What do y'all do with your hair during romantic moments?


Well-Known Member
A man I dated back in January came back into my life this week. He loves my hair wild and curly ... and even commented that it's longer than it was in january. :grin:

But...uh...what to do with the hair so I don't end up with a bird's nest AGAIN? My usual PS is a bun --- that ain't sexy.

I need help!
ummm, i think messy buns ARE sessy. controlled chaos.

isn't there a compromise? forgive me if this is TMI, but can you start off with it out for him to play in. make sure you keep a hair tie on your wrist. then when you start getting down to do da dirty dirty, roll on top and pull it in a high pony/messy bun real slow like, while you're looking down at him. so he can watch...

shouldn't be a problem from there. works for me, and detangling isn't a nightmare. i could swear there was another thread like this on the board. may wanna do a search for other responses.
I just wear a scarf or bonnet. It's all good with me and DH.

Same here; maybe even a wig to spice it up. Rarely expose my own hair. I have even worn a messy bun but it's not often. This has been my method pre-LHCF and it still works.
Satin pillowcase does the job. I do eventually at least put it in a ponytail or messy bun before falling asleep
Thank you ladies for the responses!

I don't think we're at the 'wear a scarf' to bed place. But I hope we get there quick! I'm gonna research messy bun.

#nubraveheart - your suggestion is helpful and keeping in the spirit. Thank you.

#hothair - satin pillowcases! that's brilliant and I'm putting them on today.

I'd like to say the tangles are worth it but I'd be lying. I had more breakage yesterday than in the entire month of July.

But y'all have got me thinking about adding pig tails or ponytails to the mix.
Depending on the guy, you may not have to wait to get to the "wear a scarf to bed" place. I've always worn a scarf to bed and no guy has ever had a problem with it.
You've got to teach them about the scarf from day one! :D

I like my hair loose during intimate encounters though. :look:
If it's preliminary activity then a loose bun or pony :look: Otherwise, down. Tied up if I was anticipating sleep :lachen:
My hair is the last thing that I worry about. But I usually keep a ponytail holder on my wrist out of habit, so afterwards I will throw my hair up in a bun or ponytail. I've tried wearing a scarf to bed, but he always ends up pulling it off. SMH.
Try Pocahontas-style braids, they are very sexy. You could leave hair loose for the fun, then braid afterwards to sleep, or for a second go-round!:lachen:

I think sleeping without a bonnet is an absolute no-no, but then again, with a new love-interest, I get how that may not be something you're comfortable with yet. So how about you do the Pocahontas braids for the post-lovin' cuddle, and hide a bonnet under your pillow to slip on after he's asleep? You can slip it off first thing in the morning, or you can deliberately let him catch a glimpse of you in it as a way to ease him seeing you in a bonnet and accepting your haircare as a way of life.

I wear these 2 indian-style french braids every night, DH loves them, and they keep the tangles away.

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If I choose not to wear a scarf or the other items referenced previously, I lay a satin scarf across my satin pillowcase. I have acne prone skin and I prefer not to get oil in my pillowcase for acne reasons.
Try Pocahontas-style braids, they are very sexy. You could leave hair loose for the fun, then braid afterwards to sleep, or for a second go-round!:lachen:

I think sleeping without a bonnet is an absolute no-no, but then again, with a new love-interest, I get how that may not be something you're comfortable with yet. So how about you do the Pocahontas braids for the post-lovin' cuddle, and hide a bonnet under your pillow to slip on after he's asleep? You can slip it off first thing in the morning, or you can deliberately let him catch a glimpse of you in it as a way to ease him seeing you in a bonnet and accepting your haircare as a way of life.

I wear these 2 indian-style french braids every night, DH loves them, and they keep the tangles away.


This! SO is a habitual hair puller. Gentle complaints/nudges have stopped him for a day or two, but he always "forgets" and goes right back to doing it over time. The braids reinforce the hair so it's protected. We both adore the way the Pocahontas braids look, and it actually allows him to grip the hair better and pull harder without damage. :look: I never, EVER wrap my hair, but I do have a silk (not satin) pillowcase that I sleep on without fail.

Also, to the poster above who suggested you "let him watch" as you tie your hair up.... ummm HOT!! :yep: << Listen to this girl, she is the truth!
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My DH hates my scarf and satin cap, he prefers to play in my hair but he pulls on it and I try and explain why he can't do that but it doesn't help. He hates when I tie my hair up and say's "can you please take the hat off." Afterwards my hair is a hot mess!!
I love my hair out. But certain parts of being intimate it has gotsta be up...because it gets in my mouth and in his mouth. He loves my hair but he was like "all this hair woman"...so depends on what all we are doing. But never wrapped up...just ponytails....

I love my hair pulled...but only if he does it right...men who dont know how to pull hair correctly lose points....IJS...

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Many times it is up in a bonnet or scarf, b/c of the time of day. However, if it is earlier in the day (before I've showered and prepped for bed), then the hair will be out. Depending on what my hair is like underneath, I may even whip off the scarve and just replace it afterwards. If I have my hair braided up (about 4-5 braids that look nothing like pocahantas braids, especially since I don't quite have the length), then there is no way the scarf/bonnet is coming off.
I let me hair all out, its gonna get messy and sweaty anyway. I doubt my hair scarf could withstand what i'm doing, it would probably slide off my head!
He likes to play in it and I don't fight him about it. Besides, if I tried to put it up he would just pull off the scarf or pull out the ponytail holder. So I just wait til after to prep my hair for bed (if i do), anything before would be futile.
Let it free lol. Guys like after sex hair. I taught him how to check for breakage vs shedding so sometimes he will say afterwards "babe we should do blah blah blah next time cuz I see some breakage"

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I let it loose (SO likes to play in it and tug on it at certain times), then put it in a messy pony afterwards. I sleep on a satin pillowcase and I usually have my hair up during the day, so it's not that big a problem on those occasions. :lick:
Let it free lol. Guys like after sex hair. I taught him how to check for breakage vs shedding so sometimes he will say afterwards "babe we should do blah blah blah next time cuz I see some breakage"

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LOL, I love it that once guys see how good we look with long hair that is ours and how much they like it, they will get with whatever program is necessary to help you keep it on your head. :lol:
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