What Black people like -- according to OKCupid


Well-Known Member
I was reading someone's bio, and at the end it read: so-and-so is the analytics guy behind posts such as "The Real Stuff White People Like" on OKCupid.

So, I googled that and found it... and then I realized there was a Black section!

Not going to lie... both make me shudder.
Red Sox:barf: and Nascar:barf: on white profiles.

god, the lord, my god, god-fearing, my church... on black female profiles:look:




The mind of the white man is the world's greatest sausagefest. Unless you're counting Queens of the Stone Age, there is not even one vaguely feminine thing on his list, and as far as broad categories go we have: sweaty guitar rock, bro-on-bro comedies, things with engines, and dystopias.

As for the interests of white women, you have romance novels, some country music, and a broad selection of Good Housekeeping type stuff. It's also amazing the extent to which their list shows a pastoral or rural self-mythology: bonfires, boating, horseback riding, thunderstorms. I remind you that OkCupid's user base is almost all in large cities, where to one degree or another, if you find yourself doing much of any of these things, civilization has come to an end.

Toggling between black men and black women above, you can see that while soul food is important to both, it's really, really important to the women. In fact, soul food and black women is the single strongest phrase/group pair we found.:blush:

The above lists also make it clear that, regardless of whether Jesus himself was black, his most vocal followers definitely are. Religious expressions weren't among the top phrases for any of the other races, but they're all over the place for black men and (especially) black women, for whom 13 of the top 50 phrases are religious.

Music and dancing—merengue, bachata, reggaeton, salsa—are obviously very important to Latinos of both genders. The men have two other fascinating things going on: an interest in telling you about their sense of humor (i'm a funny guy, very funny, outgoing and funny, etc.) and an interest in industrial strength ***-kicking (mma, ufc, boxing, marines, etc.) Basically, if a Latin dude tells you a joke, you should laugh.


That is all.
Finally, it's worth noting that of the four lists we've seen so far, black women's is the only one to explicitly include someone of another race: Justin Timberlake.

Double finally, how bold is it that I am cool is the second most typical phrase for black men?


well he is cute.
This can't be real. My profile must have been kicked out of their data cause i didn't mention any of those things that black people like in my profile.
Is this serious??
This can't be real. My profile must have been kicked out of their data cause i didn't mention any of those things that black people like in my profile.
Is this serious??

The research would have just selected most popular terms. Just means it came up a lot on black profiles, rather than they came up on every black profile.

Like 40% of black profiles mention religion which is high compared to white, but the majority of black profiles don't mention it.
The mind of the white man is the world's greatest sausagefest. Unless you're counting Queens of the Stone Age, there is not even one vaguely feminine thing on his list, and as far as broad categories go we have: sweaty guitar rock, bro-on-bro comedies, things with engines, and dystopias.

No wonder why the world is fukced up! It isn't this way by accident:look:
im moving to another city and trying to use okc as an avenue to meet new (black) friends and like 90% of the black womens profiles i looked at mentioned god or church. several times. kinda disappointing when youre a heathen like myself.

im just going to use craigslist.:ohwell:
im moving to another city and trying to use okc as an avenue to meet new (black) friends and like 90% of the black womens profiles i looked at mentioned god or church. several times. kinda disappointing when youre a heathen like myself.

im just going to use craigslist.:ohwell:

Why don't you try meetup.com? I've met some really good friends on that website.
im moving to another city and trying to use okc as an avenue to meet new (black) friends and like 90% of the black womens profiles i looked at mentioned god or church. several times. kinda disappointing when youre a heathen like myself.

Favorite Book: the Bible


You might get The Bluest Eye somewhere.

To be honest I think the verload of church this god that on such profiles is cos they believe it would attract BM so..ignore it til you actually meet them :lol:
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Favorite Book: the Bible


You might get The Bluest Eye somewhere.

To be honest I think the verload of church this god that on such profiles is cos they believe it would attract BM so..ignore it til you actually meet them :lol:


Can't co-sign with the soul food comment on their "findings", but I will on the church, god, religion references being all over most bw dating profiles..I've seen it.

To the bolded above, I wonder how attractive it is really? Even if the man is seeking a religious woman, I wonder if leading by your religion in a dating profile will get the responses you seek?
you know, I think that I have seen a ton of BP say they like the movie Soul Food on their profiles, if anything I see them naming anything other than soul food as favorite foods. Me thinks there is a bit of miscommunication.
RoundEyedGirl504 said:
you know, I think that I have seen a ton of BP say they like the movie Soul Food on their profiles, if anything I see them naming anything other than soul food as favorite foods. Me thinks there is a bit of miscommunication.

:lol: that's a great point! Hadn't thought of that. And evidently the non-black people who analyzed the data were clueless too.
Music and dancing—merengue, bachata, reggaeton, salsa—are obviously very important to Latinos of both genders. The men have two other fascinating things going on: an interest in telling you about their sense of humor (i'm a funny guy, very funny, outgoing and funny, etc.) and an interest in industrial strength ***-kicking (mma, ufc, boxing, marines, etc.) Basically, if a Latin dude tells you a joke, you should laugh.

I definitely notice the high amount of religious references on the profiles of black men. I often wonder if this is something that they think black women (or women in general) want to hear or if that's really how they feel. For someone like me who isn't extremely religious, that's a turn off and makes it hard.

Can't co-sign with the soul food comment on their "findings", but I will on the church, god, religion references being all over most bw dating profiles..I've seen it.

To the bolded above, I wonder how attractive it is really? Even if the man is seeking a religious woman, I wonder if leading by your religion in a dating profile will get the responses you seek?

Actually I think it would make most potential partner uncomfortable. What's wrong with soul food? :look:
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im moving to another city and trying to use okc as an avenue to meet new (black) friends and like 90% of the black womens profiles i looked at mentioned god or church. several times. kinda disappointing when youre a heathen like myself.

im just going to use craigslist.:ohwell:

You and me both. It's so awkward living in the bible belt being agnostic. You find someone you can get along with and have a few things in common then they land you with the following:

"Do you want to come to my church?"
"What church do you go to?"
"Do want to come by my Bible study?


Now I have to make up some excuse and move on. Experience shows that if you tell a religious christian you're not religious, they'll spend the next 60 minutes convincing you that you need to change your ways and the proof of God. Sigh...

I just want friends that look like me and accept me for who I am. Is that so much to ask? How is it my black friends are either Afro-Caribbean or biracial? Where should I move to to make some nice not so religious black friends?
You and me both. It's so awkward living in the bible belt being agnostic. You find someone you can get along with and have a few things in common then they land you with the following:

"Do you want to come to my church?"
"What church do you go to?"
"Do want to come by my Bible study?


Now I have to make up some excuse and move on. Experience shows that if you tell a religious christian you're not religious, they'll spend the next 60 minutes convincing you that you need to change your ways and the proof of God. Sigh...

I just want friends that look like me and accept me for who I am. Is that so much to ask? How is it my black friends are either Afro-Caribbean or biracial? Where should I move to to make some nice not so religious black friends?

You are not alone in this. I'm not Agnostic, but I haven't really been to church in years. I just stopped going years ago and honestly, haven't missed it in my life. I have pangs of wanting to go to a church, mainly so my daughter can experience it and also have nice wholesome activities to be a part of.

Its pretty isolating being a black woman, in the south, who doesn't go to church. The church experience (service, bible study, choir practice, etc) is a major piece of what binds black southern women together.If you don't participate in that, grand assumptions are made about who you are and how you live your life.
^^^ I believe this. Also men may not state that in their profiles but they often want a traditional christian as a partner. It's such a huge part of our culture it's often hard to date when you're not a traditional Christian.
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You are not alone in this. I'm not Agnostic, but I haven't really been to church in years. I just stopped going years ago and honestly, haven't missed it in my life. I have pangs of wanting to go to a church, mainly so my daughter can experience it and also have nice wholesome activities to be a part of.

Its pretty isolating being a black woman, in the south, who doesn't go to church. The church experience (service, bible study, choir practice, etc) is a major piece of what binds black southern women together.If you don't participate in that, grand assumptions are made about who you are and how you live your life.

Thanks telling me this. I thought I was alone in this problem. I have lots of friends of different ethnicities, but when it came down to AA friends it's always so hard to find that thinks like me. It's a very lonely feeling. But at the same time, it's made me form good relations with different people and given me a good perspective.

^^^ I believe this. Also men may not state that in their profiles but they often want a traditional christian as a partner. It's such a huge part of our culture it's often hard to date when you're not a traditional Christian.

I knew there was a reason southern black men and I never see eye to eye. I'm definitely not a traditional christian woman, so the idea of submit to a man makes me really irritated. Sadly, I would prefer more of a partnership. Explaining this to people is like explaining calculus. I'm happy being with non-black men, but I hate that my options are cut off like this!

It's so irritating. Every time I see something like Girlfriends or Living Single, I feel deprived of the eternal sisterhood presented. Maybe if I move to someplace more liberal, things will get better.
Thanks telling me this. I thought I was alone in this problem. I have lots of friends of different ethnicities, but when it came down to AA friends it's always so hard to find that thinks like me. It's a very lonely feeling. But at the same time, it's made me form good relations with different people and given me a good perspective.

I knew there was a reason southern black men and I never see eye to eye. I'm definitely not a traditional christian woman, so the idea of submit to a man makes me really irritated. Sadly, I would prefer more of a partnership. Explaining this to people is like explaining calculus. I'm happy being with non-black men, but I hate that my options are cut off like this!

It's so irritating. Every time I see something like Girlfriends or Living Single, I feel deprived of the eternal sisterhood presented. Maybe if I move to someplace more liberal, things will get better.

Maybe.' But I live in the "liberal" Bay Area and there are few black men worth the trouble IMO.

I've heard Asheville NC is a great place to find progressive black people. Does any body know if that's true?
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Maybe.' But I live in the "liberal" Bay Area and there are few black men worth the trouble IMO.

I'm in the Bay Area too and I agree on this one.:yep: I'm not shedding any tears over it though.

As for the OP, I saw that list years ago. I'm not going to get into how stereotypical the lists are--as if people don't exist who don't fit into these boxes.:rolleyes: What I take away from it is a sort of explanation why I'm drawn more to non-BM.:look: A lot of the posts in this thread let me know I'm not alone.