I was very sick to my stomach by the results of both candidates for this election term. 2008 was the very first election that I felt 'invested' in and contributed money to. The very first and none since.
There are 3rd party candidates out there and others who are not on the ballots, yet support my values. I'm online looking up each name and what they represent and the ones who are of 'value' to my vote are the ones I'm writing in.
You can believe that those who watched my voting pattern in 2008 are watching now and will wonder, 'why the change?'. You can trust that people are following the voting trends, candidates use this information to gage their campaigns. When enough people make a 'dent' in what these candidates expected, they will indeed wonder why.
I'm not throwing my right to vote away, no indeed, I am not. I'm using my vote to send a message and someone somewhere will indeed get it.
There are also those in the senate committee that I wish to eliminate. I'm doing the same with them as well. I am also voting on issues such as gay marriage which in Maryland is Question 6 and indeed I cannot press that panel button hard enough that says, 'AGAINST'. I've vested myself in the campaigns in Maryland against it. I purposely remained employed and maintained my Maryland residency just for this election and this question, as it means just that much to me and my family. I have absolutely no regrets.
The point is this. We as Christians have to vote for the values of God, for if we do not, who else will? Why do 'we' as Christians have to follow in the muddy footsteps of the world which is against God. As Christians, we should not allow the world to be in our voting, weakening our stand; and we have been given a voice from God to take a stand for Him.
If other 'groups' can take a stand for their sin, what can't Christians take a stand for righteousness? We've been delivered from sin, why lean to help those issues which do not seek deliverance? It's the same as going back to Egypt.
For Christians to be mute, is to do nothing, which is to allow sin to rule. I'm not under that weak umbrella.
It goes back to Joshua: "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord."