What do you think of pastors who make big scenes in church?


Well-Known Member
WCG and I have been looking for a church to go to, and we tried this one church near his apartment. Anyway, the service was going well. The pastor was really country, and then he started talking about basketball games when he was in high school. Then he started doing a cheer: "V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!!" He was doing the cheer and jumping up and down all around the pulpit. Where I'm from, they don't act like that in church, and by the time he stopped jumping, screaming, and standing up in chairs, I had forgotten what he had been talking about in the first place. Do y'all know any pastors like this?
My Pastor is like this. I don't know if it is as extreme as the guy you are referring to and I wouldn't call it a scene. But I love it. He is a very demonstrative person, it is refreshing to a lot of people because they come from legalistic churches and backgrounds. Alot sometimes it makes the point clearer. All in all that is just how he is. He will never be able to stand still and deliver the word of God. It is funny trying to imagine him like that. He just can't do it. :lol:
Miss J keep looking, there are churches where pastors don't preach like that. There are all different styles of preaching and worship, and if you keep looking you will find one that suits your preference :) .
It all depends on your discernment of that preacher. Preachers make big scenes in two cases: either to give himself praise or give God praise. Most people can pretty much tell if a preacher is trying to uplift himself instead of the Lord. And it that's the case, look for a church that gives God praise and the glory, not man. HTH!
I never hear in the Word that Jesus, the disciples, the apostles did this to captivate the people. The Word was enough. Why is the Word no longer enough? Why do pastors like to call all that attention to themselves? Why the theatrics and the whooping and hollering and running around sweatin like horses? I honestly do not get what that has to do with what they call the anointing...Are they more anointed than Jesus? What are they trying to prove? I am not against enthusiastic preaching...I just have a question about the need to perform for the people in the pews. Are the people responsible...are they actually demanding a performance because they are paying for the Word to be preached and are demanding their money's worth... or are they so dull of heart or spiritually numb that they have to be jolted and jumpstarted on Sunday? Just wondering what is going on in some churches? I wonder what Jesus thinks about all this....Bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
I never hear in the Word that Jesus, the disciples, the apostles did this to captivate the people. The Word was enough. Why is the Word no longer enough? Why do pastors like to call all that attention to themselves? Why the theatrics and the whooping and hollering and running around sweatin like horses? I honestly do not get what that has to do with what they call the anointing...Are they more anointed than Jesus? What are they trying to prove? I am not against enthusiastic preaching...I just have a question about the need to perform for the people in the pews. Are the people responsible...are they actually demanding a performance because they are paying for the Word to be preached and are demanding their money's worth... or are they so dull of heart or spiritually numb that they have to be jolted and jumpstarted on Sunday? Just wondering what is going on in some churches? I wonder what Jesus thinks about all this....Bonjour
Very good analysis! I totally agree with you. :yep:
Mahalialee4 said:
I never hear in the Word that Jesus, the disciples, the apostles did this to captivate the people. The Word was enough. Why is the Word no longer enough? Why do pastors like to call all that attention to themselves? Why the theatrics and the whooping and hollering and running around sweatin like horses? I honestly do not get what that has to do with what they call the anointing...Are they more anointed than Jesus? What are they trying to prove? I am not against enthusiastic preaching...I just have a question about the need to perform for the people in the pews. Are the people responsible...are they actually demanding a performance because they are paying for the Word to be preached and are demanding their money's worth... or are they so dull of heart or spiritually numb that they have to be jolted and jumpstarted on Sunday? Just wondering what is going on in some churches? I wonder what Jesus thinks about all this....Bonjour

Well said....I agree with you as well.
There is nothing wrong with energetic, can't sit still preachers. Not everyone is going to deliver the word like a Joel Osteen, or in a monotone voice standing in one spot. It depends on their personality. If they are a fiery person it will be a fiery delivery, if they are mellow, their delivery will be mellow. Just like there are motivational speakers that have different delivery methods. Not everything is for show or theatrics. The anointing will work with that persons personality.
Maybe that's why I wasn't so enthused about the sermon. I'm a Joel Osteen fan. Hopefully, I'll be seeing him in Atlanta in September. Anyway, I completely understand all of his messages and never get bored.
I think there is a problem if you can only receive from one person or style. If God is delivering the message you'll get it. I love Joel, and I love my Pastor. Even my Pastor's brother is more even keeled and extremely mellow, but I hang on to his every word, the same way my Pastor can have me in stitches. Right now I'm really enjoying this British guy, his name escapes me, but he is extremely monotone. Every single one of the Elders, and Pastors in my church have a different delivery style.
The poing I'm trying to make is that you can have the same exact message delivered verbatim by 5 different people and it will be delivered differently b/c of their personality type. If one is more demonstrative than the other it doesn't mean God is not behind it.
If someone is just doing something for show, without God, you'll be able to tell.
I agree that God works with the personality and not everyone has to be a carbon copy...but what I do question is when the person's personality has more of a pull than the Word that he is preaching. If the Word is what you are seeking and not entertainment (some people need to be entertained...and they come to be entertained...If Pastor Gusto does not fling his jacket on the floor and jump up and down or run up and down and shout at the top of his lungs until he is hoarse...some people think He's not anointed!") If "he doesn't SING his sermons...and talk like ...and the Lorduh!...oh yes.....Uh...I said the Fatheruh! ...and you knowUH!....(you know what I mean) the sing song thing...and he is gyrating and dippin and dancing and jumping on the chairs or running up and down the pews...talking in a SPECIAL VOICE....and have the organ accompanying and punctuating throughout his sentences and rising to crescendos, and he's sopping and moppin...SOME PEOPLE. do not think that he can preach! This is stylized sermons....this is a learned behaviour....sometimes they (pastors) are mimicking their favorite preacher....but I am saying that the Word does not need that...and some people are not willing to sit through a sermon unless this happens!...So another man could preach the same Word and they talk like..."I was so bored....I can't stand his preaching....I didn't get anything out of it... THEY NEED TO GET A NEW PREACHER." It is the Word that they are turning a deaf ear to because it is not being presented to them in a way that "tickles their ears!...that gives them a "fix". Hey...I am defending the Word...not attacking anyone. What happens when we do not get the jolt...the high....? We close our ears to the Word that God would have us hear.SOMETIMES... We have got our eyes on man and not God...on the Preacher's personality and not the Word. I believe that He speaks to our hearts on Mon-Saturday without all the bells and whistles...sometimes just in a "still small voice". I know God is watching us and he is observing and examining our hearts and motives and He says that He does not share His Glory with anyone. I feel sorry for Pastors if they have a congregation that expects and demands a theatrical show on Sunday to make up for what they would not do during the week...(meet with Him). I know that some of them feel pressured into performing so that the members will not leave or so that he will get a larger collection that Sunday. Hope I am not stepping on anyone's "religious toes" by speaking what I truthfully and thinking. Bonjour.
Due to the religion I was reared in (JW), I don't think all those theatrics are necessary to give glory to God. We've had enthused speakers, and that showed across the platform, but never has a speaker jumped around and shouted and made the church say 'Amen!' and all that.

Of course, different religions worship differently. I just don't think it's necessary.
Mahalialee4 said:
I agree that God works with the personality and not everyone has to be a carbon copy...but what I do question is when the person's personality has more of a pull than the Word that he is preaching. If the Word is what you are seeking and not entertainment .

I said this. (Maybe it wasn't in this thread). But I said people shouldn't be chasing a man, and there are people who are performing, but it does not mean b/c someone is energetic that they are not hearing from God and it is all for show. To many people chase after what is hot at the moment and not God. THat is a problem. But not that particular Preachers problem. People need to get excited by God's word, not the way a preacher delivers it. But there is nothing wrong with illustrating your point with a visual. Some people actually learn better that way.

I used my Pastor as an example only because I know he gets excited but it isn't a show for him. He is the same way when we are one on one. I don't want people to think you have only one option of receiving God's word. I look at it the same way as someone discovering something and wanting to share it. Or something just happened to them. Chances are you are going to be excited as you tell your story. You might even do hand gestures, and movements to add to it. Not b/c you want our attention but to paint a picture of what you are saying. Person B will be just as excited and won't do the gestures b/c they can verbalize it without the visual. Some people are more dramatic than others.

But I have seen Preachers who prance around for show and well, it is usually a hot mess, or it is so off that it doesn't flow. Sorta kinda like those people that "catch" the Holy Ghost when that first church chord is struck. :look: (how you catch something that is already in you, but that is another topic). So yes you can have flashy Preachers, but you can also have those who will run around the whole stage but they are not "making a scene" to keep someone's attention.

This isn't going to sound right, but I don't think it is fair to say people need to deliver the word the way Jesus did. I'm not saying we shouldn't be like him, or preach what he said. I'm saying that God didn't take our personalities away from us when we got saved. I'm not going to talk the way he did. I'd be willing to bet that Moses didn't deliver the word of God the same way Jesus did. No I don't have scripture to back it up, I make that assumption b/c they are two different people. They are not oging to sound alike, but they'll have the same message. I'm pretty sure he made some kind of scene after seeing the burning bush and parting the red sea. :)

I didn't read the rest b/c it was just one big paragraph. Spacing helps. But I did see where you mentioned stepping on religious toes, you didn't step on mine. We just disagree. I'm also not religious.
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I think we are really saying the same thing. Some are sincere and some are doing it with a different motive or to hold the crowd. But whatever they are doing it should be for God's glory. I would not be so bold as to judge all men or your pastor's preaching style as I have never seen him preach. We are to judge all things though. We are to test the spirits...! Neither does a preacher need to be a dud, or boring. I think I was pretty specific. I was just responding to the specific question posted and basing my answer on what I have personally observed and I have seen a pretty broad spectrum of preachers from a variety of religions. My family were Southern Baptists so I am not looking at this from a "stranger's" perspective but from the perspective of someone who is used to seeing and hearing pastors preach who are usually range from lively to fiery to stage performers to downright outrageous! Hope this clarifies. Bonjour.
I meant to add: And this range was within the Baptist, Charismatic, Pentecostal religious circles. That background I am personally familiar with. I am not judging from a more formal, like Catholic, Anglican, J.W. etc. Bonjour
LOLO l...oh yeah, the sisters that hear the chord and land in a perfect heap and have to have somebody throw a cloth over them every Sunday!!! And errybody just waiting and it's like oh well and they are stepping over her and saying "She's just fine...to the formal religious visitors...who are wondering..."Why don't they do something Myrtle...maybe she is diabetic!!!!!....Bonjour
Honeyhips said:
I think there is a problem if you can only receive from one person or style. If God is delivering the message you'll get it. I love Joel, and I love my Pastor. Even my Pastor's brother is more even keeled and extremely mellow, but I hang on to his every word, the same way my Pastor can have me in stitches. Right now I'm really enjoying this British guy, his name escapes me, but he is extremely monotone. Every single one of the Elders, and Pastors in my church have a different delivery style.
The poing I'm trying to make is that you can have the same exact message delivered verbatim by 5 different people and it will be delivered differently b/c of their personality type. If one is more demonstrative than the other it doesn't mean God is not behind it.
If someone is just doing something for show, without God, you'll be able to tell.

Now I can receive that...:)
I think that people so need to find the peace and serenity that comes from God's Word the Bible. I believe that the service should be used for learning about God and his son, Jesus Christ, how to live in a way that is pleasing to God, ways to grow close to God and learning how to treat one another. Jesus only did the works of his Father, he sometimes went without rest and food because he was on a mission to teach people about his father.

At one time, I worked at a church, but I never attended ONE service there. The members use to tell me that the pastor there spent 25% of the time scolding people from the pulpit, 25% bragging about his material possessions, 25% hooping and hollering and not teaching from the Bible but putting on a show. and 25% looking at his watch because he'd be ready to go home. At christmas one year, he used the pulpit to give his wife an expensive gift in front of his poor members.

A Christian is someone who imitates Christ and how he lived on earth. He came to earth to set the pattern. I don't think much of pastors who make big scenes.
Dutchess said:
The members use to tell me that the pastor there spent 25% of the time scolding people from the pulpit, 25% bragging about his material possessions, 25% hooping and hollering and not teaching from the Bible but putting on a show. and 25% looking at his watch because he'd be ready to go home. At christmas one year, he used the pulpit to give his wife an expensive gift in front of his poor members.

Have you been to my church?