My edges are dissapearing

:bighug: I wish I had more to add, but you've already gotten so much wonderful advice. :yep: I'm also trying to regrow my edges and in addition to moisturizing and sealing with the EO mix and having that area relaxed last, I'm also taking a supplement. I can't say what will or won't work for you, but after taking the supplement for a couple months, I actually notice the new growth at my edges (and I didn't before). I hope you find the right plan of attack :brucelee: and that everything works out well for you. :)
My edges were thinning I think.. I say that because I'm not sure exactly how far back my hairline was. I kinda think that it may be that my hairline is growing forward, meaning my forehead seems to be getting smaller... I hope I'm not losing you guys! I think ever since I stopped relaxing and putting so much stress on my edges they are filling in and moving forward! So what I think is thinning edges, is really my hairline growing back.Sorry if I lost yall!:spinning:
When my edges were thinning I used ORS fertilizing serum mixed with about 3 drops each of rosemary, lavender, cedarwood, and white thyme essentail oils and a little MN and massaged just that area 7-8 minutes a day until it caught up with the rest of my hair. I did this for about 2 months and it worked great. I'm happy to say that my edges are back nice and full.

Good luck honey.

Did you use this receipe every night? I have used rosemary,glycerin, and distilled water and at times my edges will appear full and other times as if it is thinning.
Did you use this receipe every night? I have used rosemary,glycerin, and distilled water and at times my edges will appear full and other times as if it is thinning.

Yes I did do it everynight while sitting right at my computer while reading posts. I think it may have had something to do with the MN (miconazole nitrate) and the Fertilizing Serum though. I still like to use this mixture now and then only for the wonderful stimulation it gives my hair's front line.
Have you been washing your face with something new? like within the past year? acne medicine? facial cream? facial moisterizer?