Say no to PJism personal challenge

You lady are so brave. I break out in a sweat everytime I see this thread. I am going to be donating some of my stuff to the pine street inn. And be very careful about what I replace it with.
Lucia said:
we can do it, it's only 3 months and it will be over by Dec 05 too. Hopefully by then I will be a sober PJ and have a streamlined product usage.

my fellow challengers

I somehow slipped and forgot that I was on this challenge because I went out and brought more hair products (dominican cons and oils). I couldn't help it, it was hard I have to least buy two hair products a month. Carol's Daughter has some hair items ready for me to claim. Good luck to you ladies but I can't shake this habit.
No prob everybodys going at their own pace
times counting down were closer to the end of this challenge ladies
The only 3 weeks left ladies we are at the finish line.
I've been surprisingly good considering what a major PJ I was.
Good luck....I'M TOO WEAAAAAK!!! (hey, but you can send me the second of everything you have!!!) Cjeck out my album...I've got PJ ism BAD!!! AND I LOVE IT!!!
brownsugar9999 said:
Good luck....I'M TOO WEAAAAAK!!! (hey, but you can send me the second of everything you have!!!) Check out my album...I've got PJ ism BAD!!! AND I LOVE IT!!!
PM me Ill give you a list of some duplicates I still havent gotten to yet and the 3 months is almost over.
I did good... I will be moving next week so I went to my regular BBS and bought my regular products and the 2 new ones from Surge... Only because I will be over 40 minutes away from this BBS once I move... SORRY:notworthy ... I need some hair dye also (a lady must hide her gray) so I will be trying something new called Nurtritint and while I am place an order over the internet for this, I will give in and but the Giavonni Direct, because it is not available in my area... All in all since starting I have been good and trying to use up all my products I have int the closet...

I will join you again in a "no new product challenge"

I really need to stay in this until I clean out my closet full of products...
My husband just looks in the closet and shakes his head:nono: :sad: :crazy: :huh: :lachen:
he doesn't understand what it is to be an addict:Devil: :eyebrows2 :whyme: :hammer: :wink2:

I am working on it though:perplexed :angeldevi

Is this the last few weeks?

It went by fast:grin:
OK ladies how did you do, it went by fast this last month the 1st 2 weeks were hard for me really hard esp with all the raves on the board about miracle porducts. but I made it :woot: this is it we are done with this one.
i participated in this challenge in Nov/Dec 2004. I've been a good girl ever since! Good luck ladies!