What *Does* Work for Your Hair?


New Member
Some time ago, there was a post re: What hair products and practices recommended on the Board did not work for your hair. On another tip, I propose two new questions. They are:

1. Which products and practices did you use *prior* to joining the LHCF work that still for you?

2. Which products and practices recommended by the LHCF have worked for you?

What worked for me prior to joining the LHCF and still works dor me:

*Ultra Sheen Extra Dry Hair Formula Hair Dressing - applied to the scalp, and then combed through from roots to ends. I do this once following my weekly wash and wet roller set, and it lasts me until the following wash and set. I may have to repeat the process mid-week between washings during the cold winter months. I part my hair four ways, and apply small amounts to each parted section.

*Aveda Brilliant line: Shampoo, Conditioner, Universal Styling Creme (have been using since November, 1997)
*Aveda Styling Curressence
*Dry roller set using Isoplus wrap Set Lotion

What has worked for me based on recommendations by the LHCF so far:

*Joico K-Pak Reconstructor
*ORS Hair Mayonnaise

Mind you: I have only used the two aforementioned products once, so the proverbial jury is still out.

Just to round things out, I will add as a final category what has not worked for my hair:

*Hot oil treatments; they made my hair rather soft initially, then somewhat brittle. The EVOO did not work whatsoever. I guess my hair likes rich and creamy moisturizing conditioning treatments (lol).

*ORS Jojoba Hair and Scalp conditioner: Jojoba did not live up to its promises for my hair and scalp. Also, I have found myself using the product far more than I would like in order to provide the necessary lubrication for my hair and scalp. I do not believe anyone from the Board recommended it; I just thought I would give it a try.

**Just some more of my 2 1/2 cents:

**One can use too many different products, and do too many different things to the hair, at one time. Granted, being a part of a wonderful forum like LHCF energizes us, and gives us great motivation due to all of the ideas we are receiving. However, it is also important to become disciplined in our hair care practices, and to not use too many strategies and products all at once.

As I have found time and again from reading all of your wonderful messages every day, and often many times a day (LOL), each of us has to identify what works for us individually, based on our hair care needs and hair goals.

Castor Oil worked for me prior to the board and still does.
Conditioner washes I learned about on this board, and I love doing them when I'm bored and want to play in my hair.
Kemi Oyl worked before this board and still does when I wear my hair straight. The only thing I've added based on recommendations that really really worked was Creme of Nature. I am so glad I found that shampoo!
I bet most, if not all all of the things people will list as working well for their hair in this thread, will be mentioned somewhere in the "doesn't work" thread.
Just goes to show that everybody's hair is different

I didn't have much of a regimen before the LHCF, I just washed once a week and blowdried. My hair was back in a ponytail of some sort 90% of the time. I used a creamy moisturizer whenever my hair felt dry. that was it. My product list consisted of a shampoo, conditioner, a leave-in, blow-dry lotion, and a moisturizer. I never really did any serious deep conditioning and I never used any oil or grease.

Now I like CO washes (about every other day), natural oils (so far I've got coconut and EVOO) and air-drying. I've got tons more products now because I'm trying to find my staples. My for sure staples so far are Aubrey's GPB and Profectiv Break-free. Everything else is still in "testing" phase, and I'm for sure trying a new shampoo when my aphogee runs out (or when my pjism gets the best of me--whichever comes first)
What has worked for me per LHCF recs has been Keracare hydrating shampoo and Humecto conditioner. I've NEVER has a shampoo make my hair feel so moisturized and soft, not to mention the wonderful smell. I no longer consider my hair dry.
Before LHCF, nothing I was doing was working for my hair, mainly because I was sooo uneducated about caring for my hair.
This site is the BEST thing that's ever happened to my hair....
*Ultra Sheen Extra Dry Hair Formula Hair Dressing - applied to the scalp, and then combed through from roots to ends. I do this once following my weekly wash and wet roller set, and it lasts me until the following wash and set. I may have to repeat the process mid-week between washings during the cold winter months. I part my hair four ways, and apply small amounts to each parted section.

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Northernbelle, I like this stuff too!
I was leary about using it because it contains mineral oil, but it does make my hair verry soft. My mother uses it and I put a little on whenever I'm at her house.
What worked for me before coming to the boards -
Wet sets and wrapping my hair at night.

Since I've been on the boards -
More frequent shampooing
Shea butter and oils
Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair butter
How to air dry for curls(both natural and relaxed)
Elucence and Pantene Pro-V

I knew this before but never practiced it - trims when I needed them.

I also would have never thought about the water I wash my hair in if I hadn't come to the boards. That was the biggest thing that has changed my hair...it loves distilled water.
My hair is ALWAYS shiney!
What worked for me was lekair cholesterol
Since I started on the board I love conditioner washes with vo5 (another great suggestion) and I also have more of a regimen now! Air drying has also been wonderful for me!
2. Which products and practices recommended by the LHCF have worked for you?

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Having a hair buddy with a similar hair type has been very helpful, especially when I'm having a specific problem. Thanks, DSD and Stormy!

Being able to PM members with expertise in certain areas like Tracy when it comes to color, Jade when it comes to natural oils and nutrition, etc has been verrry helpful as well.
I knew that deep conditioning and wearing a silk or satin bonnet in bed worked before. I now know that hair grease is bad for your scalp. I learned what a protein conditioner is and how relaxers work. The things that I know do not work I can not wash more that twice a week or spray my hair with water every morning or night. The month I tried washing more, my hair felt like it was melting.
Giovanni Direct Leave-In! I will never part with this stuff!! Air drying!! No more heat for me! Using oils (ie. Almond oil,grapeseed oil,jojoba oil, etc ) and, wrapping my hair!!
its funny that most of the stuff that i did prior to this board i still do-i still use optimum care super protecting shampoo/conditioner, i always aired dried,used vitamins and i went back to cholesterol a few months before someone hipped me on to this board

the things that i have been changing and paying better attention to is moisterizing my hair and the types of grease and pomades i use. i also have learned to be even more gentle w/ my hair and how to pay closer attention to when a product is having undesired affects on my hair. this may sound minor and silly but believe me i really learned alot but i'm not a big product junkie or quick to change products. besides i went from knowing nothing about my own hair to learning something
Before coming to this board, I did a different version of vinegar rinse (before shampooing), I used VO5 hot oil, and just a random assortment of products based on mood.

Actually I started picking up tips (lurking) on the board when it was still at LHL a few years ago. What I have learned from the boards:

Bargello's vitamin plan
Wildgrowth Oil (this is a priceless find)
Aubrey GPB (thank you thank you!!)
other organic products in general
Using an oil and leave in after washing
shea butter for ends

Better care methods (seamless combs, silk scarf, no heat); basically a reality check for the things I was doing on a regular basis.
I didn't have much of a regime before coming here. I washed my hair every 1 1/2 - 2 weeks, slathered a protein conditioner (Fantasia IC) on & put a plastic cap over it. I didn't the difference between a moisturizing and a protein conditioner. Hell, they were all the same to me. I would then use cremes chock full of mineral and/or petroleum oil. For variety, I used Pink Oil. And I wondered why my hair was always dry and breaking!

Now, my hair loves so many things I found on this board: WGO, ORS Carrot Oil, Motions Moisture Plus Conditioner and Lavish Conditioning Shampoo, Dudleys PCA Moisture Retainer, Kiehls Creme with Silk Groom, Profectiv, & Aubreys GPB. I switch up & don't use all of these things at the same time, but I'll never go back to the crap that I was using before. I definitely wash my hair more often now. And unless I'm doing a deep conditioning treatment, heat is a thing of the past.
I am still working on it. My hair has been acting a bit uppity recently not taking my Nexxus Therappe or Humectress like it should. Actually I had to stop using the Humectress as a condioner and use it as a leave in recently. My only staple seems to be john freida relax serum, water and a wide tooth comb. I am liking the LUST but I wonder if it is too good to be true.

What didn't work-scissor happy stylists, using wool hats and cotton hair ornaments like clockwork, washing like once a month biweekly if lucky.Stretching out my relaxer does too much harm as well. Lol I used the pink stuff and every single grow black hair long grease type product. Now I am trying to figure out what my hair likes and needs.
Well, the LHCF ladies have taught me a lot. I think THE BEST piece of advice i have gotten from the board is to stay away from petroleum and mineral oil based moisturisers. I knew that they made my hair heavy and didn't feel right, but i couldn't quite put my finger on why. Another valuable tip that i have gotten is to use pre-wash hot oil treatments. this has made my hair sooooooo shiny and moisterised. I already knew about olive oil as hot oil treatment prior to joining the forum, but i had never thought to do it prior to washing, but it makes sense. I have also started adding honey to this pre-treatment. My hair thanks you.
I let Domincans wash my hair prior for me my reccs are based on the fact that my hair is fine and can tangle if I don't use the right products.

I don't use shampoos w/ SLS.
I LOVE BIOTERRA Detangler -- this detangles like a DREAM

I use the usual suspects and do fine:
Aubreys GPB
ION's reconstructor (rinse well with this one!)
Elucence clarifying and detangling shampoos.
Kiehls Silk Groom Leave in
What worked for me before I came to the board were

* the Nexxus Botanoil shampoo, Humectress conditioner, Keraphix reconstructor
* doing my own relaxer retouches
* Constant Care for Ends
* satin scarves
* Flaxseed Oil
* Jojoba oil, Lavender Oil, Olive Oil
* Iron supplements
* Drinking lots of water daily
* a good, healthy diet
* regular exercise

Since I came to the board I've added the following knowledge:

* I added more of the Nexxus line - Headress Leave-in Conditioner, Therappe shampoo
* Biolage Leave-in Tonic
* Aveda Anti-Humectant
* airdrying (no more blowdrying and other heat!)
* rollersets to straighten my hair
* washing my hair every 3-4 days (instead of once each week)
* conditioning hair for at least 30 minutes after shampooing, with a cap
* how and when to properly comb hair while wet
* using a leave-in
* how to use my anti-humectant properly for humidity
* the importance of keeping my hair moisturized everyday.
* wet buns
* protective styles
* more oils for the hair such as Rosemary Oil and Castor Oil
* benefits of L-cysteine, biotin and protein on hair growth
* silk scarves and silk & satin scrunchies
* Good Hair Day pins (no more bobby pins)
* ouchless hair bands
* Caruso Molecular Styling Rollers (I just found a brand, spanking new one at a garage sale for only $7! It has the extra rollers and everything intact in sealed plastic. Nothing had ever been opened! Even the receipt was stuck on the box for $47.95!)

Whew! I've learned so much in this LHCF University! Thank you everybody!!
I am working on it, too!

What has worked:

So far, washing 2-3 times a week has been working well vs. once a week. Dry, itchy scalp has been greatly reduced with this method and I have been able to give up dandruff shampoos.

I always sleep with a satin scarf on a satin pillow case.

Cutting down on the protein conditioners is much better for my hair. Once a month to every 6 weeks is best for the heavy hitters and once a week is plenty for the milder ones. I was actually using the heavier ones once or twice a week for a short time and quickly noticed brittle, breaking hair.

I guess all of us know giving up the heat implements is one of the best things we can do for our hair. I use heat once a week- a curling iron on Sunday morning for church, and no other heat the rest of the week. Unfortunately, my hair is pretty boring style-wise, but it is growing and as it gets longer, I think my style options will improve. I think the multi-vitamin, biotin (1000 mg), MSM (1000 mg) and iron (doctor's orders)supplements, have made a difference. My nails seem to be on speed! They have always been good growers and fairly strong, but goodness, I think that MSM is doing something! After my touch-up I will measure my hair to see how it is doing...

Getting great tips and information from this board

What has not worked:

daily washes- keep my hair too frizzy since I don't use heat to style

natural products- keep my hair too dry and unmanageable since I don't use heat to style.
(exception-aloe vera and a little coconut oil are good on occasion)

anti-frizz products- again, since I don't use heat to style

extending my relaxer touch-ups- my hair grows fast enough to need regular touch ups at 5-6 weeks (however...just used John Freida Relax Serum yesterday for the first time and noticed that this morning the comb glided through my hair, roots and all, which is highly unusual for me. I am in week six and plan my touch-up for Friday...this product might allow me to stretch the time between relaxers without damage. It does not, however, cut down on frizz for me.

Running out to buy everything I have read about on this board. I think it is advisable to note the poster's hair type. If something works well for a person with the same hair type as mine, I might give the suggestion a whirl, but if not, I will think twice. Having said that, hair is highly individual and can be straight to nappy and God knows, everywhere in between even on the same head. Where you live, the kind of water you have and the climactic conditions have an effect on the hair and whether or not you color, straighten or have natural hair all make a difference in what will work for you.
1. Which products and practices did you use *prior* to joining the LHCF work that still for you? Allways Natural Super Gro for occasional use on my scalp and almost daily use on my ends, satin scarves, roller wrapping, deep conditions.

2. Which products and practices recommended by the LHCF have worked for you? Pre-Poo treatments with EVOO, Protein Treatments, washing more often, scalp massages, sealing ends with EVOO, rinsing conditioner out with cool water.
Properly moisturizing my hair, using protein conditioners, and wearing protective styles that keep my ends away from the air and friction from clothes. Otherwise, I leave it alone. The less I do to it, the happier it becomes.
1. Which products and practices did you use *prior* to joining the LHCF work that still for you?

I didn't have a hair regimen before I came here. I washed once a week. The only thing I still used is cholesteral.

2. Which products and practices recommended by the LHCF have worked for you?

Air drying! Protein treatments (aphogee), using a wide tooth comb, and conditioning with a hooded dryer. Also kencare humecto, NTM poo and serum and clarifying.

What has not worked for my hair:

Everything that has been recommended has worked for me
Now the stuff I buy on my own impluse is a different story
Oh yea I do have one thing...hot oil treaments they do not seem to work that great.
The one thing I've always used on my hair and never had a problem w/is Vaseline. I know a lot of people shudder at this, but I always used this as a heat protectant and it always performed well. Only until recently when I switched to a ceramic iron have I found it to be too heavy so I switched to a lighter protectant.

From the LHCF, I learned about great products like Aubrey's GPB and, of course, a little product called Surge.
Gotta agree with you there, Dolce Dawn. Vaseline is an awesome protectant! It keeps my ends moist and is my standby especially through winter.
Protectiv products, EVOO, Coconut oil, roller sets, deep conditioning once a week

What I learned from LCHF:
Air drying - I didn't think i could do it at first but I have not used a hair dryer since Dec 03

Conditioner washes - My first thought was that my hair would never be clean with out shampoo, it's actually doing better with out the shampoo too often.

Adding oil and honey to my conditioners - That is the best kept secret, I love how a little evoo and honey make any conditioner magic in a bottle

Vitamins - I added vitamins for overall health but the benefits they have added to my hair, skin and nails is remarkable.