Do you leave Fotki comments?

Do you leave Fotki Comments?

  • Yes

    Votes: 134 66.0%
  • No

    Votes: 69 34.0%

  • Total voters
I am bad about leaving comments:look: so if no one leaves me any its fine. I do look at people's albums though but usually i'm too busy to post something. *note to self* to do better.....
MissScarlett said:
I am bad about leaving comments:look: so if no one leaves me any its fine. I do look at people's albums though but usually i'm too busy to post something. *note to self* to do better.....

Me too:perplexed
Interesting thread. I don't look at fotki a whole lot but when I do I always see nice hair. I rarely leave comments coz I don't have a fotki account and don't like to do "anon" comments - that's too stalker like IMO. :) I didn' know some ppl were getting discouraged or having their feelings hurt for lack of comments. You shouldn't take it personal. Your hits say it all - if you're getting hits then probably quite a few of them are repeat visitors and no one comes back to look at something they don't want to see.
i leave comments sometimes but not always. has nothing really to do with the person's hair, just my mood at the time, if i'm feeling "chatty" :lol: so i figure that's also the reason why i have no :cry: comments in mine either. never on fotki unless I upload new pics. Otherwise i am not logged on when I visit everyone's album.
I've never left a comment. I don't have a fotki....... :look: or do I? Well, I dunno, but if I do, I only went there once and forgot the
Ok so jugding by the comments I shouldn't feel slighted that I don't get a lot of comments, huh? That and you have to be logged in to see anything...:grin:
I just created my fotki last week so I hadn't been leaving comments before since I didnt have an account. Now that I'm new, I def. leave comments b/c I understand that a lot of people are looking for encouragement and constructive am I.

But if a person just wants to peruse and not leave a comment, that's fine by me. It's better to say nothing at all if you have nothing nice or useful to say.
Yeah, I feel you all.

I hardly ever get comments in my fotki either.

But I must admit that I hardly go there myself. I'm bad about updating.
I do at times, but not as much as I bet I should. Sometimes the lock is on the album and I'll tell myself that I will get back to it and never do :( Laziness and forgetfulness on my part!
Well if someone could leave a comment or two in my fotki i would be grateful!:grin:

I just visited your fotki and I would have left a comment but you don't have comments enabled so I couldn't. :look:

ETA: I try to be good about leaving comments in people's fotki's. I know how happy I get when I see that I have a new comment.
I just visited your fotki and I would have left a comment but you don't have comments enabled so I couldn't. :look:

ETA: I try to be good about leaving comments in people's fotki's. I know how happy I get when I see that I have a new comment.

You have to be logged in, thanks for visiting me. I really appreciate it!
I closed mine by putting a pw back up. Before I left it open. I was still getting visits, but I like for people to say something or have a conversation. When I visit and (go through albums), I leave comments. It's like dropping by someone's house and not speaking when no comment is left after you have browsed their site. But that is just MPO. I am sure no one was intending to be rude or anything. Once I put the password back, I rarely visit myself, lol. Now once I update, next year I will feel I have something new to contribute in my album. Maybe people just get bored. Who knows. But I really appreciate all the comments and the guestbook signers to day. Really was encouraged. It doesn't matter to me whether the hair is short long or in between. I love looking at progress and see healthy hair emerging so Happy Hair growing to all the ladies!!! bonjour
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i normally dont leave comments cuz sometimes what i wanna say has already been sed...being redundant is stupid to me
Sometimes yes. If I visit and don't say anything, I feel like I'm just being nosy - which I am!

Somebody left unfortunate comments in my fotki that seem silly now but kind of upset me at the time. I put all these disclaimers all over my album and swore I wasn't going to post any more pictures. Looking back, I realize it was probably a troll rather than one of the LHCF regulars.
I do if the commenting feature is enabled. Or, I leave a message in the guestbook, or in their profile here. Sometimes I do forget, but not often.
I’m more likely to leave comments if I’m signed in to fotki. If I’m not signed in then I won’t leave any comments. I know it only takes 2 secs. to sign in but yea I can get that lazy. But if someone leaves me a comment I usually comment back on their fotki or guestbook.

I really like looking at fotkis of people who started out with length like mine or shorter. (not that I don’t check out anyone else) but when someone records their growth from chin to BS, it can really be exciting to see! And very encouraging to me.

As for me wanting comments. They’re always nice. Especially when someone points out growth that u couldn’t see urself. But what’s funny is I look more forward to comments about the products I use rather than my own growth.:look: I love hearing or reading individual reviews about certain products. How they use it and what they mix it with. So I usually lurk inside people’s product albums.