What do you do when you're feeling SAD and LONELY

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I look my best and put on a good face, I go out and try to meet and greet but no luck. No one is tryna holla and I am just feeling down about the whole dating/relationships thing. I know that not all relationships are roses, I do believe I'll meet my mate someday, :blah: I also know that this feeling will pass. But in the meantime, I'm wondering, what do you ladies do when you are feeling sad and lonely?

Trying to stay rational,

Why isn't no one tryna holla? Maybe you should be the one hollering. :lol: If you want a man that bad then go out and get him girl. Obviously something ain't working so you may need to change your approach and be the aggressor.

When I first broke up with my bf I used to go out with friends and keep myself busy when I was lonely. I was going out to clubs, etc. Then out the blue DH approached me And it was on and popping since then :lol:

And guess what?! We met at a time when I wasn't even pressed for a man and enjoying my freedom! So your man will come in due time. :grin:
Are you internet dating? making sure you're out most nights a week?
I have no real constructive advice...i just want to give you a big old hug
Keep up what you're doing (looking your best etc) and focus on other areas of your life.....or CREATE other areas. I always attract the most men when I'm busy with something else like when I do a short course, focus on body training or do volunteer work more often. You'll get to meet new people and distract yourself.
Good luck sis xx
I just try to stay busy, I got more than enough things I can be doing, even right now.
Why isn't no one tryna holla? Maybe you should be the one hollering. :lol:

I do :mad: It bugs me though to have to . . . we've talked about how the mon in DC are spoiled. I went to a party recently where it was the usual 3:1 ratio. The men were friendly when you talked to them . . . but YOU had to chat THEM up. *sigh*

So frustrating!

Thanks for the hugs. That's really all I want right now. *lol*
Gym girl Gym!!!

Not only can u relieve stress and release some endorphins, u can work on getting in shape and possibly meet a new guy at the gym. ;)
Why isn't no one tryna holla? Maybe you should be the one hollering. :lol: If you want a man that bad then go out and get him girl. Obviously something ain't working so you may need to change your approach and be the aggressor.

When I first broke up with my bf I used to go out with friends and keep myself busy when I was lonely. I was going out to clubs, etc. Then out the blue DH approached me And it was on and popping since then :lol:

And guess what?! We met at a time when I wasn't even pressed for a man and enjoying my freedom! So your man will come in due time. :grin:

@pookaloo83 - I guess this is how it always happen @ the bolded..."out of the blue", "once you're not looking" etc.

I was talking to my nail tech (Asian lady) yesterday and she was saying how she gave up on guys b/c she was dating loser after loser and she didn't want to date anymore and it was then that she met her husband.

Funny how that works.
((((Glib Gurl))))
When I feel lonely and sad I accept those feelings and allow myself to mope a bit for a day or so, then I try to stay busy doing fun things (movies, bookstore, shopping, meeting friends for lunch, etc.) and working on things that make me feel productive (plans for grad school, working on my book, organizing drawers and closets, etc.). I just try to keep moving. Dh and dd were both out of town recently and I was soooo lonely. Everybody feels lonely and sad sometimes. It's a normal part of life. Hang in there. :hug2:
((((Glib Gurl))))
When I feel lonely and sad I accept those feelings and allow myself to mope a bit for a day or so, then I try to stay busy doing fun things (movies, bookstore, shopping, meeting friends for lunch, etc.) and working on things that make me feel productive (plans for grad school, working on my book, organizing drawers and closets, etc.). I just try to keep moving. Dh and dd were both out of town recently and I was soooo lonely. Everybody feels lonely and sad sometimes. It's a normal part of life. Hang in there. :hug2:

The bolded is so important, you have to first accept that these feelings are natural, normal and perfectly ok.....:yep:

Glib, I usually go out with gf or my sisters. I would call them up and tell them how I'm feeling and they'd be down for an impropmtu girls night out...there are times I go to the movies, a coffee shop, something...just as long as I'm out of the house and doing something.
Its hard. When I feel like that I usually try to channel it into someone else, or I'll call a friend... not to b**ch and moan, but to just hear about their life, hear whats going on with them. It usually helps to distract me from my issues.

I wish I was the type to work out when I was stressed/sad/lonely... I would be in such great shape. :lol: Oh well. I'm getting there.
Everyone has given great advice. Just wanted to say hang in there and that things will get better. I think everyone has felt the same way at one time or another. You'll meet someone, I'm sure of it. :)
I, like hopeful, also accept these feelings and mope for a day. I'll put on some love songs, watch a sappy movie, read a book or something, write down what my goals are or what im looking for in a SO, maybe even allow myself to have a good cry, and the next day I'll try a new recipe, treat myself to some delicious food, and get back to being busy.

It happens almost every month when Aunt Flo is in town. It's kinda happening right now, boooooo. I'll be busy tomorrow and I have the urge to cook something fancy. I also wanna get some pretty flowers for my bedroom.
Aww, hang in there. I'm sorry you're going thru this, Glib. Your day will come, you're doing the right things , so just hang on. It will get better ((hugs))
I do :mad: It bugs me though to have to . . . we've talked about how the mon in DC are spoiled. I went to a party recently where it was the usual 3:1 ratio. The men were friendly when you talked to them . . . but YOU had to chat THEM up. *sigh*

So frustrating!

Thanks for the hugs. That's really all I want right now. *lol*

Glib Gurl I totally understand! I'm not into hollering a guys; I feel I should give them the OK to APPROACH ME!!!

But you know what...in alot of instances, you need to let go and let God. I decided to get busy with the things of MM and I figured that things will fall into place; when it's time.

The only thing I did was make sure everyone knew that I'm looking for Husband Material and I'm available. Outside of that; I keep busy.
First Hugs to you...

Actually you will be shocked to know the best way to bring what you want in your life is to bring it to someone else.

Volunteer..find someone that needs some love and pour it into them..Before you know it the Universe will answer with love in your life.

Peace to you.
When i am feeling sad and lonely,the best way for me to cheer up myself is listening to music,reading the bible or just callling up my family.It sometimes helps.
yes! one with a basketball court too! :lachen: my man and all of his friends play ball a few days out the week. oh and go to a sports bar on Sundays during football season. go to a sports bar tonight! big game coming on. look cute and flirt your butt off!

Gym girl Gym!!!

Not only can u relieve stress and release some endorphins, u can work on getting in shape and possibly meet a new guy at the gym. ;)
I try and keep myself busy to take my mind of the lonliness/restlessness. If it gets really bad, I usually talk to and spend time with my close friends a little more often than usual. It makes me feel a lot better... so does online shopping. ;)
i play dress up in my apartment. try on clothes, play with my hair and turn up the beyonce, rhianna, old school 90s pop and rnb and have a party with myself.
Cry secretly when I'm feeling sad. And that's usually about missing my mom and sis back home . I don't never feel lonely now even when I'm home alone. I feel more smothered than anything because my SO is soooo clingy, I swear sometimes I feel like the man
I find it better to spend time alone for some time after a breakup. Going out to anesthetize the pain doesn't work for me. I thought it would but all it did was put me in situations that triggered memories. I had to reprogram and create solo memories. Still in progress... You can't go around it, you have to go through it. But I agree with a poster above. I go to sleep...