2015 Hair Goals

With less than a month remaining I feel confident about my end of year goals. I have a solid regimen, quality products and a wonderful new growth aid (liquid gold oil).

Which goals have you met?
Which goals are you still working on?
Goals that I've met
3. Cleanse weekly
5. Make conscientious decisions about my products
6. Exercise 5-6 times a week
8. Eat more vegetables
9. Drink more water

Goals I'm still working on
1. Finger detangling
2. Protective styling
4. Deep condition after every cleanse
7. Take my multivitamin
Goals that I've met
3. Cleanse weekly
5. Make conscientious decisions about my products
6. Exercise 5-6 times a week
8. Eat more vegetables
9. Drink more water

Goals I'm still working on
1. Finger detangling
2. Protective styling
4. Deep condition after every cleanse
7. Take my multivitamin
Good job on keeping up with the water and exercise. This year was an epic fail for my weight :( I lost 15lbs, but emotional eating caused me to gain 10 back.
Good job on keeping up with the water and exercise. This year was an epic fail for my weight :( I lost 15lbs, but emotional eating caused me to gain 10 back.
I'm an emotional eater myself so I'm sending hugs your way. I had to give myself treats but not food treats. I used exercise to help me with my stress. After my mom passed last year, I ate a whole chocolate cake. You're five pounds lighter than the beginning of the year. That's always good. Every isn't going to be perfect; try to win more than you lose. Don't think of it as an epic fail but a chance to learn what doesn't work for you.