What do YOU love about your SO/DH???


Well-Known Member
I love my husband....but there are some days when the lows outweigh the high. But then I have to remind myself that there are always going to be some bad days in a relationship and there are many good days to come. So sometimes I have to "remind" myself why I fell in love with my DH.

Name the things you love the most about your DH/SO.
Even if you're not in a relationship what traits would you look for in a DH/SO??
Aside from the obvious; that I find him very attractive, he is good to me and he loves me very much. The one thing that I love about him that I have never experienced in any other relationship is that in the 4 years we have been together, I never had to question his honesty. Not once.
He's spontaneous, brave, social, kindhearted, generous, likes my randomness, is wild about me, will listen to me all day long if need be, values me, and is easy on the eye. :)
Nice thread. I'm in an Aries/Aries relationship which is probably the most warm and loving one I've ever had :o. If we do happen to come into a serious disagreement though, its fire fighting fire! lol: I don't see the point of tainting that 90% good for those bad days that come around.

My SO:
Whenever I see him I open the door and see him smiling. I dunno I grew to love that to the point it was something I looked forward to see that smile,

He loves me and all my quirks some how. I love that he also is disorganized and is late quite a bit lol. I started falling in love with him when he forgot what storey he'd parked the car on and we had to look for it.

He's masculine in the ways I like, but sensitive also :) Practical, good at fixing things, good at protecting me, very loyal. He says the most beautiful things too. Not because he's purposely romantic but because he's very open with feelings. I love how open and expressive his heart is.

Very affectionate. Luckily I am too so we just go all out with the lovey dovey stuff :drunk:

Ah love that he's so kind to people and tries to get to know them. Stops if someone needs help instead of driving past. I love that he treats his friends and family well. :yep:

I love that he's hardworking and smart. I love it when the geek comes out. Sometimes when he's arguing with people he uses really long obscure words and no one knows what he's talking about, including me *googles*:look:

I love that he's easy going about things that don't matter (to me:grin:) like what we eat, where to go next, what order to do things in.

I also like that he's passionate, non selfish, open minded and experimental:look:
He's fairly handsome, intelligent, hard working, very protective, agreeable and will try his best to get what I want.:blush3:
Since I started the thread I'll list some things I love about my DH.

1. His dedication and drive! He'll go above and beyond to keep me happy, get his work done at his job, and work on his up and coming business.

2. He always has surprises for me. It can be as simple as him having dinner ready when I come home from work or buying an outfit he saw me looking at when we go to the mall together.

3. He supports me and everything I want to do. He's my number one cheerleader.

That's all I can think of right now but I will DEFINITELY add some more later!!!
1. Handsome, I love his flawless chocolate skin & smile

2. Funny, gets my sarcastic sense of humor because he's the same way too

3. Easy going, rarely in a bad mood & gets along with everybody

4. Spontaneous, likes trying different things like me

5. Very manly, which is hard to find now days

6. Quirky, doesn't conform to stereotypically things black men do or don't do.

7. The only man I have ever dated that I don't get tired of being around, that's big for me! :lol:
1. He's handsome and very smart.
2. He's a hard worker and strives to be the best and always gives his best.
3. He's a great provider.
4. He's a wonderful father.
5. He makes me laugh.
6. He's very romantic and truly loves me.
7. He takes good care of me and spoils me from time to time.
8. Tells me often, "I know God made you for me" when he looks into my eyes. This makes me love him more every time he says this.
9. He's manly, but has a sensitive side too.
10. Loves to give me surprises. I love them too!:grin:
11. He has several nicknames for me. All are cute lil names, but my favorite is "Baby Girl".
12. He's Mr. Fix It around the house. This has saved us tons of money on repairs and landscaping.
13. He's very athletic and is in great shape.

My family and I have truly been blessed!
He's intelligent
He's God fearing
He's charitable and will better the lives of many people
He's extremely funny
He's extremely sexy/attractive
He's a very family oriented man who wants to build a strong family of his own
He's very driven
He communicates whatever it is that's on his mind
He loves me very much
He doesn't eat meat, but he'll make me a crazy goat light soup even though he doesn't like to smell meat. :love:
@MsLauren. So glad that you started this thread. I totally agree with you. Sometimes we get can so caught up in minor annoyances, that we actuallly need reminders as to why we love our husbands so much in the first place. Listing their attributes is a great thing to do from time to time. Especially on those days when they are really irking you, lol.

I won't list superficial qualities, because although that's where the initial attraction lies, it takes waaaay more than that to love someone in the long term.

My husband is extremely intelligent, charismatic and resourceful. This enchants most people who meet him as well. Which is a double edged sword, because of course he has his flaws, but most people can't imagine that.

Extremely loving...to those he loves. He loves hard and will do anything for them. He's put me on a pedestal since the day we met. I've never witnessed anyone love as hard as he does.

He tells me that I'm beautiful and that he loves me multiple times a day and is overly affectionate. That, I can actually do without, but I know that, that would be a plus for some ladies.

He loves animals (a must for me)

He's quick, funny and witty as hell. Moreso, than anyone I've ever met. He's like an undiscovered star.

I also love the fact that he can be silly at times, just like me.

I love that I can be myself around him. There aren't many people that I feel comfortable enough to totally let my guard down with (to an extent). My mother was the only other person.

There are many more things, but lastly, and most importantly, he puts up with me. I'm not an easy person to live with. I was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive tendencies and that can be difficult. I need things (not everything) to be in place, done in order and in a particular way... ritualisticly. I can tell that he gets annoyed sometimes, but he has the patience of a saint.

Oh, and he loves me unconditionally which unfortunately, I can't admit to myself. My love (with anyone) has always come with conditions, but I'm working on that.
He is a hard worker.
He’s very spontaneous.
He loves being around me.
He’s a great lover. :look:
He’s attractive with a sexy walk.
He’s always willing to help others.
He goes above and beyond to make me happy.
He is the greatest piece of a$$ ever. :look:
and has a wicked sense of humor that matches mine.
I can talk to him about anything. I tell him things that I have never told anyone else...
He knows my secrets and loves me anyway.
He puts me first.
We can text all day and still have a gazillion things to talk about in person or on the phone.
He always takes my calls (even if it's just to say that he has to call me right back).
He always calls right back.
He's affectionate and always wants to hold my hand or stroke my hair (even when it was a twa).
He supports my dreams and always, always, always tells me to go for it.
He can tell when I'm having a bad day.
He lets me cry and will hold me until I stop.
He thinks I'm beautiful in my chunky state...lol
He will walk/run with me if I ask. Every.single.time.
He is always honest with me whether I want to hear it or not.
He considers me.
He always tells me that I am the best thing that ever happened to him.
He is a sensual, attentive lover who makes it do what it do e'er time.

Wow...just realized that my list is pretty long and I'm still not done.

I love this guy.
I can talk to him about anything. I tell him things that I have never told anyone else...
He knows my secrets and loves me anyway.
He puts me first.
We can text all day and still have a gazillion things to talk about in person or on the phone.
He always takes my calls (even if it's just to say that he has to call me right back).
He always calls right back.
He's affectionate and always wants to hold my hand or stroke my hair (even when it was a twa).
He supports my dreams and always, always, always tells me to go for it.
He can tell when I'm having a bad day.
He lets me cry and will hold me until I stop.
He thinks I'm beautiful in my chunky state...lol
He will walk/run with me if I ask. Every.single.time.
He is always honest with me whether I want to hear it or not.
He considers me.
He always tells me that I am the best thing that ever happened to him.
He is a sensual, attentive lover who makes it do what it do e'er time.

Wow...just realized that my list is pretty long and I'm still not done.

I love this guy.

Sounds like you have a great guy! :)
1. He never fails to tell me he loves me

2. He makes me laugh(a MUST in my book)

3. He's a good father.

4. He can keep it 100% honest with me, without being disrespectful.

5. He understands my sense of humor(I am a very sarcastic individual and no one is immune to my jabs, not even him). He may not agree with it but he understands.

6. I like that he has other people that he can spend time with. My last boyfriend was very clingy, it freaked me out. I like that my SO has friends that he can hang out with, he can get hypnotized by a basketball/football. He gives me my space, and that's very important.
In no particular order...
He ADORES me and I can literally feel it.
He loves God.
He's my best friend and I'm his.
He treats my son like he's his own child. He's a great dad to both our 2 kids.
He's hilarious and I can be silly and goofy with him. We just had a dance battle on Kinect- Dance Central. (Best game ever, BTW)
He tells me he loves me and kisses me every day, even when he's upset with me.
He's manly, brave, handy around the house, he always pumps my gas, etc. I was very independent before him (as a single parent, I had to be), but I had NO PROBLEM letting go and letting him be the man.
He "gets" me.
He's honest, dependable and trustworthy.
He respects me.
He can be sensitive and vulnerable when necessary.
He has no problem apologizing when he's wrong.
He's kind to everyone.
He loves my family and I love his.
He's VERY handsome, super sexy, tall and our bodies were made for each other.
He's a hard worker.
He doesn't take himself too seriously.
He's a wonderful and patient leader.
He had the biggest smile ever watching me walk down the aisle and I'll never forget the look on his face.
He compliments me a lot and loves my body, flaws and all.
He loves his mother but is not a mama's boy.
He's affectionate, romantic and attentive.
He's the best man I've ever had and he knows I love him.
He's spontaneous and pretty open to trying new things.
He's smart and teaches me things and is open to learning from me as well.
He's a great communicator.
He makes me feel secure.
He lets my son, my family, his family, our friends and everyone know that he loves me.
He shows me that he loves me in his actions and his words.


*Guess y'all can tell I'm a newlywed* :lol:
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He let's me be me.
He treats me like a princess
He loves my family
He's focused and driven
He's got a heart of gold--he'd give to anyone he could and not think a minute about it
We don't always like the same things but he is always willing to try
He brings me joy because I know I can trust him
He's willing to talk to me when things aren't going well He's not controlling like I've dealt with in the past
He's responsible, committed and sincere
He has a serious side and a silly side
He's a great listener
He's affectionate
He shows me everyday that he loves me
He's my best friend
My Dh had many options and choices when attending our local church, but when he saw me he stayed on me firm and looked at no one else for a few months. He never went back and forth, played with anothers feelings, he waited on God then approached me, courted me and then was upfront with his desire for marriage. He earned my love and respect. He cooks when I have class or homework, vacuums, makes sure i have spend money, supports me in school, waits to eat with me at the table, shares Bible devotion time. He can be veryyyy silly like me. We can easily relate to each other. He's irritatingly on time, Im the slow one. He's responsible and a great provider. Loves his children (from previous relationships) I could go on he's definately a soulmate and friend.
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