What Happened to the Hype (PHYTO)???


New Member
What happened to the hype over the beloved PHYTO?? Has anyone given up the product? What is your reasoning? HOw is it working for ya? Is it really worth the hype?? If not what other product would you use in its place? Reviews I miss talking about the PHYTOrelaxer!
I know! Soon after I jumped on the Phyto wagon everyone seemed to jump off (or disapear), LOL! What happened?
sweetpeadst said:
What happened to the hype over the beloved PHYTO?? Has anyone given up the product? What is your reasoning? HOw is it working for ya? Is it really worth the hype?? If not what other product would you use in its place? Reviews I miss talking about the PHYTOrelaxer!

Girl that is so funny. I don't even relax but I enjoyed all the phyto talk too!:lol:
I did give the relaxer a try. I used the #2 but I wasn't overly impressed. I used profectiv once before and I really liked that one. Even better than my usual african pride :-). The only reason why I wanted to give the phyto a try is because I read so many reviews that said that the hair does not get frizzy anymore...but I decided to wear my hair in cornrows mostly this summer anyway....so I'll go back to my profectiv pretty soon. The phyto is very $$$$$.
sweetpeadst said:
What happened to the hype over the beloved PHYTO?? Has anyone given up the product? What is your reasoning? HOw is it working for ya? Is it really worth the hype?? If not what other product would you use in its place? Reviews I miss talking about the PHYTOrelaxer!

Good point! I plan on getting one for my "groundbreaker" relaxer, but I haven't heard much about Phyto here in a while!
I plan to use it agin in June, but iy is very pricey since i have to pay to get it applied as well.
Count me in!

I used it for the first time in February and loved it. I tried Index 1 then, and next week, which will be 12 weeks since my last relaxer, I'll use Index 2.

I'm hoping I can continue to stretch my relaxers out. This marks the first time ever that I've stretched this long. Usually I relax between 6-8 weeks depending on the amount of growth.
I for one am avoiding Phyto like the plague. It does not work for my hair. Imagine the horror - first time stretching to 11 weeks with mad new growth, and the relaxer not only does NOT relax your hair, but makes it hard and crunchy as well? :mad: :mad: :mad:

I still use Phyto and really like it but I do find that I'm looking for something cheaper. I need a back up. I would like something that would give me a straighter look at times.
bluwatersoul said:
I for one am avoiding Phyto like the plague. It does not work for my hair. Imagine the horror - first time stretching to 11 weeks with mad new growth, and the relaxer not only does NOT relax your hair, but makes it hard and crunchy as well? :mad: :mad: :mad:


A good example of why the phyto hype has died down.

I still use it.

I'm out.
NAY007 said:
I did give the relaxer a try. I used the #2 but I wasn't overly impressed. I used profectiv once before and I really liked that one. Even better than my usual african pride :-). The only reason why I wanted to give the phyto a try is because I read so many reviews that said that the hair does not get frizzy anymore...but I decided to wear my hair in cornrows mostly this summer anyway....so I'll go back to my profectiv pretty soon. The phyto is very $$$$$.

I agree....I'm going back to Motions Mild. I used index 1. It straightened...but my hair isn't as silky. And for $60 bucks a pop...that's a lot for me. Well at least I can say I tried it.
For those ladies thinking of switching back....

Two of my cousins have been using PHYTO for almost two years. They both said they didn't see a huge improvement in their hair during the first two applications. Though no major problems they weren't overly impressed. But their stylist encouraged them to keep getting. By the 3rd application and now a whole year later they are singing the praises of PHYTO based on the overall health of the hair. That is why I will try it for at least two more applications before I make a final decision.
I used it for the first time last month and I LOVED IT!

I used index 1 but my hair came out almost too straight so I'm going to not smooth so much next time.
My hair has never been softer after a home relaxer, it is shiny and easy to handle, I'm SOLD!
Now, the price thing is an issue, especially since I have to order from overseas and have to slap at least another $20 on the $60.
BUT I still think it's worth it.

I'm not loving the other phyto products, though.
I have 2 schampoos and the relaxing balm, no good.
Phyto lover checking in! I just received my shipment yesterday!
I'm stretching my relaxer too - not just because it's good for my hair, but because Phyto is expensive! I want to be sure I have enough newgrowth for the WHOLE tub!

I just made it to 9 weeks, I have to hide the Phyto from myself for at least another two... (rocking and mumbling to myself) I will not relax, I will NOT relax, I will NOT RELAX!
I still use Phyto, just waiting for my next touchup as well. This is a relaxer that not only straightens, but straightens without eroding your cuticle. How is that not a miracle? I would pay any amount of money for a product that can do that while making my hair soft and shiny.
natalied said:
For those ladies thinking of switching back....

Two of my cousins have been using PHYTO for almost two years. They both said they didn't see a huge improvement in their hair during the first two applications. Though no major problems they weren't overly impressed. But their stylist encouraged them to keep getting. By the 3rd application and now a whole year later they are singing the praises of PHYTO based on the overall health of the hair. That is why I will try it for at least two more applications before I make a final decision.

For the ladies who werent impressed, I think they were expecting for how much it cost and for how the reviews were that it would do more than it did. Plus if you do it yourself or get someone else to do it it is rather pricey for a touchup. I added up in my head how much it would cost to get the entire affirm relaxer system and it cost less than phyto even though with the affirm you have enough for a couple of touchups. phyto just isnt the type of product some people can really afford to keep trying especially if the results in the beginning werent that great. God bless you all.
natalied said:
For those ladies thinking of switching back....

Two of my cousins have been using PHYTO for almost two years. They both said they didn't see a huge improvement in their hair during the first two applications. Though no major problems they weren't overly impressed. But their stylist encouraged them to keep getting. By the 3rd application and now a whole year later they are singing the praises of PHYTO based on the overall health of the hair. That is why I will try it for at least two more applications before I make a final decision.

I like the perm but my wallet is so hurt! I think I am going to try it again my hairdresser said she liked it for my hair! I was going to strecth to 12 but my BF's gradutatoin is going to be at my 9 week mark so I am going to relax for that! It will be with Phyto though! I used the whole thing last time b/c I went 19 weeks without a relaxer do to me having braids so this time I will only use half and that will get me to 3 applications!!!!! But I must say I still get frizzies!
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I added up the price for me and it comes out pretty much the same:

Affirm is $45 per touchup
I was getting a relaxer every 6 weeks, that's 8 per year = $360 per year

Phyto is $60 per box
I will be getting a relaxer every 12 weeks so that's 4 times a year = $240 PLUS $35 each application =$140 Totaling $380

If I were to split the box per application the price would be half $190 per year, I may try it next time. I just don't trust myself or anyone else to do it accurately.
I talked to a stylist and an ATL salon who swears by Phyto. I love the other products (not the PytoSpecific) and want a really good touch-up after the braids. She said her clients who consistently use this relaxer have the healthiest processed hair she has ever seen due to its cumulative effects. She could just be trying to snow me, but I have a relationship with her outside of the salon which causes me to trust her. I think this will be the relaxer I use when I relax this spring for commencement season. Hopefully, between Surge, braids, and M-T-G, I will have hair that finally hits the shoulders. Only positive thinking allowed. :)
Is this Nseya salon on Roswell Road?

carolina_belle said:
I talked to a stylist and an ATL salon who swears by Phyto. I love the other products (not the PytoSpecific) and want a really good touch-up after the braids. She said her clients who consistently use this relaxer have the healthiest processed hair she has ever seen due to its cumulative effects. She could just be trying to snow me, but I have a relationship with her outside of the salon which causes me to trust her. I think this will be the relaxer I use when I relax this spring for commencement season. Hopefully, between Surge, braids, and M-T-G, I will have hair that finally hits the shoulders. Only positive thinking allowed. :)
No, not Nseya (no student discounts), but they also use Phyto. They use and sell Phyto products at the Salon at Castleberry near the AUC. If you want, I can PM the address. I don't want to hijack the thread. :)
lkg4healthyhair said:
I added up the price for me and it comes out pretty much the same:

Affirm is $45 per touchup
I was getting a relaxer every 6 weeks, that's 8 per year = $360 per year

Phyto is $60 per box
I will be getting a relaxer every 12 weeks so that's 4 times a year = $240 PLUS $35 each application =$140 Totaling $380

If I were to split the box per application the price would be half $190 per year, I may try it next time. I just don't trust myself or anyone else to do it accurately.

WOW...the entire Affirm system if you bought it would cost less than the phyto system..but if you are getting it done at a salon and more frequently then it might add it up for some people...so I guess in that case it might be more.God bless you all.