Chicca, you're such a star, and it is for that reason that you cannot afford to even look like you have ANY human flaws. :spank: Ask any celebrity and they'll tell about living under a microscope. In fact, I think I saw a flyaway in one of those pics (You sorta have to tilt your head to one side and close one eye while squinting the other but it's clearly there!). So what's up with that? And why is that your little finger nail is sporting a longer nail than all the others? And is that your real hair or is it a weave? Tell the truth!

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: u crack me up!!!

Idol-mine, I don't know if those who asked about your hairline were asking out of concern or just trying to be cheeky, but it was nice of you to take so many photos of your hairline and to share them. You just never know who else might have gotten a panic from seeing a bad photo of their own hairline and actually feared that they were losing hair or had a problem. But seeing different angles of your hairline and reading your explanation of what may have been mistaken for being something wrong might just be the comforting balm they needed to have a peace of mind. You just never know the lives you touch by the seemingly little things you do. ;)

Continue to twinkle, twinkle pretty Sis...like a diamond in the sky!
AWWW that was very sweet and meant alot to me Nonie :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

Thank you!!!!!! :flowers:
I can't believe people can be so ignorant. I've never noticed that your edges were thin. I have cowlicks and the fine hair I have there is very thin, which would make someone think that my hair was thinning in that spot. But that's not the case, it's just the way my hairline has always been.

I bet the folks that make the comment don't have more than (snap your fingers), That Much Hair!!!! Those are the ones that surprisingly are filled with negativity.

Hold your head up high. Your hair is gorgeous!
girl, i have go you BEAT.

my edges are doing the same thing and it thinned clear thru, in the same exact pattern. i could not do much about it when i was pregnant. but now i am on it! if mine were like yours, i would not be too worried. hell, i am trying to fill mine in to look like yours.... :lol: don't trip.
People can be so ugly at times for no apparent reason. Seems like this person needs to find a hobby..

What does one get from bashing? Its clearly a sign of insecurity.

IMO Your hair is bheautiful!
My best friend's edges are just like this too, (both sides) they have been for years, I think it's just a baby hair area because it never thickens and never fills in.

Iris, your hair is very impressive & lovely.
Your edges look fine to me! All I ever noticed with you was beautiful hair. I guess some people try hard to find faults. :nono:
My best friend's edges are just like this too, (both sides) they have been for years, I think it's just a baby hair area because it never thickens and never fills in.

Iris, your hair is very impressive & lovely.

Thank you girl, yeah it does seem like baby like hair there, its very fragile too

I just added a few more pics that I forgot to add last night

but yeah there is hair there

here is one
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I cannot beleive that people would make such immature, insensitive and mean-spirited comments such as those you addressed. You have BEAUTIFUL Hair and I just think it is a case of jealousy or stupidity or both. We are here to support one another, not to tear each other down. I am quite disappointed by some that would continue to ridicule and document spiteful comments for no reason. I beleive that is why some people have left the board or either limited dialogue. You could have responded negatively, however you didn't. Just know that you have been blessed with beautiful hair and spirit and don't allow this to deter you. Blessings
I cannot beleive that people would make such immature, insensitive and mean-spirited comments such as those you addressed. You have BEAUTIFUL Hair and I just think it is a case of jealousy or stupidity or both. We are here to support one another, not to tear each other down. I am quite disappointed by some that would continue to ridicule and document spiteful comments for no reason. I beleive that is why some people have left the board or either limited dialogue. You could have responded negatively, however you didn't. Just know that you have been blessed with beautiful hair and spirit and don't allow this to deter you. Blessings

Thank you sweetie :kiss:

Thank so much for all the encouragement ladies, they were about to have me thinking I might be going bald or somethin :perplexed, I guess kinda had to see it for myself up close too .......to be sure:ohwell: and all of your input really helped me put a perspective on it too:yep::yep:

***To the commenter that said I needed to start using BT***:nono::nono::nono:

This is a natural hair process and I'm doing just fine thank you! :yep:
thank you girl!!!

it would take quite few comments for me to even bother to explain

most just got deleted because they were in a hateful tone, but there was just one today, so I finally just answered :spinning::spinning:

its like I know I got a big forehead already, I mean all my life, so its not a newflash anymore

some people just need to quit though:look:

Tyra Banks has a big forehead and she managed to be a freakin supermodel! You are beautiful just like you are. Don't let anyone bring you down. I wish I had your hair all day long!!!!!
Folks just mad cause you are pretty and have beautiful hair. People have too much time on their hands.

If they would devote the time spent criticizing others on their own hair maybe they would have some. :look:
Thank you for all the comments and support ladies!!!!!!!!!

love ya'll!

I might be thinning some but thats life! we cant all have everything, gotta work with what ya got :yep:

lots of love all of you that commented :Rose:
Don't pay them any mind, it's only because they are envious of your hair that they are trying to fixate on something negative (whether it exists or not)

I have fine edges too from my Mum and I dare someone to say anything about them lol:)
you have very pretty hair. you should see my edges lol.there nothing wrong with yours some people DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY.
So here you have it, they dont always show up in pics the greatest, because that baby hair can bunch up and its lighter in color and texture, they can slick down easy and look sparse

I have the same hairline , and it has been that way since birth. I don't think there is anybody out there with a perfect hairline.:nono:
I been wanting to know that answer too. How about some of that good ole Rogaine cream or juice? :lachen::lachen: Please don't try to say its baby hair cuz ain't ah speck ah baby left in ya! You ole like me lady! Now off to read this long butt thread.
Yes I have some thining where I parted my hair for so many years. Also I sleep on the same side so the thinning is asymmetric. All the women in my family get this pattern so I'm not particularly bothered by it. But seriously Irresistable, how many cough cough quarante- deux women out in the world have thick, long, braids of raven black hair falling to the small of their backs........They'd have to talk to the hand.
I'm so mad that you actually took time to take 22 photos all up close and personal with your edges and even wrote an explanation about it. Why? People shouldn't be that close up in your scalp