What cured your pj'ism?

LOL :lachen::lachen: I feel the same way!! :lachen: But seriously when I realized that I could probably live a year without buying any new hair products...I knew it was time for me to slow down lol....plus....gas is almost $5....that's a bottle of con right there!

Girl you ain't never lied! I knew it was time to stop when hair products began to fill every available crevice in my house. My SO was like, ok, you need to stop!
-Finding products and a regimen that works well with my hair (mostly natural)
-Hating to see products piling up, and eventually giving them away
-Making my own natural hair products
-Realising that the ingredients in all these different haircare brands are all very similar
-The BUY NOTHING FOR JUNE CHALLENGE! If it wasn't for this, I would have surely bought something hair related on my way to work yesterday. I had to go to the BSS to get some shower gels.
Organizing all of my products into different categories (conditioners, shapmpoos, stylers) in my Hair Diary and I discoved that I have too many duplicates of the same type of products :nono:.

The BUY NOTHING FOR JUNE CHALLENGE is surely a motivato :yep:, since I fell off of the USE IT UP CHALLENGE a few weeks ago when PJism roared again.

I have promised myself to use up all products in each of my categories before purchasing another product and to record everything that I buy moving forward, so that I see it on paper!
Gas prices........................
This is a good reason and I have everything I need...I'm starting to know what my hair likes and doesn't like...it seems that since I've gone natural, my hair loves natural home made products....and mega-tek of couse...
Organizing all of my products into different categories (conditioners, shapmpoos, stylers) in my Hair Diary and I discoved that I have too many duplicates of the same type of products :nono:.

The BUY NOTHING FOR JUNE CHALLENGE is surely a motivato :yep:, since I fell off of the USE IT UP CHALLENGE a few weeks ago when PJism roared again.

I have promised myself to use up all products in each of my categories before purchasing another product and to record everything that I buy moving forward, so that I see it on paper!

I soooooooooo need to do this.............
-Finding products and a regimen that works well with my hair (mostly natural)
-Hating to see products piling up, and eventually giving them away
-Making my own natural hair products
-Realising that the ingredients in all these different haircare brands are all very similar
-The BUY NOTHING FOR JUNE CHALLENGE! If it wasn't for this, I would have surely bought something hair related on my way to work yesterday. I had to go to the BSS to get some shower gels.
This is so true and the June Challenge is a timely Godsend for me because I was on a roll!!
Finally what did it was this random styling "pomade" I bought that smelled god awful when it warmed up(after it was in my hair of course) and then I couldn't wash it out and wound up in a panic.

Since then I make myself slow my roll, do some research then decide if I want something. It curbs my OH SHINY tendencies.
Hmmm, well uh, let's see, umm........now that I think about it....nope, I ain't cured yet. However, the pj in me is lying asleep for a while cuz I'm in that challenge 'BUY NOTHING FOR JUNE 2008' and it's helping/forcing me to go through my existing stash of products.

Surprisingly I am actually enjoying that challenge and even though I'm thinking about buying a million things right now, my mind is actually just on the staples I will need to replace in about 3 weeks. I believe this has been truly helpful to me so far. I will need to repeat the challenge for next month to further control this crazy urge to buy new products:yep:.
Ok, I'm not cured yet. Don't want to even think about how much I've spent since starting this post. Imma stop though, I promise. But first I need to find a good setting lotion, then I'll stop. Maybe.
LOL. I'm always thinking that there is something bigger and better out there that I haven't tried yet. Still looking for that miracle product that's gonna take care of all my hair woes, although I know that there isn't one.
I don't know how much longer I can hide stuff before my husband starts asking questions. That'll probably cure me. If anyone has a link to a current no buy/pj challenge, please send it to me. I need a support group!
I'm running out of space and I am getting bored with it... I'm decorating my house now so I am concerned with drapes and bamboo blinds rather than conditioner. I guess by a combination of things, I'm growing out of that PJ phase, I have other things to focus my time attention and funds towards.
First, learning that there is not miracle product that's going to make my hair do something that it doesn't want to do. Now I just want it to be moisturized and well groomed.

Second, the fact that money is getting tight these days. I don't know, maybe my pj tendencies will come back when I get my new job :lachen:
The time cured me .
After I've seen that lot of products have the same effects and tired to change everytime Iwasn't attracted by new products ...
I have to confess that sometimes the old man in me wants to buy new things and my new interrest is make up products ...
Trying product after product only to be disappointed and go back to my staples.

Same here! I've been so disappointed with 99% of the items I've bought and it made me realize that I needed to go back to my staples, which were amazingly cheaper anyway! I won't be buying any hair products online that's for sure. :nono:
mmmmm.... Let's see
1. Money
2. Finding products that works for my hair
3. My SO started using my Shampoo to clean the floors of the garage.
4. Did I say money.