Do you leave Fotki comments?

Do you leave Fotki Comments?

  • Yes

    Votes: 134 66.0%
  • No

    Votes: 69 34.0%

  • Total voters
Mahalialee4 said:
I get more visits than comments. The comments I do receive are very encouraging. I return the visit and leave comments. I also visit other albums and look at their Friends List and then I add them to my site and then I visit and leave comments. I do think it is important to acknowledge the comments as well. I had to learn to use the different features. But as I learn more I do more. I will visit your album asap. something that may make a difference. People are more likely to visit an album that has a link posted with their post or in their siggy and with an available password. I notice that your album site is not directly linked to Fotki. That may help. People like to see it and hit it! I have removed all the passwords for all of my albums now. bonjour

ITA...I always reply to all comments and show love to all who visit. I also add to my friend list and keep tabs on visitor's progress. I acknowledge the time they took out to visit my very early stages album and welcome the encouragement. I reply to each and every comment wheter the poster comes back to see it or not. I notice alot of traffic but few comments which does not bother me at all. I just want to document my progress from the very rough early stages til' when I reach my ultimate goal. Hope to eventually be as inspirational to others as many of the veterans have been to me.
sometimes i do . sometimes i dont.... esp when im too lazy to sign into fotki lol. i wish it would just leave me signed all the time....
More often than not, I'll leave at least one comment/question in someone's fotki. I know that I like to get comments and I also answer any questions ppl may have. Also, I like to give ppl props, cuz it gives them encouragement (at least I know it does 4 me:) )
I usually don't because I don't want them to be like "who the hell are you?"...Plus, I don't have a fotki of my own maybe when I get one, I'll participate more....
I voted no... but that doesn't mean I won't start.. just haven't felt like it. Although I enjoy looking at the fotkis:) ;) !
crlsweetie912 said:
Just wondering! I have been getting a lot of traffic on my fotki, but nobody is leaving comments?:confused: Is my hair that tow up? Or do yall just not like leaving comments?

I am thinking about closing my fotki and keeping it just for personal reference.

I ususally leave comments...I don't have lot's of comments in my fotki either, but my album is closed...I'm in braids now and just don't have anything to really add right now.

...going to your site now to leave a comment:look:
stilettos said:
I leave comments on other fotki's, however like you, I get tons of hits but no comments. O well, it doesn't matter that much to me, as the purpose of my fotki account is to document my progress for myself.

I checked out your album...very pretty hair. However, I didn't see an option to leave a comment. Maybe it's not turned on.
I rarely leave comments unless I see something that just drops my jaw. I didnt know it was an issue and people cared either way :confused: Plus I'm lazy. My comments option will be off cause I dont need them to validate me or my progress and I dont wanna deal with the ignit' folk out there who say mean things. If I want specific advice about something I'll ask.
so1913 said:
Agreed. I don't leave comments all the time (simply depends on how I'm feeling)...I know many times, I get more traffic than comments, but it really makes no difference to me. Many peoples' main purpose for stopping by albums is to get info, ideas, inspiration, or just to see how things are coming along...some folks just aren't the vocal type to leave comments. I guess it depends on your purpose for having an album up that decides the importance of receiving comments. Seeing the hits tell me that people ARE visiting, so I know my album is of use to someone whether they comment or not.

so tru so1913!!
when i started (8-9 yrs ago)there weren't much online albums
so when some1 says they are inspired that is the ultimate compliment
but comment or don't - no pressure!

i responded yes cuz i leave tons of comments:)
MrsHouston said:
I ususally leave comments...I don't have lot's of comments in my fotki either, but my album is closed...I'm in braids now and just don't have anything to really add right now.

...going to your site now to leave a comment:look:
Ok that makes sense bc I was trying to see yours and the progress over time but could NOT get in for the world, now I know why:D
naturallylovely said:
I usually don't because I don't want them to be like "who the hell are you?"...Plus, I don't have a fotki of my own maybe when I get one, I'll participate more....[/quote]

This is exactly how I feel.
I always leave comments and I enjoy receiving them. In fact, I probably spend too much time checking my Fotki, waiting for someone to drop me a new comment or sign my guestbook. :look: I'll admit it, I have no life. :lol:
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I don't. I just oooohh and awww for the most part. I just created my Fotki but only to track my own progress...if people decide to comment, all the better.
I comment a lotttt but no one seems to comment on mind. I don't mind because it's mainly for me but it'd be nice to know who dropped in =)
i try to - it's hard sometimes to keep with fotki's, life, home, work, kids, etc. :p

i figure, i'll put out my best effort to comment especially if someone took the time and effort to comment in mine.

it's hard sometimes though....
togethernessinchrist said:
I comment a lotttt but no one seems to comment on mind. I don't mind because it's mainly for me but it'd be nice to know who dropped in =)

I don't think that your comments are enabled in your fotki!
Sometimes I feel like I should comment, but since I rarely have anything more to say other than nice/beautiful/wow i never feel like its important enough to leave.
I leave comments in albums sometimes... depends. But it doesn't bother me if people don't leave comments in my fotki.
SeatownSista said:
I always leave comments and I enjoy receiving them. In fact, I probably spend too much time checking my Fotki, waiting for someone to drop me a new comment or sign my guestbook. :look: I'll admit it, I have no life. :lol:

Get outta my head!:perplexed :lol:
sometimes i do, sometimes i don't. It depends if your hair don't wows me. With that said I love to see hair grow.
you can have hair down to your ankles and i won't leave a comment because i didn't see where you came from. I'm really in to looking at hair go from short to long, not long to longer. If you leave me a comment then good, if you don't then ok. It really doesn't matter to me anymore.

Everything from this point on is IMO. If i hurt anyone feeling I'm sorry and I don't have one particle person I'm referring to.

I also feel that some people are going to get comments because they are popular. Some people hair isn't anything to wow over because out of a whole year they grew a inches and their hair is really not in better health.
But they will get a bunch of wow it's really growing. I be looking like i must don't see what they see. You can have really nice APL hair and won't get much comment because you are not popular. If you want people to lie to you about your hair, then keep asking for comments. Not saying that all the comments are lies but come on.
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shynessqueen said:
sometimes i do, sometimes i don't. It depends if your hair don't wows me. With that said I love to see hair grow.
you can have hair down to your ankles and i won't leave a comment because i didn't see where you came from. I'm really in to looking at hair go from short to long, not long to longer. If you leave me a comment then good, if you don't then ok. It really doesn't matter to me anymore.

Everything from this point on is IMO. If i hurt anyone feeling I'm sorry and I don't have one particle person I'm referring to.

I also feel that some people are going to get comments because they are popular. Some people hair isn't anything to wow over because out of a whole year they grew a inches and their hair is really not in better health.
But they will get a bunch of wow it's really growing. I be looking like i must don't see what they see. You can have really nice APL hair and won't get much comment because you are not popular. If you want people to lie to you about your hair, then keep asking for comments. Not saying that all the comments are lies but come on.

If some one doesn't like my comment you can PM me but i won't PM you back or you can leave dirty comments in my fotki.

OOOH SHNAPS!!!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I always try to leave comments in people's fotki's that I visit and I enjoy reading those in mine. If I don't have time to comment on each picture that I'm salivating over, I at least leave a message in their guestbook letting them know I stopped by and that I enjoyed their album.

We all took time out to "make" our albums so just as I like to see that someone took the time to leave me a little message, I try to do the same.

:sekret: BTW, I need to catch up on replying!
I love love love getting fotki comments so I'm trying to be better about leaving comments as well so that my comment karma will be high.:look:
shynessqueen said:
sometimes i do, sometimes i don't. It depends if your hair don't wows me. With that said I love to see hair grow.
you can have hair down to your ankles and i won't leave a comment because i didn't see where you came from. I'm really in to looking at hair go from short to long, not long to longer. If you leave me a comment then good, if you don't then ok. It really doesn't matter to me anymore.

Everything from this point on is IMO. If i hurt anyone feeling I'm sorry and I don't have one particle person I'm referring to.

I also feel that some people are going to get comments because they are popular. Some people hair isn't anything to wow over because out of a whole year they grew a inches and their hair is really not in better health.
But they will get a bunch of wow it's really growing. I be looking like i must don't see what they see. You can have really nice APL hair and won't get much comment because you are not popular. If you want people to lie to you about your hair, then keep asking for comments. Not saying that all the comments are lies but come on.

If some one doesn't like my comment you can PM me but i won't PM you back or you can leave dirty comments in my fotki.

I leave messages in peoples' albums, because I think it's nice. If people have uploaded the pictures, and named them, and written a little comment, I think it's the least one can do.
shynessqueen said:
sometimes i do, sometimes i don't. It depends if your hair don't wows me. With that said I love to see hair grow.
you can have hair down to your ankles and i won't leave a comment because i didn't see where you came from. I'm really in to looking at hair go from short to long, not long to longer. If you leave me a comment then good, if you don't then ok. It really doesn't matter to me anymore.

Everything from this point on is IMO. If i hurt anyone feeling I'm sorry and I don't have one particle person I'm referring to.

I also feel that some people are going to get comments because they are popular. Some people hair isn't anything to wow over because out of a whole year they grew a inches and their hair is really not in better health.
But they will get a bunch of wow it's really growing. I be looking like i must don't see what they see. You can have really nice APL hair and won't get much comment because you are not popular. If you want people to lie to you about your hair, then keep asking for comments. Not saying that all the comments are lies but come on.

I should of found a better way of wording this but this is how i really feel.

OH and you will get a lot of comments as a newbie if you already have healthy and long hair:D :cool:
Growth is growth and progress is progress...with that being said I leave comments when I see progress or anything that someone does to their hair I like. I don't care who is popular and who isn't that to me doesn't matter. People have fotki's to share with others the least I can do is leave a comment. I mean the popular fotki's didn't start out popular. Everyone starts out some where whether the progession is slow or fast. I think that we should all be supportive of each other. If a person grows 1/4 inch and are happy about it, then I am happy too.

My vote was yes I do leave comments.:grin:
crlsweetie912 said:
Just wondering! I have been getting a lot of traffic on my fotki, but nobody is leaving comments?:confused: Is my hair that tow up? Or do yall just not like leaving comments?

I am thinking about closing my fotki and keeping it just for personal reference.

Girl, please don't close out your account! Check your settings! I also thought my photos weren't looking good, 'cause folks weren't commenting on mine either. However, I recently learned that I had my settings set to "friends only", which means that random guests couldn't comment.