Sorry you don't give enough to Volunteer at this Church

A point about tithing: yes, tithing can be done in many forms, and as motherx2esq said, one does not replace another. However, tithing is to be cone regardless of the season of one's life, in good economic times, in bad economic times. When I got laid off TWICE, each time I set aside and gave tithes out of that unemployment check. I also served at my church as well with my time and talents but I still set aside a portion out of my TREASURE to give to the Lord through my local church.

And so yes, donating time and clothing and talents are wonderful.... But money is one of several SPECIFIC things that the church needs to function. And for the sake of positive conversation, let's focus our attention on churches who are good and wise stewards operating in integrity. Our treasure has its particular place for several reasons:

1. Ecclesiastes 10:19 "A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things." Money makes the world go round. A church can't take a bag of clothes to pay the light bill, heat bill, etc.

2. Matthew 6:21: "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

The Message translation: "It's obvious, isn't it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being."

So where you spend your money (and time and talent, etc.) is where your heart is. This also shows how tithing is a form of WORSHIP unto the Lord.

10 percent: of what you have...everyone gives as they are able. We all are in a position to give some money, even if it's 10 cents out of a dollar. The Lord appreciates a sacrifice and He RESPONDS to one who sacrifices....
Girl, don't mind me. It's just that I've heard the story portrayed in such a negative light sooooo many times that it's become a pet peeve. And while we may understand what was going on, trust me when I say many do NOT and have this "bad Abram/Sara, shame on you" view on it. But as we all know when studying scripture, CONTEXT is key.

Have you come to any decision about your church home?

My Husband and I have come to an agreement about this. We are going to leave the church. We believe in supporting our church, however, we will never agree with our pastor that people who do not tithe enough or consistently should not be allowed to add their supply by volunteering. We have come to the conclusion that, it is a gross misinterpretation of God's word. We are givers we love to give, we give because it's in our heart to do so. Suggesting that you have to give a certain percentage in order to volunteer, turns it into a forced obligation, and not a willing choice.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to this all your opinions were appreciated:drunk:
I agree with the others who said tithing is more than just money.

So the person that can barely make the minimum tithes but has it in their heart to give more and time and LOVE is pushed out/aside/around?


pray on this that God will use this situation to bring understanding to all members of your church without much conflict.
:nono: not so.... in part fpr this reason: FREE WILL.

Also, per Abram and Sarai: when the Lord said that Abram would be the father of nations and he would have a seed, the Lord is NOT going to go outside of the marriage to make it happen. That was ALL ABRAM and SARAI's IDEA = FREE WILL. In a way, it could have been said that that God was condoning ADULTERY :nono: Nope! So the SOVEREIGN LORD had to come back and REMIND Abram and Sarai of what the Lord said, changed their names to Abraham and Sarah and PUT THEM BACK ON THE RIGHT TRACK for the Lord's will to be done...and Abraham and Sarah, in their free will, SUBMITTED to the Word of the Lord and obeyed and WAITED FOR THE PROMISE. Ishmael is the result of Abram and Sarai's IMPATIENCE.
I agree with this....:yep: Excellent!

And to add, it's to this very day that the generations of these two brothers are still at war.....
My Husband and I have come to an agreement about this. We are going to leave the church. We believe in supporting our church, however, we will never agree with our pastor that people who do not tithe enough or consistently should not be allowed to add their supply by volunteering. We have come to the conclusion that, it is a gross misinterpretation of God's word. We are givers we love to give, we give because it's in our heart to do so. Suggesting that you have to give a certain percentage in order to volunteer, turns it into a forced obligation, and not a willing choice.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to this all your opinions were appreciated:drunk:

If you're going to leave, leave RIGHT. Go have a conversation with your pastor to inform him of your decision. According to the Word of God, from a spiritual perspective, your pastor has watchcare over your souls. Out of spiritual and natural respect (you were at this church for a decade, yes?), at least give that courtesy to inform him of your plans. And if the subject comes up about why you're leaving, be honest about that as well.

Also know that problems or issues follow us around when they go unresolved. That's another reason to get things clear and resolved with this pastor before you leave because say you go to the next church and the pastor says something you don't like or agree with. Are you just going to uproot again? Leave right so that the pastor can send a good word with you to your next church destination.

Again, I hope that you all prayed and sought the Lord and listened for an answer. Yes, this may be a point where you all have reached the end of your season with this particular church, but I personally believe that when this occurs, it doesn't occur on a NEGATIVE point.

As you get the opportunity to speak with your pastor about your plans, I hope that you report back on what that conversation was like.

Peace to you.
My Husband and I have come to an agreement about this. We are going to leave the church. We believe in supporting our church, however, we will never agree with our pastor that people who do not tithe enough or consistently should not be allowed to add their supply by volunteering. We have come to the conclusion that, it is a gross misinterpretation of God's word. We are givers we love to give, we give because it's in our heart to do so. Suggesting that you have to give a certain percentage in order to volunteer, turns it into a forced obligation, and not a willing choice.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to this all your opinions were appreciated:drunk:
If you're going to leave, leave RIGHT. Go have a conversation with your pastor to inform him of your decision. According to the Word of God, from a spiritual perspective, your pastor has watchcare over your souls. Out of spiritual and natural respect (you were at this church for a decade, yes?), at least give that courtesy to inform him of your plans. And if the subject comes up about why you're leaving, be honest about that as well.

Also know that problems or issues follow us around when they go unresolved. That's another reason to get things clear and resolved with this pastor before you leave because say you go to the next church and the pastor says something you don't like or agree with. Are you just going to uproot again? Leave right so that the pastor can send a good word with you to your next church destination.

Again, I hope that you all prayed and sought the Lord and listened for an answer. Yes, this may be a point where you all have reached the end of your season with this particular church, but I personally believe that when this occurs, it doesn't occur on a NEGATIVE point.

As you get the opportunity to speak with your pastor about your plans, I hope that you report back on what that conversation was like.

Peace to you.

We have no plans to talk to the the pastor for several reasons
most importantly this is his church, he founded, it's his vision. We respect that this is the path he wants to lead his church in. We simply don't agree with it. Having a conversation with him or church leaders about this will not change anyone's mind, and that's is not what we are after.

I don't attend church just to say "I go to church" if someone ask.
I believe that just as this place of Worship was introduce to us, there is a new place of worship for us and it will be revealed as well.

I don't see this as a negative, I care very much for this church they helped strengthen my marriage educated my oldest son, and really helped us gain a better understanding of the WORD coming in as new christians.

My Prayer is that the Vision placed upon him from God comes to pass as God intended.

Thanks for your comments I can tell you have a real heart for the Lord and his people:drunk:
We have no plans to talk to the the pastor for several reasons
most importantly this is his church, he founded, it's his vision. We respect that this is the path he wants to lead his church in. We simply don't agree with it. Having a conversation with him or church leaders about this will not change anyone's mind, and that's is not what we are after.

I don't attend church just to say "I go to church" if someone ask.
I believe that just as this place of Worship was introduce to us, there is a new place of worship for us and it will be revealed as well.

I don't see this as a negative, I care very much for this church they helped strengthen my marriage educated my oldest son, and really helped us gain a better understanding of the WORD coming in as new christians.

My Prayer is that the Vision placed upon him from God comes to pass as God intended.

Thanks for your comments I can tell you have a real heart for the Lord and his people:drunk:

Ok... amen.... please hear my urging from a sincere place... as you say that you care about this church and the blessing it has been to your marriage and family, don't just walk away without at least sharing your plans with this pastor. As a courtesy. Or at least send him a letter of your plans...and why you all are leaving. Again, the pastor's role is to watch for your souls:

Hebrews 13:17: " Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you."

Are you concerned that if you talk to them that you will be persuaded to stay? It's the enemy who drops and runs and makes things appear other than what's really there. I am PLEADING with you to have a conversation with your pastor before you go. It's that serious. In proper order with your husband, don't be misled. Don't just stop going. At least inform the pastor so he can know what's going on....
We have no plans to talk to the the pastor for several reasons
most importantly this is his church, he founded, it's his vision. We respect that this is the path he wants to lead his church in. We simply don't agree with it. Having a conversation with him or church leaders about this will not change anyone's mind, and that's is not what we are after.

I don't attend church just to say "I go to church" if someone ask.
I believe that just as this place of Worship was introduce to us, there is a new place of worship for us and it will be revealed as well.

I don't see this as a negative, I care very much for this church they helped strengthen my marriage educated my oldest son, and really helped us gain a better understanding of the WORD coming in as new christians.

My Prayer is that the Vision placed upon him from God comes to pass as God intended.

Thanks for your comments I can tell you have a real heart for the Lord and his people:drunk:

I would like to say to you that I do have to agree with RR on her post because its will follow you wherever you go and it will not be resolved.

I hope you reconsider. I don't think you should try to change your mind about leaving if this is what the Lord released you to do, but to let them know that you are going to leave is wise.

Blessings to you.
It think you should tell the pastor why you are leaving. Who knows, maybe your example may lead him to reconsider the message he is sending to the congregation through this policy. It may be that he had something else in mind when he set this policy other than the message you and your husband received. If, in fact, the message you got is correct, I'd leave too. If it is not correct, then it gives the pastor the chance to correct the impression he is giving off with the policy--this is a win-win-win situation. A win for the pastor because he gets to correct a misperception. A win for you because you and your husband won't have to leave a church community you like. And, a win for other members of the congregation who may not have had the courage to speak up.
It think you should tell the pastor why you are leaving. Who knows, maybe your example may lead him to reconsider the message he is sending to the congregation through this policy. It may be that he had something else in mind when he set this policy other than the message you and your husband received. If, in fact, the message you got is correct, I'd leave too. If it is not correct, then it gives the pastor the chance to correct the impression he is giving off with the policy--this is a win-win-win situation. A win for the pastor because he gets to correct a misperception. A win for you because you and your husband won't have to leave a church community you like. And, a win for other members of the congregation who may not have had the courage to speak up.

Love this post, smartypants....well done!

And, I also like to add that your leaving will hurt other members as well...members who I'm sure love you guys as family.
Ok... amen.... please hear my urging from a sincere place... as you say that you care about this church and the blessing it has been to your marriage and family, don't just walk away without at least sharing your plans with this pastor. As a courtesy. Or at least send him a letter of your plans...and why you all are leaving. Again, the pastor's role is to watch for your souls:

Hebrews 13:17: " Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you."

Are you concerned that if you talk to them that you will be persuaded to stay? It's the enemy who drops and runs and makes things appear other than what's really there. I am PLEADING with you to have a conversation with your pastor before you go. It's that serious. In proper order with your husband, don't be misled. Don't just stop going. At least inform the pastor so he can know what's going on....

I respect your concern, but to be perfectly honest I don't think he would care. His church has about 10,000 members. He is rather arrogant in his approach with people who don't agree with how he runs his church. We will notify the Ministry heads of the areas of Ministry we were active in. But only out of respect not to open a dialogue about our decision to leave.