What cured your PJism?

paying rent....and finding my true staples cured me. It boils down to hair products or groceries. However im glad i was a pj in my former life cuz my linen closet is packed full of any and everything. I think i have the hair cure for any problem i run into for the next 2 years seriously. so im pretty much recovered.......until i buy HE tousle me softly & chi keratin mist....oh a something from shescentit
#1. Finding products that worked for me and sticking to those.

#2. If I want to try something new, it has to be a sample.

What really works is knowing that the money spent on trying new products could’ve been spent on the ones that really work well for me. When I think of it that way, it makes it easy to pass up the latest fad or other crazy temptations. However, every so often, I may try soemthing new, like the argan oil serum. I only tried that, because me hair responds well to products with argan oil. I tried the serum and it works beautifully! It's a keeper. I wish kerastase would come out with something that has argan oil. That would be perfection :heart:
I'm not 100 % cured as I have relapses. :lachen:Like today, I bought some Aveda products but I think spending less time on the hair board helps.
Being broke helps.

Making my own sealer and "deep conditioner" (I guess technically it is a hair mask) definitely helped. A lot. It also cuts down on costs a bit.

Understanding what works for my hair and what does not. A lot of my PJism was because I was still finding stuff.

Becoming very skeptical about fads. A lot of them did not work for me, so now I only really pay attention if I believe it answers to an issue I am having.

At this point I feel like my regimen is locked down, at least until my hair is longer and I am able to do more with it. Hopefully by then I will be just as skeptical about fads and still be able to make myself knowledgeable about what my hair needs so I will not be taking so many shots in the dark. :)
When I was able to determine what ingredients work for me and what don't, and learning that I can be flexible with some items. I use one brand of shampoo/conditioner and any light oil (grapeseed, sweet almond, rice bran) that I have handy. I do have to keep up a supply of conditioner because I go through a bottle relatively quickly. So, my stash consists of products I already use and own. I don't do deep treatments regularly, but I keep a stash for when I need them. But generally, I only use 3 products. Shampoo, conditioner, and oil.

I haven't bought any hair products in a while and all of my "hair fund" go to buying new pretties :)
I'm still not completely cured...I still relapse from time to time. Everytime I think I have it under control PJism get's me again. My trigger word is "moisture." Everytime I see a product that claims it will leave my hair moisturized and soft like butter, I totally just cave and buy.
Op what cured my pjism was the same issue you were having a bunch of crappy expensive products that did nothing,
Also I have to stop reading on hair boards about products because then i'd find myself at tjmaxx's or bss's every day ridiculous and pricey.

there is only a hand full of products that I can say work and that my hair likes. now i'm left with a bunch of new products that need to be thrown out.
I don't think anything will cure my PJism because I'm convinced that all my staples will eventually get discontinued or the formula will change so I call myself preparing for that fate by trying out new stuff to have "just in case" but it's a never ending cycle since everything has the potential to be changed and/or scrapped so I'm just doomed to a PJ life lol.
Cured? Wait, there's a cure!? :grin:

I actually enjoy being a PJ. For me, it's all about finding the right combo of products that work. Scratch that, it's all about finding the BEST products that work. Quest for the best!!

I have found things that I really like, and then try something else and go "oh wow, you mean it gets better!?" I just always feel like there are products right around the corner that are better than my current favorites and I won't ever know until I try them! I have discovered a lot of great products this way and tbh, I don't think that I will ever stop.

I do slow down when the stash gets out of control though and use stuff up before I go on another spree :yep: I have kids as well, so I use stuff up on them that are not necessarily working for me as well.
I am definitely not cured, but I have slowed down considerably. La Colocha's Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge is the reason I am not a full blow PJ.
I was cured when I found products that work. There's always something new coming out, but I have to really change my hair to try something new. For example, I lightened my hair to blonde (highlights) some years back, and had to get some new products to take care of the color. I am proud to say that I still own many of my PJ stage products, but have no desire to buy hair products unless I run out of something. Even then, its only to replace that one that ran out. I'm clean and sober 4 years and counting.
*recovering PJ checking in* Finding my staples & realizing that I can make use of the so-so products in my stash by switching up my technique
Going paraben-free. After doing that, my annual spending on hair-related products went from something like $1,000 to less than $300.

Time is a factor as well. I've been on this hair journey since 2000, so I'm well aware that 50-11 products are not going make my hair grow faster or healthier. Now, I use a fraction of the number of products I used to. My regimen is much simplier too. My daily rotation now includes one product with paraben (Trader Joe's Nourish Spa conditioner). I also do an Aphogee treatment once every few months, which involves using three products that may contains parabens (I haven't checked).

Overall, I have no desire to buy alot of stuff for my hair anymore. I just want my hair to grow, stay long, and be healthy.
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I wrote a post on this, here, LOL! I think starting a hair journal with specific details for tracking a products usefulness and aid you in memorizing the ingredients your hair likes help you separate the chaff from the wheat without even buying it. I outline how and why in the post.
I don't consider myself a PJ; I do own a lot of products, and I'm still experimenting, but what keeps me from being all crazy with it is remembering that simplicity is truly the answer for my hair.
Having one too many co-wash oopsies. First was with Organix Coconut Milk which left my hair hard and with tangled clumps coming out in the comb at my ends. Most recent (after swearing off PJism in a similar thread) was co-washing with HE LTR ("Herbal Essence Long Term Relationship" for other newbies). It did the same thing as Organix. :tantrum: I'm back to my Suave Tropical Coconut/V05 reggie (my hair likes Strawberries and Cream after all!) when it comes to co-washing. The HE LTR incident really did it for me. I'm lucky all I ended up with was a couple of small clumps of hair in the comb each time. Next time I may not be so lucky and I'm not working with that much hair to begin with, so there won't be a next time. My relaxed, formerly dry and damaged hair is now soft, healthy and growing, so I can leave the Aphogee, Kenra, Mizani and other rave stuff that I haven't tried right on the shelf.
My financial sins are my shoes and handbags. The other is my hair. I looked at my budget and realized how much money I spent on my hair when the truth of the matter is that I ALWAYS have the best results with the same products. I get on the bandwagon searching for the next best thing and always come back to the same staples.

Also, the products were taking over my bathroom and linen closet.

I hate to admit it but I have to periodically wean myself from the site cause I read, make a list, and start shopping.

I'm back and I haven't purchased anything for the last few months except for Hair One. I think this is the first part of my recovery.
I used Nexxus Humectress.

My hair felt horrible. Coated and dry.

I figured out just because its raved about on LHCF, doesnt mean its good for my hair.
The recession! I find myself "making it work" more often than not these days. I've become somewhat of a kitchen beautician. I am soooo mad at myself for not trying more natural products earlier because I could of saved so much money.
1. When I realized my hair was going to grow anyway, regardless if I bought all of these products or not.

2. When I realized that all the products I had was causing me to over-manipulate my hair, because I wanted to try them all out.

3. When I realized the products I was using wasn't doing diddly-squat for my hair

4. When I remembered how long my hair was when I was a kid and didn't put all those things in my hair.

5. When I realized that every product on the market today has to be somebody's favorite, and therefore someone is bound to rave about it, no matter what it is. But what works for some doesn't necessarily work for all.

6. I got tired of going broke :grin:.

7. When I realized that I could "dress-up" the products I already have by adding cheap things like honey and oil.

8. I learned that "window-shopping", aka watching unabashed pj's try their products out on youtube, can be just as satisfying as actually doing it myself ;).
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My PJ has been slowed down when I found my staple products but I still find myself wanting to try new products. I was just about to go to Trade Secret and pick up a few things on my wish list but I said "NO!" I dont need another thing right now. So when I think about the 50/11 products I have now I pump my brakes.