What do you say to comments from coworkers .....

Now if the person is someone I am EXTRA COOL WITH then we might go back and forth talking about each other...you know, shootin' the dozens or whatever (ex. You need a relaxer... your MAMA need a relaxer)but if it's somebody I rarely if ever talk to then Ima let them have it for real because they are just being rude and mean on purpose to really hurt my feelings. I can't stand people like that!


Sorry but this made me laugh!
I used to get that all the time where I used to work when I first started my journey but I just used to say "yeah I know I really need to get it done". That was the end of that. Two weeks later when it still wasn't done and the comments were made again, I'd repeat the same thing:lachen:. I never explained why I was stretching. Wasn't their concern but I never let their comments bother me. Didn't matter really.
they are CO-workers. They do not matter. Rock your do, don't be studdin her. She just trying to hate.
Well I'm transitioning and even though I have my new growth under control, I still get the 'You should touch up or or your hair is going to break off" from friends.
All I say is "uh huh" and change the subject.
I find the best way to deal with situations like that is to totally ignore it. People get the message when you don't respond and they'll leave you alone.
Well I'm transitioning and even though I have my new growth under control, I still get the 'You should touch up or or your hair is going to break off" from friends.
All I say is "uh huh" and change the subject.
I find the best way to deal with situations like that is to totally ignore it. People get the message when you don't respond and they'll leave you alone.

ITA. My response to weird comments about anything is to immediately follow with, "So anyway, like I was saying..." and continue with whatever the previous subject was. Don't even acknowledge it was said. It's amazingly effective at putting people in their place. :perplexed
I'd get in that ass! If that ain't your girl which it seems like shes not then she neds to be settled down. Now it doesn't have to get crazy but obviously she doesn't get it and being nice doesn't always settle people down.
I used to get that all the time where I used to work when I first started my journey but I just used to say "yeah I know I really need to get it done". That was the end of that. Two weeks later when it still wasn't done and the comments were made again, I'd repeat the same thing:lachen:. I never explained why I was stretching. Wasn't their concern but I never let their comments bother me. Didn't matter really.

:lachen:yeah that is a good one. They will shutup and then you can keep going.
I was at work today and u know I am 15 weeks postrelaxer with a half wig when one of my coworkers says out loud you need to go get fix your hair so I thought maybe I had a hair or two standing since I have so much new growth and the only think I use to keep my hair down is some scurl and a tight scarf. so I proceeded to smooth my hair and she says no you need to go get a relaxer I was like I need to :meditate: before I :boxing: her out. But I calmly stated I am not getting relaxed this week I will get it relaxed in 2 more weeks. She was like u need it like yesterday:evil:. Do any of u get comments like these from friends or coworkers. How can I get this girl to back off she seems to always watch what I am doing or not doing with my hair. It is driving me crazy:wallbash:

hell to the no!! thats rude as ish!i got one chick here and we cool and everything , and we refer each other to different stylists and comment on each others hair styles and give each other tips, etc. but for that person to say it out loud like they were trying to embarass you, that was uncalled for. it sound like they was just trying to rattle you. its a difference between constructive criticism and being just all out mean.and in this case, at work, there is no need for unwanted comments about your hair unless you asked for it. she will be hating when you get that relaxer put in and your hair looks longer thicker and healthier than hers. you better than me though, i would have gave her the attention she was looking for :hardslap:
ITA. My response to weird comments about anything is to immediately follow with, "So anyway, like I was saying..." and continue with whatever the previous subject was. Don't even acknowledge it was said. It's amazingly effective at putting people in their place. :perplexed

I have to agree.
Well as of yet, I havent gotten any bad comments yet... but If I do... Im sure that Ill probably just ignore it.