What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woman??


New Member
When I see an attractive woman with an unnattractive man, I assume that he is rich or has a great personality, possibly great in bed.

What do you think when it's the reverse - the guy is attractive but the woman not so much??
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

Personally, I look and KIM....
I don't analyze or make assumptions about people like that
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I think the woman lucked out assuming Mr Handsome is really a good man.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

How she do dat??? :perplexed:perplexed :lachen:
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

If he appears to treat her well, I assume he loves her.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I don't judge the physical beauty of the individuals that make the couple. I do sometimes judge if they "look" like they make a "good couple". If that makes sense... Anywho, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just because a certain person looking in from the outside thinks one is far less attractive than the other, who says that male doesn't think the women is the most beautiful person in the world... ::shrugs::
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

When I see an attractive woman with an unnattractive man, I assume that he is rich or has a great personality, possibly great in bed.

I assume the same; that she's rich and/or has a great personality and/or is turning his head in the bedroom.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

See or know people in this type of situation?

I don't think a whole lot about people that I see.

As for people that I "know". If it's a casual acquaintance, I assume that there are qualities about this person I'm not privy to, and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If I truly know them than I don't think on this subject at all.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

TBH, I would wonder if looks are the only thing he has going for him. Good looking men aren't usually considered a catch by good looking women/women who have their pick if they don't have other things going for them like a good career.

Or I would think she has a great personality or something going for herself. Or that they've known each other for a while.

Somebody has to be really unattractive for me to notice a mismatch in attractiveness, though, because otherwise I would just think she was having an off-day and not pay it any attention.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I'm in the reverse situation. I'm not goofy looking. Overall, I think I'm the cat's meow. I'm just not as pretty as he. People say stupid stuff all the time. Some thoughts should never surface to the tongue.

I don't care what anyone thinks. :look:

The other day he told me he loves me because I represent everything he aspires to be on his best day. It kinda shocked me, but I know what he means. :lol:
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I've never thought about it. The next time I see a couple like this, I'll make sure to stop, analyze the situation, and report back to this thread :)
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I'd be curious about the quality she has that appeals to him.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

She has something that he's attracted too...lips,legs,booty,breasts ect...
She treats him like KING!
They maybe be H.S. or College sweethearts
They both had limited access to others in their community
She must have that good good lol

But seriously its the inside that counts :)

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Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I see this often.

Usually, I think the guy is less superficial and was open to dating who he liked away from looks and had a wider selection pool due to not limiting himself to someone with great looks and found something he really liked. Compared to an average looking guy who seek those types of women out to get the ego boost or date the status quo?

Also, I've been told that these type of guys are usually worn out by dating their physical match and date down in terms of looks b/c they have to do less :perplexed
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I'd be curious about the quality she has that appeals to him.

haha! Qualities. :lol: There are many.

But seriously, a lot of people focus too much on the physical. I mean, there usually is something on a person that is eye pleasing.

Eventually you have to open your mouth to speak. I think this is where most men and women mess up. What they communicate and fail to say reveals so much about who they are.

I was taught as a girl,

"Any woman look pretty. All she needs is well fit clothing and good grooming habits. A dime a dozen. Any woman can be intelligent. It's not hard. Go to school, college, universities and flourish. But what are you going to do with your knowledge without wisdom? Wisdom, timing, compassion and charisma. You can't buy it. You can't put lipstick on it. Every woman and man wants it. Know when to use the knowledge, with compassion and inspire with your natural charisma."

Won't ever forget it. I had no idea what my granddaddy was talkin right then. But I learned real quick. I found it early.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

It's nice to see a less attractive woman with a great looking guy. It makes me feel like there are men out there concerned on the heart and not just looks.

I did have a friend in college that said he purposely did this because these women treated him really well and he could dog them out and they'd stick around. I think he was an exception to these men though.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

Looks fade. When I was younger I had immature thoughts like that, but as I have aged, I now know better.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

What we think is attractive or not attractive differs. I say my finace is fione (which he is ) :0), but there is someone in the world who may say he is not.
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Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

See or know people in this type of situation?

I don't think a whole lot about people that I see.

As for people that I "know". If it's a casual acquaintance, I assume that there are qualities about this person I'm not privy to, and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If I truly know them than I don't think on this subject at all.

Not really. I was having a convo with a friend and was curious what you ladies had to say.

I've come across many couples that were together for many different reasons so I tend to not think that much about why anyone else is with their mate.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

She has something that he's attracted too...lips,legs,booty,breasts ect...
She treats him like KING!
They maybe be H.S. or College sweethearts
They both had limited access to others in their community

Yep, I wonder if he's spoiled by her as a means of overcompensating. :nono:

I did have a friend in college that said he purposely did this because these women treated him really well and he could dog them out and they'd stick around. I think he was an exception to these men though.

Let's hope so. I've seen some 'pretty' dudes with doggish ways that'll make your head spin.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I usually start singing (in my head) the line "Do your thang honey" from Ain't no other man by C.Aggy.

IA with Lucie
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I assume she has gone down in attractiveness since they met. But by now he was hooked
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I try not to assume anything because I don't know what goes on behind closed doors. Yeah he may be good looking, but that does not mean he is necessarily a good man, nor does it mean that she has tons of other redeeming qualities.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma


But seriously, I think our society emphasizes how important looks are, especially for men, and I think it's great when a man can look past that and find something truly valuable in his mate. It tells me he's his own man, and she must be quite stunning on the inside.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I see this often.

Usually, I think the guy is less superficial and was open to dating who he liked away from looks and had a wider selection pool due to not limiting himself to someone with great looks and found something he really liked. Compared to an average looking guy who seek those types of women out to get the ego boost or date the status quo?

Also, I've been told that these type of guys are usually worn out by dating their physical match and date down in terms of looks b/c they have to do less :perplexed

I've seen this with a couple of attractive, educated, successful, etc men I know. They dated the really pretty women, dealt with some who were high drama and high maintenance. And decided to settle down with someone below average in looks. Idk, its kinda silly to me, bc all attractive women aren't like that,just the ones they dealt with, but hey, whatever floats their boat.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

:rofl: @ all of you who NEVER assume anything about anyone EVER. :rofl:

i was just thinking about this because of a thread in ET. when i finally snag Jesse Williams i will be in this exact situation. :lick:

i'm not really sure what i think about it though. i kinda tilt my head to the side and and think "hmmm" because i don't see it near as often as i see the reverse.
Re: What Do You Think When You See an Attractive Man With a Much Less Attractive Woma

I don't believe I'm about to admit this but I think:

  1. They've known each other for a long time and she was probably a looker when she was younger *
  2. She has an awesome personality and he can't resist her *
  3. She has money and he's a bum
  4. She lucked out and found a guy who is more interested in the inner person and not the outer person
  5. I need glasses or she's having an off day
  6. He's a whip, nerd, or fill in the blank and he need her to tell him what to do and she's just the person for the job :lol:
  7. He's not as cute as I think he is (and I need glasses LOL)
Funny you should mention this I was at an event with some doctoral students and this one (older) lady that I'm hoping to never have in my class was there with her husband. She has a reputation of being a Bit:blush:h to her professors (no one wants to work with her). She is old, overweight, and not a nice person so I was surprise to see her husband was a nice looking man. I'm still trying to figure this one out (maybe she was a looker in her younger days) but he SEEMS to worship her (hunches shoulder...go figure).
I assume he loves her and wasn't only interested in looks

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