
New Member
Long shoulder lengh hair?? curious and if u saw a dude with longer hair then yours would u roll ur eyes and be like that SISSY Ass! lol


ps. dont take that serious i just askin and bringin some comedy alright
I think longer hair on a man is sexy..HOWEVER it has to be kept looking right . I mean nice and neat...I hate it when men go around wearing 3-week old braids fuzzy as all get out, actin like they just got it done the day before. jus my opinion.
Personally, I like a more conservative look for a guy. Now don't get me wrong, there are SOME guys that wear cornrows and I think it looks good on them. But when you get like Snoop Dogg and start wearing ponytails you need to be
, that is a damn shame....a grown-ass man wearing ponytails! And sometimes candy curls!!! What the f$%&?
Re: MISSM hahahhaha u funny

It's funny you bring this topic up. Like MissM I usually like conservative looking guys myself...but today when I went to get my hair done, a guy stylist at the shop was sporting a mid-back length, curly or wavy pony tail. The nape area was shaved, and I surprisingly thought it looked nice.
i'm in love with them!!! my nephew has really long hair like donw his back ya know at is o pretty. i tell him were gonna cut it of for my prom weave next year. lol.i think it looks so cute as long as it is toghter and healthy ya know. don't walk around like r. kelly talkin' about "braid my hair" cuz that look is a mess. but as long as it looks good on you then do it honey
Personally, I like a more conservative look for a guy. Now don't get me wrong, there are SOME guys that wear cornrows and I think it looks good on them. But when you get like Snoop Dogg and start wearing ponytails you need to be
, that is a damn shame....a grown-ass man wearing ponytails! And sometimes candy curls!!! What the f$%&?

[/ QUOTE ]
thank you!!!!! i know this one boy who talks about yeah "i'm a man i'm a playa" but his hair look like mine for my 1rst grade picture day. i'm like you punk! some men can't do long hair other can't. just stay away from the mini fro and you should be alright
Some guys look okay with it. I personally don't like it whether it looks good or not.I don't see the point of men wearing long hair. Snoop has pretty hair and so does Ludacris but I find it more distracting than anything. I just don't see why a man would want long hair.
Well I think it is okay if it is kept neat. My 14 yrold son has long hair, braids just past top of shoulders, and he keeps it very neat. He has beautiful long ringlets when it is down, it is much to soft to wear an afro for longer than a minute...lol, but he wishes he could.

I also agree, not all guys look nice with long hair, just like not all women do.

Now I would might say "Yo punk a**" no matter how your hair is, if that's how you actin' and you know what I mean.

I dont' have anything against gays, however I don't want to see a brotha "FLAUNTING IT"

Just my 2 cents...
I'm not feeling it. I ain't got time for him borrowing my flat iron...curling iron...spritz and so on. I don't want to be with a man that takes longer to get ready than me. I'm not trying to go to the same beauty salon as him...bump that! Some guys look good with the long hair and some guys don't. I'm cool with the corn rows, but all of them pony tails is straight up foolish if you ask me. And yes, Snoop looks a damn fool with those pony tails.
There's another guy is this forum??

Hi and welcome! I loooooove guys in cornrows.. whew. that's a winning style for me, so long as it's neat. the neater, the more attractive the look! I wouldn't be jealous, just inspired...

that's IF he's NOT wearing extensions.

I have a problem w/ guys wearing extensions.
uh-uh, something wrong there...
Some guys look okay with it. I personally don't like it whether it looks good or not.I don't see the point of men wearing long hair. Snoop has pretty hair and so does Ludacris but I find it more distracting than anything. I just don't see why a man would want long hair.

[/ QUOTE ]
ummm ludacris
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
your ight is it distracting.
I think long dreads on a man look very nice.
I know a guy with dreads down his back and they look very masculine.
I don't like it when a man has a relaxer. Like that runway coach on america's next top model. It looks crazy to me. But nice cornrows, i can deal with that.

i've been dating this one guy off and on for almost 3 years. when we met, he had short dreads (barely on his shoulder). his hair is as long as mine now. ain't nothing sissy about him. R-R-R-R-R-R-R!
If the guy is 15 or younger like Bow wow, it looks kind of cute but a grown man? No, I think it looks gay. unless he's some kind of entertainer or something Like Vern the guitar player from EWF or Nick Ashford, then I can see it fitting into his image but that's still pushing it for me.
LMAO at some of yall comments!!!!

its good to know what some ladies think cause i get some looks from some LMAO they betta keep that thought inside of their head casue mostly my hair down below is more then their hair! lol. naw naw but its good to know that some people love it and some dont i know alot of peeps from LA and they all wear the pretty boy look but over here in UK people dont really that but i wear my twists now which are like shoulder lengh ill get pics soon but they suit me of course either wise i would not be sporting these things.

I like guys with long hair. It is very sexy to me. But the hair has to be neat and clean.
Re: i keep mine good and neat!!!1

I don't like guys who wear their hair out. I find that very unnattractive... because of snoop and bow wow I guess. But if you had it all braided up, that's another story. ;-)
Re: i keep mine good and neat!!!1

I like the conservative look also. I don't care for men with long hair, but I don't dislike or judge them for it.
Re: i keep mine good and neat!!!1

Totally depends on the guy, but I don't think past shoulder length looks good on any of them. And extensions and relaxers? Forget that!
i like long hair on guys except it has to be kept in cornrows...i think that is soooooooooooooooooooo sexy!

[/ QUOTE ] Me too. Keiron, do you wear your hair in braids????????
hey sherrylove

I wear mine in cornrows and single braids and single twists all over but cause its past shoulders i feel paronoid of what people think cause they look alot thats why i asked.........i get compliments all the time but when people look it makes me feel uncomfortable. lol