What Do You Use as a Head Cover at Night?

What are you using to protect your tresses while you sleep?

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I am just asking because I use a satin bonnet, and sometimes a silk scarf and satin bonnet in conjunction, but no matter what I do, because I am a wild sleeper, at the very least, the front of my hair is always exposed when I wake up and because of this, I have serious breakage in the front. It almost looks like cowlicks :ohwell:. I have been doing a good job of keeping the back protected, but that's almost making the front breakage even more pronounced. I need a 100% proof method and I am seriously considering taking it back to 84 and wearing a stocking cap, but I don't want a headache and/or super flat hair. If you can, please also tell how effective your method is for you. TIA for any help/suggestions, ladies.
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I usually wear my silk or satin scarf at night and I put my satin bonnet over that because the scarf usually comes off during the night. However, I have never really been a sound sleeper and so when I wake up during the night, I always check to see if my scarf and bonnet are still on :D
I sleep with a bonnet and sometimes a silk scarf underneath along with my satin pillowcase. My head gear falls over just about everynight! LOL!
I sleep with a satin scarf on and I also sleep on a silk pillowcase. I tend to sleep wildly so I use pins to secure the scarf to my head. Usually 3 pins will do the trick and they don't leave marks on my hair the next day either. I've had pretty good success with this method. Maybe it would work for you Dreems?

Oops I checked the wrong option!

This does the trick for me because I had the same problem. I wear either a satin bonnet or a do rag and sleep on a satin pillow case. The combo is what keeps my head covered at night.
I usually use either of the above depending on how I plan to wear my hair. I have rollers in, I use my scarf, if I want a smooth look I use the head wrap thing(Christina's magic scarf) and if I have a twist out/braidout, I use the bonnet.
I sleep on a satin pillowcase and tie my head up with my silk or satin scarf. Sometimes, I cover these with my bonnet or, when I'm feeling too lazy to tie a scarf on, I just throw the bonnet on over a ponytail. But the important thing is, I do not sleep on my hair and there are never any strands on my pillow when I wake up in the morning.
I wear only a satin scarf. I tie it to where it covers most of my forehead, almost covering my eyes, so it won't slide off.
How about using a satin/silk scarf and covering it with a snood, they are those heavy mesh caps that are sold in BSS for around 1.50-2.00 It really helps my scarf stay on if I'm worried about it falling off, and makes a good makeshift bonnet if you want to put your scarf on loosely then put the snood on to hold it in place.

*for the more visual people here's an example of a snood:

It might not work out, but it's worth a shot. :)
i sleep with a satin bonnet, which is kinda loose, so i tie a cotton scarf over it to hold the bonnet on my head.
I sleep with a satin scarf AND a satin pillowcase. This method ensures that my hair is protected from cotton even if the scarf falls off. Or if dh pulls it off !:grin:
:lachen:@ natalie...heyyy, tmi! Sorry, SVT, I forgot the plastic caps. I did that for a few nights, too, so I don't know how I forgot it. IvyMichael, thanks, I like the sound of that...I will try it tonight, and if that doesn't work, I try the heavy snood over my bonnet, thank you, tropicexotic. That's ok, DSD ;). Thanks everyone who answered. Oh yeah, one more thing, if anyone revisits the thread, for All of you who use both a satin headwrap (bonnet or scarf) and then silk/satin pillowcases as well: Are you a wild sleeper, and if so, are you still experiencing breakage or has this eliminated any breakage issues for you? And is your entire bed silk/satin, and if so, is that cozy? TIA again ladies...you all are a wealth of info...thanks!
I use a satin pillow case, but I have been considering using a silk scarf now, in addition to my pillow case. It's just hard to sleep with something on my head. It's a little uncomfortable, but I will gice it a try.
I use a satin pillowcase and a satin scarf...

I also sleep a little crazy at times and this is the best solution I've found so that my hair is always protected. It still doesn't always look NICE, :lol: but it's not being abused while I sleep, and that's my main goal....
i sleep with a silk scarf most of the time. if im being lazy or if i have rollers in i wear a silk bonnet. i have a satin pillowcase but i never use it.
I do a combination...
- Silk scarve - when I'm going for a "sleek" style
- Satin bonnet - non "sleek" styles, and sometimes I'll wear this over my silk scarf when I want to make sure that the silk scarve doesn't come off at night :)
I wear satin scarf but like dreamsold my top hair is exposed. I think I am going to purchase the scarfs that men use for waves. It is huge and cover my head at least 2.5 times. :cool:
dreems, im the same way. when i wear a satin scarf and a bonnet, the bonnet slips off immediately and then when i wake up the scarf is in the middle of my head. when i wear a bonnet alone, it almost always falls off or moves around, it actually rubbed my edges out pretty bad and i had to take real good care of them to get them back.

when i wear twist outs i put a scarf around my edges and wear a bonnet. otherwise i try to do the satin + bonnet combination. i cant put the scarf too much on my face though because all the oils and grease from the scarf would give me pimples for days. and a do-rag, has never worked out. :lol:
I sleep with a satin scarf on. If I feel like it may slip off I tie one of those triangular hair nets (the kind you secure rollers with) tightly on top of the scarf. This usually does the trick.
I sleep with a silk scarf with a mesh wrap cap over that and on a satin pillowcase. The mesh wrap cap in the key to keeping the scarf on all night long. Even when I used to tie 2 scarfs on in opposite directions is still fell off.
I prefer a bonnet, but when wrapped after shampoo, I wear a silk scarf for straightness. Try turning your bonnet inside out to keep the elastic from rubbing out your hairline.
I wear a satin head scarf, and when it falls off (as it often does), my hair rests gently against the satin pillowcase I use as backup. :)
mrslee said:
I sleep with a bonnet and sometimes a silk scarf underneath along with my satin pillowcase. My head gear falls over just about everynight! LOL!

This is what I do too (silk scarf + pillow case). And every morning, I wake up almost or totally scarf-free.:lol: Dreems, it's easier on my hair to rub against silk or satin than cotton but...rubbing is rubbing and I'm also looking for a way to keep my head covered!
I only wear a silk scarf, but I feel you on the slippage issue. Normally, I tie is really tight, so that it doesn't slip, but this can lead to headaches and possibly breakage around the edges from the pressure. One thing you might want to try are those Christina Magic Scarfs (they're like $2 at any BSS) because they stretch well, are satinnish, and definitely stay on all night :yep: