a video update. And I also plan to show a video with a kinkier haired model. I plan to air those videos this week.

As far as the donations, I should have explained the purpose of me trying to get addition donations. If I continue to raise money on the Kickstarter campaign I would do one of the following.

Option A)
Free Add-on-
Extra long CWK straight plate for the girls with super long hair. I have had several women with long hair inbox me asking for a longer plates. If I earn enough funds to cover the cost, I would go ahead and pay for the fourth mold-the extra long plate. This plate would be 2" x 14" and I would offer it as a FREE Extra Long Sample Set to every donor that's back the project so far.

Option B.)
Free Add-on
Curved end plates- I have also had several women tell me that they would like to see a curve end plate for the ends of their hair. With the addition money I could pay for the mold to create the small endplates that will be in the curve shape. I could add a FREE CURVED END PLATE SAMPLE SET to every reward that currently exist.

These options were going to be offered in the next phase of the project (probably next year sometime). Kickstarter gives me the option to stretch my goal if I want too. It's really a win/win... I will still get the money since the campaign is successful but this will allow me to as extra add-ons to the current rewards and get additional backing.

Please give me your choice .....

A) You want extra long plates to be added for FREE to your set

B) You want curved endplates added for FREE to your set

C) You want to leave your set as is and will just wait on the extra long plates and/or round plates until next year.

Thanks for your vote !!!!

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis
Ive been thinking of donating...I have 19 inches of medium density hair......i dont know what would work best for me and I also dont have lots of money to spend either....any reccomendations?

There is a Houston-based videographer that produces amazing videos for stylists. He goes by spikethedesigner. I do not know him personally, but his work is amazing. Here is a hair videoclip he produced on Instagram:


I think you should strongly consider getting your promotional videos produced by a professional. It's probably not too expensive.

Also, congratulations on reaching your Kickstarter goal. That is a huge accomplishment. I'm surprised that you are adding to the orders. I'm not sure if I would do that. The 2 reasons why I hesitated to join the kickstarter were 1) I didn't feel confident that you could fulfill all of those orders on a first run, and 2) I have yet to see the air-dried results on a full head of hair.

I look forward to purchasing in the future. I hope you don't mind this feedback!
A) I want the 14" Extra Long Plates added to my order. My hair is longer than 14" long. The longer plates would make it easier to utilize the product.

ETA: Only if it's doable and feasible at this time.
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I dont think you should do the free add ons either. You prob need to invest the cost of those freebies into another area of your business. Im not a business owner but I know once this gets off the ground you'll need to continually reinvest funds into the business before you turn a profit.
I think the sharks from Shark Tank have a book out for new inventors. You might benefit from that or a book that can guide you through this process. #winning
My pick is "c". I wouldn't mind trying a sample plate but only if it doesn't change the timeline. I like your original plan. I also think that an air dried 4c full head demonstration/results would be great way to bring in more donations.
You are completely right. I spent most of today working on a video update. And I also plan to show a video with a kinkier haired model. I plan to air those videos this week.

As far as the donations, I should have explained the purpose of me trying to get addition donations. If I continue to raise money on the Kickstarter campaign I would do one of the following.

Option A)
Free Add-on-
Extra long CWK straight plate for the girls with super long hair. I have had several women with long hair inbox me asking for a longer plates. If I earn enough funds to cover the cost, I would go ahead and pay for the fourth mold-the extra long plate. This plate would be 2" x 14" and I would offer it as a FREE Extra Long Sample Set to every donor that's back the project so far.

Option B.)
Free Add-on
Curved end plates- I have also had several women tell me that they would like to see a curve end plate for the ends of their hair. With the addition money I could pay for the mold to create the small endplates that will be in the curve shape. I could add a FREE CURVED END PLATE SAMPLE SET to every reward that currently exist.

These options were going to be offered in the next phase of the project (probably next year sometime). Kickstarter gives me the option to stretch my goal if I want too. It's really a win/win... I will still get the money since the campaign is successful but this will allow me to as extra add-ons to the current rewards and get additional backing.

Please give me your choice .....

A) You want extra long plates to be added for FREE to your set

B) You want curved endplates added for FREE to your set

C) You want to leave your set as is and will just wait on the extra long plates and/or round plates until next year.

Thanks for your vote !!!!

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis

Extra long.:yep:
If and only if the extras don't result in the original delivery date being pushed back then I'd be interested in 'B' the curved plate sample.
I think you should hold off on adding in additional plates & sizes (it's premature). The overall focus should be on fulfilling the first goal and first orders (get out the original plates to donors).

My point is, Don't over-extend yourself. Plus it's becoming confusing for us. For now, you can just focus on doing a demo video on a 4c haired model (full head). That will take the product over the edge. That's what you need to know. Not adding in different lengths & sizes. That will all come later.

Also, your original design is the best--(the open vent plates w/horizontal lines)-- I can tell it will dry the fastest b/c of the open design.
Wheeeew.... It's been quite a week ladies!!! I have been so busy working with the manufacturers, my attorney and trying my best to answer questions (along with being mommy, wifey and a employee). It has been too long since I have talked to my original supporter, my LHCF sisters, so I am just trying to touch base and check in!

Week One-
-The project reached and surpassed the goal!! Whooopeeee! Right now the campaign is over $14k and growing !

- I have been trying to get bloggers to post a pic and mention me on Instagram. If you know any bloggers, please ask them to help a sister out. Lol!

- I designed to logo that will be used for the brand. CWK Girls- No Heat Solutions To Healthier Hair

- One of my good friends came up with a slogan for CWK Straight Plate-"Straight or Sassy, My Do Is So Classy"

- i have already had one phone call to license this product!!! Yikes... I am clueless on all of this, I just wanted to get the plates to other girl like me. I called an attorney, I will keep you posted :-)

Here is the plan for Week Two-

Continue to come up with ideas to spread the word about the CWK Plates. My goal is to get the plates in the hands of as many CWK Girls as I can on the first run. I am starting a contest for supporters to WIN A FREE DIVA SET. I will send details in the next message. If you have any other ideas on how I can spread the word.... Please let me know. This is not my area of expertise :-(

Finalize the design with the manufacturer. I am testing three similar but slightly different prototypes. I am trying to test "ventilation" ... I am testing which plates allows the hair to dry the fastest.

Finalize t-shirt design for prizes

Ladies again, this group is my foundation and support. I really appreciate all comment, suggestions and concerns.

I am also doing a video update today as well....coming soon!!! Take care!!!

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis

This sounds great! Don't forget to post the video update in the kickstarter at the top. You can embed video without changing you trailer (I'm not talking about you kickstarter request video which needs to stay. I'm talking about underneath with all the writing, in that section, just post a video update through embedding it and say something like video update on 4bc hair!

In addition to wherever else you may post it. I don't think you need to worry about a professional video just yet. This is just a kickstarter request (preliminary). I saw a post for that somewhere. That will definitely need to happen in the near future (maybe or not because hey you might license it and then it's someone else who will do that) of course but right now get those orders out and take steps towards that (which should of course come up in the future).

Licensing...shut up! You could become a millionaire over night...if it's the right deal of course. Time to enlist the help of business advisors and/or mentors not just an attorney. Make certain they are people who have been through it before and made money doing it. :yep: Do not be afraid to ask. Pick the brains of people who have done this before. Research them and go after them. Often times they will lend a hand and give you all the info you need to succeed. That way you can decide whether to license it, for how long (if at all), to whom and /or to go it alone. I know you will need to do what's right for you.

Good luck and I'm so happy for you! Wishing you all good things.
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Okay ladies, the votes are definitely split about the option for add-on to your CWK Sets. I have had so many people that are requesting the extra long plates and/or the curve plates, but I do understand the concern that a few backers have expressed about holding off and sticking to the original plan. After careful consideration, I have decided to just stick to the plan and to develop the add-ons at a later date.

I will continue to take orders for the remainder of the campaign and focus on getting as many of these plates to CWK girls for the first run and to get all of your orders out on time. The add-ins will be available to purchase once we launch our website after the first production run is complete (estimated date-Dec 2014)

Thank you so much again for your feedback!

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis
After careful consideration, I have decided to just stick to the plan and to develop the add-ons at a later date.

Thank you! Longer plates and curved end plates seem like a good idea, but getting my original plates shipped in a timely manner, is much more important to me.

I have a question to ask through PM. Please watch for it.
Have you created a Facebook page? Or Website? Please do. It's a lot to take in but Facebook is an additional source of revenue. Just a fan page with graphics, a description of the product, videos, links and updates. My Facebook market is not hair savvy like LHCF. But would not sit thru the video. You only have a few seconds to reel a customer in. You are on a roll! Work the market from every angle.
Have you created a Facebook page? Or Website? Please do. It's a lot to take in but Facebook is an additional source of revenue. Just a fan page with graphics, a description of the product, videos, links and updates. My Facebook market is not hair savvy like LHCF. But would not sit thru the video. You only have a few seconds to reel a customer in. You are on a roll! Work the market from every angle.

I created a Facebook group. I actually messed up when I created it and the group is closed ... I have to approve members but I think I should have left it open. I have 300 plus followers but maybe I need to create a page instead. That will be my project for the weekend :-)

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis
Which package should I get? I'm transitioning with bonelaxed ends so I feel like I will only need it for my new growth. I'm 6 months post right now but hope to use these throughout my entire transition.
I created a Facebook group. I actually messed up when I created it and the group is closed ... I have to approve members but I think I should have left it open. I have 300 plus followers but maybe I need to create a page instead. That will be my project for the weekend :-)

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis

A page is better cause it's transparent and simple. People can click on it see the product, like the page and eventually purchase.
Did you ever record a video using models with coarser hair textures? Also you need to record a video showing what a full head looks like after it as been dried wih CWK plates? I checked youtube and kickstarter and no updated videos are posted. The updated:blush: videos and its results will sale the proaduct and maintain its momentum once the product is released to the public
I can't wait for the video
Looking at the results of the model with the kinky hair and I am SO glad I purchased two sets. :grin: I think these plates will be on back order soon lol.
So here is a demo with a KINKY haired model using the CWK Straight plates. I will post the video tomorrow. Look at the difference in the right side and the left side that was stretched with the CWK Plates. If you are interested visit kickstarter.com and search for CWK Plates. Thanks ladies!!!

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis


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