What Do You Think Your Hair Will Look Like on December 31,2010?


Well-Known Member
I can't stop thinking about what my hair might look like by then. I mean.....this is BIG to me bc i've reached my goal length....just reached Waist length....and my hair is thickening out nicely and i'm so happy with it right now....til i'm on a updo craze right now i've been looking at youtube videos like crazy trying to find awesome updos to do with all this hair!:lachen:

On December 31,2010 i hope to be at least 2-3 inches past waist length with freshly trimmed ends and hair a tad bit thicker sideways. I hope i can finally be in maintenance mode.:)

What are your thoughts.
Umm...thats a yummy thought.

I envision it being waist length, with a beautiful full U-shape. Thicker and healthy looking. I am going to press it out straight for new years eve and bring in the new year swinging.
I don't know if I will be 100% natural by then or not but I know it's gonig to be healthy!!! I also know it's going to get thicker and thicker!! I'm reall startng to see more curl clumping and coils so I wonder what I will have then??? Can I wish for apl? *crosses fingers while taking supplements and massagng scalp*

(currently on my iPhone while getting my braid extensions done!! Grow hair grow!!)
Umm...thats a yummy thought.

I envision it being waist length, with a beautiful full U-shape. Thicker and healthy looking. I am going to press it out straight for new years eve and bring in the new year swinging.

Girl lemme tell ya....i have been kinda keepin up wit u on ur journey and i have to say your hair has REALLY gotten long and so pretty!
Smiling E good one.I keep thinking about this too. Everytime I'm in the gym I feel the increased circulation and I just see my luscious twists. I was to be an inch or two away from BSL. I want my twists to be as full as kimmaytube on the last styling vid. I think I will finally get there be cause I am at peace with my hair, I no longer force it to do what I want it to do. I am now comfortable with protectice styles and my routine has become simplified, we shall see!
I am still growing out a very short style, so if all goes well, I hope to be fully past shoulder length in the next 7 months... We shall see. Something has to give, and I know I can grow hair. It's just taking forever and a day it seems...
I hope that my hair will be full BSL my Dec 31. I want to ring in the new year looking absolutely fab.... All this PS'n betta payoff lol
Since I am putting "Health" before "Length" *cough, cough:look:* I hope it will be healthier as I continue on the road to recovery from my major set-back.:blush:

I hope to have a much "Healthier" Head of Hair as I go into the New Year!:yep:
Great thread!

I hope to have a BAA (Big A** Afro :afro:) by December 31. I'm currently NL/SL stretched and getting pretty good growth. If I hadn't BC'd last month, I think I would have been able to make APL this year. I still have 7 months so I won't rule out the possiblity of reaching this goal.:look: