Reasons Why You Love Your SO/DH/Boo/Etc...

I love my baby because
- he is a great provider
- He is always there for me...he's my rock
- He is an excellent example for my son and accepts him and cares for him like he is his own
- He is so darn SEXY
- He loves me the way I need to be loved
- He tried to comfort me...even when he doesn't understand
- He ALWAYS tries to fix my problems and cheer me up...even when there isn't much he can do.
Because he's sooo intelligent, educated, with a good job...with just a drop of thug in him. I love it. Intelligence is sooo sexy to me.
Well I think you learn alot about yourself when you're alone, but there's another side that you learn while being in relationships. I feel like I've learned so much about myself while being with him and the effects have been upgrades to my life.

And it's a feeling where, God forbid we don't end up together forever, I would not feel this relationship to be in vain.

He is too cool :love: I love him.
We went out on a date last night and I remembered another reason I'm enamored with him:

He does whatever I ask him to do because he knows that I'm a level headed person and I'd never ask anything extreme or crazy of him.
Well I think you learn alot about yourself when you're alone, but there's another side that you learn while being in relationships. I feel like I've learned so much about myself while being with him and the effects have been upgrades to my life.

And it's a feeling where, God forbid we don't end up together forever, I would not feel this relationship to be in vain.

He is too cool :love: I love him.

This is exactly how I feel!

If we were to ever part, I wouldn't feel as though I've wasted any of my time with him - the entire experience has been so rewarding and fulfilling.
Bumping. :grin:

Whenever we go through dry spells and he gets tired or frustrated with me, I can still trust him to be faithful. The moments where we bounce back are nothing less than amazing.
Because he is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've never met anyone so considerate and eager to please in my life. Just a few days ago we were having a late night shower and i said 'i need to clean the bathroom but its late now i guess tomorrow.' Got up the next morning, headed to the bathroom and it was all clean and sparkly. I rarely get a chance to do dishes and the stuff i do take care of such as cooking and cleaning, he's always behind me to see if he can help in any way. I call him my sous chef cause he complains if i cut up any vegetables, he loves doing that part for me.

He is so kind and patient with everyone, not just me. Incredibly smart and funny and cute, and he loves ME. I'm seriously convinced he coulda had anybody he wanted but he wanted ME an i'm confident that i never have to worry that he's with somebody else or wanting somebody else because i know for sure he loves me and as long as i dont mess it up, i'm set.

On the real though, a book would be needed cause i cant cover all his good qualities here.
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I love my boo because it seems no matter what we go through he always lets me know he loves me. He makes me laugh and he has swagger!

I also love him because he does what it takes to make the relationship work and often makes compromises for the relationship, even though it takes him out of his comfort zone. He also has mad respect for me and an amazing balance between the sensitive male and the "alpha" male...

And after 3 1/2 years of being together, I still get super excited when he comes around

.:lick: And he is sexy....whew!

ETA: Forgot to mention that on my bad days, he still thinks I'm hot.
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