What cured your PJism?

So, for the longest time, i was a PJ. I had a closet & bathroom full of unnecessary stuff, most of which didnt even work for me. Also, my friends would be like "you have an addiction" and it wasn't until i really took a look at mysef that i realized that. Anyway, i started giving away some of my things, and sold some stuff on the hair exchange board. Nowadays, i only have a shelf of hair stuff in my linen closet and im really proud of myself. I also noticed that my hair was thicker, healthier and longer before i became a PJ, so now, im going back to the old days of using only a few things and nursing my hair back to health.

So what cured my PJ was the fact that my hair started breaking due to my jumping on quite a few bandwagons that have worked for some ppl on here and finding out that it doesn't work for my delicate tresses

How about you guys? What made you want to give up your PJing ways?
Hi, my name is Hairsnob and I'm a recovering PJ :grin:

But I just don't have the room for all the products. After I filled a curio cabinet in my bedroom, under the bathroom sink, under the kitchen sink and then moved to take over another kitchen cabinet, etc. I realized it was time to stop the madness!!

To help me recover I have my friends come over to raid the cabinets for the products I don't particularly care for.

But my rock bottom moment was probably after I almost jumped on the Aphogee bandwagon and went into protein overload when my hair was absolutely fine without it. So I stuck to my normal, well basically, stuck to my normal regimen. :look:
Hi, my name is Hairsnob and I'm a recovering PJ :grin:

But I just don't have the room for all the products. After I filled a curio cabinet in my bedroom, under the bathroom sink, under the kitchen sink and then moved to take over another kitchen cabinet, etc. I realized it was time to stop the madness!!

To help me recover I have my friends come over to raid the cabinets for the products I don't particularly care for.

But my rock bottom moment was probably after I almost jumped on the Aphogee bandwagon and went into protein overload when my hair was absolutely fine without it. So I stuck to my normal, well basically, stuck to my normal regimen. :look:

This is my plan over the holidays. I'm going to pick out the products that I love, use frequently, and KNOW work for my hair.

I'm going to give away the rest....

I think I became a PJ slowly...I didn't realize I was one until I ran out of space to store my stuff, even AFTER I gave all my Aphogee stuff to my old roommate :perplexed.
I’m a former PJ :grin: for me it was finding my beloved staples and a regimen that works well for my hair :cloud9:.
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One day I looked at that big pile of hair products and it looked like a pile of junk. It just didn't look like my beloved hair stash anymore. I knew it was time to get rid of some stuff. I just gave a whole lot of it away.
Suffering 2 horrible setbacks that I'm still trying to recover from!! Just like OP, my hair was doing great before I started "experimenting" with products that worked for other folk's hair :wallbash:.
Well, I think I still am a PJ at heart, although not in practice. These days, I have less disposable income and I'm actually glad that I stockpiled a few good product lines during my active PJ stage. Even if/when my finances improve, becoming better educated about of what ingredients work for me, will keep me from jumping on bandwagons. I will say that the hair products on the market now are much better than what was available during my active PJ stage, circa 2002-2006. I think that it is okay to give yourself a pass to try something new, but only after you've sampled the product, or done enough research to decide if you actually are going to finish the jar.
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For me it was just realising that most raved about products aren't that great, even the expensive ones. I bought the moroccan oil, the nexxus humectress (old and new), sabino mb, alterna caviar and hemp, silk elements megasilk... (and many more, making a pretty big dent into my bank account) and was underwhelmed and unimpressed with all their performances. So for about a month and a half I cowashed every day and used it all up.
Now I read a rave review and just keep it moving.
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Well i am not the "i gotta try every new product/brand out there" kinda PJ.
I am the "I gotta get 100 bottles of my fav conditioner to stock up like the world is ending tomorrow" kinda PJ. I am different from ya'll i have NO problems!!! *twitches*
A major setback in July/August that cost me 2-3" let me know I was doing too much with too many products:sad:
I have relapsed but I know for me when my hair gets to a length that I am not insecure with I don't buy as much stuff. Short hair is my trigger.
I’m a former PJ :grin: for me it was finding my beloved staples and a regimen that works well for my hair :cloud9:.

I agree. I still can't say that I am a 100% reformed PJ though, but I am definitely getting there. This takes time. Most recently, I gave away and sold stuff on the board. I definitely found some staple products that are working out for me.

I was complaining about not being able to wear my hair in different styles due to the length before my touch up. I ended up having lots of new growth and my ends were great thanks to sealing with coconut oil (one of my new staples) and mositurizing with natural products. My hair is starting to feel nice and healthy. The left side of my hair was damaged due to my setback (MT protein overload) :wallbash: and it's even growing back nicely.

I hope to have continuous progress with the products that I am using now. :yep:
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Buying samples first has stopped me from spending as much as I use to. I'm not fully recovered but I'm getting there :yep:
Saturation, plus looking at very good but useless to me products is very sad. So it stops me from buying anything else.
Finding the right 2 conditioners for me did it for me. I use to have a strong urge to buy conditioners but now I'm pretty much done.
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1. Cutting up the credit cards!!!!

2. Finding the products that work for me, and
3. dividing my products into categories: shampoo, conditioner, leave-in and serum. Just because you like Aphogee conditioner doesn't mean you have to go buy the whoooole line of their shampoo and leave-in as well if you already like your Cream of Nature Shampoo. And if my hair feels "dry" after using Motions, maybe it's not their whole line that's the culprit, but just the foaming lotion, which was the case for me.

Now hopefully I won't be back in 2 months saying that I'm a pj all over again. Coz looking at people's pics puts me into relapse real quick.
Well i am not the "i gotta try every new product/brand out there" kinda PJ.
I am the "I gotta get 100 bottles of my fav conditioner to stock up like the world is ending tomorrow" kinda PJ. I am different from ya'll i have NO problems!!! *twitches*

See- for a long time I thought that I wasn't a PJ because of this! LOL

What did it: a couple weeks ago I got 26 bottles of sebastian potion 7 b/c it's being discontinued while still getting other products from amazon. I had a new box on my step everyday, which is usually fun to get but got to be ridiculous. I even had to get new storage containers. I said it before but I finally realized that I really have a problem.

Now I get my staple jar of kccc only when I need it & I DO NOT buy any conditioners. I don't care if it's 50 cents. By the way I still have Miss Jessie's products from last year's end of year sale. I am so done.