What do you say to comments from coworkers .....


I was at work today and u know I am 15 weeks postrelaxer with a half wig when one of my coworkers says out loud you need to go get fix your hair so I thought maybe I had a hair or two standing since I have so much new growth and the only think I use to keep my hair down is some scurl and a tight scarf. so I proceeded to smooth my hair and she says no you need to go get a relaxer I was like I need to :meditate: before I :boxing: her out. But I calmly stated I am not getting relaxed this week I will get it relaxed in 2 more weeks. She was like u need it like yesterday:evil:. Do any of u get comments like these from friends or coworkers. How can I get this girl to back off she seems to always watch what I am doing or not doing with my hair. It is driving me crazy:wallbash:
I would kindly say "I appreciate your concern for MY hair, put I can assure that I can manage my OWN hair without your comments." And leave like that! I AIN'T her business!
I agree with PatTodd and Lboogie. I'd tell her "I know you think you're trying to be helpful, but your constant comments are bordering on rudeness." People rarely know how they sound, so maybe she thinks these comments are "cute" or something.
I really don't know what is wrong with some people. What business is it of hers what you do with your hair? That is so rude. I am grateful that I do not have to deal with this at work, but I used to get it from some family members at the start of my hair care journey, but now that they see how beautiful and healthy my hair is, they have stopped.
Now if the person is someone I am EXTRA COOL WITH then we might go back and forth talking about each other...you know, shootin' the dozens or whatever (ex. You need a relaxer... your MAMA need a relaxer)but if it's somebody I rarely if ever talk to then Ima let them have it for real because they are just being rude and mean on purpose to really hurt my feelings. I can't stand people like that!
I would ignore her comment at first and then if she persists I would tell her to mind her own business and don't worry about what I'm doing with MY hair.
I with either keep it moving or say something like, "No that's okay I like my healthy hair maybe when you get to my (enter hair goal) you will understand healthy hair care."
I was at work today and u know I am 15 weeks postrelaxer with a half wig when one of my coworkers says out loud you need to go get fix your hair so I thought maybe I had a hair or two standing since I have so much new growth and the only think I use to keep my hair down is some scurl and a tight scarf. so I proceeded to smooth my hair and she says no you need to go get a relaxer I was like I need to :meditate: before I :boxing: her out. But I calmly stated I am not getting relaxed this week I will get it relaxed in 2 more weeks. She was like u need it like yesterday:evil:. Do any of u get comments like these from friends or coworkers. How can I get this girl to back off she seems to always watch what I am doing or not doing with my hair. It is driving me crazy:wallbash:

WooHoo!!! Congratulations!!! 15 weeks??!!! Yaayyy! And the little jealous "B" with an itch said what? I'd tell her that when her hair is feature of the month, I'll take her advice to heart!
I agree with everyone else. I'd ask her why she had made her business to worry about MY hair. Tell her it's sweet that she's "concerned" but that you don't need it. And if she doesn't have anything nice to say, then don't say it at all.
My MIL used to make those same rude comments when I first started with stretching. I was Chin Length at the time. I politely told her that I was trying some new and healthier techniques, which required me to stretch out the time in between my relaxers and to use less heat, no gel...yada, yada, yada. She told me how much she disagreed with me and that I was mistreating my hair. So I politely told her that only time would tell, because I would continue my new practices.

This Thankgiving, her jaw fell to the ground when she saw my hair, on its way to BSL. She ate her words. Don't let others' ignorance make you stoop down to their level. They have no clue of what they are talking about. And your progress will eventually shut her up.
My MIL used to make those same rude comments when I first started with stretching. I was Chin Length at the time. I politely told her that I was trying some new and healthier techniques, which required me to stretch out the time in between my relaxers and to use less heat, no gel...yada, yada, yada. She told me how much she disagreed with me and that I was mistreating my hair. So I politely told her that only time would tell, because I would continue my new practices.

This Thankgiving, her jaw fell to the ground when she saw my hair, on its way to BSL. She ate her words. Don't let others' ignorance make you stoop down to their level. They have no clue of what they are talking about. And your progress will eventually shut her up.

How cleaver of you LadyEsq, I like how u handled that. I got the same reaction from one nosy coworker. Yes time will definately let her see and shut her up too.:grin:
you get her to back off by scratching her eyes out! lol! your gonna have to put her in her place, first try it nicely if she doesn't understand that then you may have to get fierce with her.

not everyone perms there hair every two days, and honestly to me it's no ones place to say anything, shoot you didn't ask her her opinion.

I was at work today and u know I am 15 weeks postrelaxer with a half wig when one of my coworkers says out loud you need to go get fix your hair so I thought maybe I had a hair or two standing since I have so much new growth and the only think I use to keep my hair down is some scurl and a tight scarf. so I proceeded to smooth my hair and she says no you need to go get a relaxer I was like I need to :meditate: before I :boxing: her out. But I calmly stated I am not getting relaxed this week I will get it relaxed in 2 more weeks. She was like u need it like yesterday:evil:. Do any of u get comments like these from friends or coworkers. How can I get this girl to back off she seems to always watch what I am doing or not doing with my hair. It is driving me crazy:wallbash:
you get her to back off by scratching her eyes out! lol! your gonna have to put her in her place, first try it nicely if she doesn't understand that then you may have to get fierce with her.

not everyone perms there hair every two days, and honestly to me it's no ones place to say anything, shoot you didn't ask her her opinion.

LOL LOL:lachen::grin: GIRL U R FUNNY, U WANT THE GIRL TO GET GLAUCOMA. oh my, but seriously like we say in the caribbean she too farse!
I was at work today and u know I am 15 weeks postrelaxer with a half wig when one of my coworkers says out loud you need to go get fix your hair so I thought maybe I had a hair or two standing since I have so much new growth and the only think I use to keep my hair down is some scurl and a tight scarf. so I proceeded to smooth my hair and she says no you need to go get a relaxer I was like I need to :meditate: before I :boxing: her out. But I calmly stated I am not getting relaxed this week I will get it relaxed in 2 more weeks. She was like u need it like yesterday:evil:. Do any of u get comments like these from friends or coworkers. How can I get this girl to back off she seems to always watch what I am doing or not doing with my hair. It is driving me crazy:wallbash:

I wouldve said "you NEED to mind yo damn bizness!
I would be shocked if 1 of my co-workers said something like that 2 me about my hair. Thank goodness my co-workers think I'm so knowledgeable about hair. But I'll keep it real, I'm always quoting them stuff from LHCF. :grin: There's a lady in my department that went natural b4 I did & she comes 2 my desk frequently 4 hair advice. Shoot, now that I think of it there's 2 other natural chicks that were natural long b4 me @ my job n other depts & I'm always giving them hair advice. But even the people that don't agree don't diss. They just say that what I'm doing w/my hair would never work 4 their hair but they are never rude. I would prettymuch ignore her & let my hair do all of the talking.
I've never had anyone actually say anything to me but I know they probably wanted to because I have stretched to 22, 23 weeks before and my hair was probably looking a wreck.

Don't worry about them work weirdos.
thank you so much girls. I just had to vent because my reaction was to:swearing: at her but then I thought to myself thats why her hair is so thin and damaged and even though I have fine hair it has definitely surpassed hers in terms of health and some length:grin:. I think she is curious to how long my hair is because I never let my hair out. Wait to June :grin:

By the way can someone instruct me on how to post my pics so that I can show my start out pics as well as my progress pics?
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My MIL used to make those same rude comments when I first started with stretching. I was Chin Length at the time. I politely told her that I was trying some new and healthier techniques, which required me to stretch out the time in between my relaxers and to use less heat, no gel...yada, yada, yada. She told me how much she disagreed with me and that I was mistreating my hair. So I politely told her that only time would tell, because I would continue my new practices.

This Thankgiving, her jaw fell to the ground when she saw my hair, on its way to BSL. She ate her words. Don't let others' ignorance make you stoop down to their level. They have no clue of what they are talking about. And your progress will eventually shut her up.

Exactly! They don't know! If it's working for you, then keep doing it. When she sees your results, she will stop... :look: unless she's slow. :lol: I just realized that there is the possibility that she is someone who won't see the correlation. :lachen: Explain that u are doing it b/c it is healthier for your hair, then when u wear it down she should see the correlation. :up:
thank you so much girls. I just had to vent because my reaction was to:swearing: at her but then I thought to myself thats why her hair is so thin and damaged and even though I have fine hair it has definitely surpassed hers in terms of health and some length:grin:. I think she is curious to how long my hair is because I never let my hair out. Wait to June :grin:

By the way can someone instruct me on how to post my pics so that I can show my start out pick and progress pics?

How did I know that her hair looks bad? :rolleyes:
Yep! It's always the ones w/the messed up hair that do this! smh
Exactly! They don't know! If it's working for you, then keep doing it. When she sees your results, she will stop... :look: unless she's slow. :lol: I just realized that there is the possibility that she is someone who won't see the correlation. :lachen: Explain that u are doing it b/c it is healthier for your hair, then when u wear it down she should see the correlation. :up:

My MIL used to make those same rude comments when I first started with stretching. I was Chin Length at the time. I politely told her that I was trying some new and healthier techniques, which required me to stretch out the time in between my relaxers and to use less heat, no gel...yada, yada, yada. She told me how much she disagreed with me and that I was mistreating my hair. So I politely told her that only time would tell, because I would continue my new practices.

This Thankgiving, her jaw fell to the ground when she saw my hair, on its way to BSL. She ate her words. Don't let others' ignorance make you stoop down to their level. They have no clue of what they are talking about. And your progress will eventually shut her up.

I like this lady like approach a lot :yep:
You got some great responses. LadyEsquire was especially insightful.

But if your coworker is one of those...and you know what I mean, you might ask her about it by saying something like, "It's always nice to know someone cares about you, but I notice you spend an awful lot of time paying attention to what I'm doing. Is there any particular reason for that?"
Now if the person is someone I am EXTRA COOL WITH then we might go back and forth talking about each other...you know, shootin' the dozens or whatever (ex. You need a relaxer... your MAMA need a relaxer)but if it's somebody I rarely if ever talk to then Ima let them have it for real because they are just being rude and mean on purpose to really hurt my feelings. I can't stand people like that!

:laugh: You are too funny! But, the last time someone at work said that to me, I tossed a quick 'Yeah, no s*&t' over my shoulder and kept it moving. :ohwell:
You got some great responses. LadyEsquire was especially insightful.

But if your coworker is one of those...and you know what I mean, you might ask her about it by saying something like, "It's always nice to know someone cares about you, but I notice you spend an awful lot of time paying attention to what I'm doing. Is there any particular reason for that?"

OMG-Now this is funny:lachen:
:laugh: You are too funny! But, the last time someone at work said that to me, I tossed a quick 'Yeah, no s*&t' over my shoulder and kept it moving. :ohwell:

Love it!!:blush::yep: That's definitely me. I would keep moving and show up at an important event with my natural hair laid out and tight.

Just wait until you do your reveal. She'll beg you for tips.:yep: